

Bringing the World to Jesus

Instructions for creating your page

1. Title the page "Why I Choose The Catholic Road to Jesus".

Six steps to creating your page:

A.) First, type your Catholic testimony on any word processor. Simply answer the question: "Why  are you Catholic?".

B.) At this point you need to surf on to the template page by clicking on http://www.catholicprophecy.info/Catholic/cattemp.html

C.) Now if you are using Netscape Gold or Communicator then simply click on File in the upper left hand corner of the page and slide down to edit. If you are using internet explorer you will do the same thing except using FrontPage� Express (formerly FrontPad). If on the other hand you are using a browser that does not include a page editor you can download AOLPRESS (for free) at http://www.primehost.com/download/index.htm. This is actually the program I use to update my daily news pages for the Tribulation Times.

D.) For those people using AOLPRESS, just run the program, and then click on open and type in http://www.catholicprophecy.info/Catholic/cattemp.html.

E.) Now just cut and paste from your previously created word processor document into the template page.  To cut and paste highlight your entire text on your word processor, then click on edit on the top border of the page and slide down to copy.  Then go to your HTML authoring program (Netscape Composer, Internet Explorer Front Page Express, or Aolpress) click on edit and slide down to paste.  

F.) Be sure to SAVE YOUR WORK! Save the file by once again going to the upper left hand corner of the page, clicking on file and sliding down to "Save as".  Now type in your initial, followed by your age, followed by ".html".  For example my file would be saved as: "wz39.html".

Once the page is saved as an html file you simply email it to me as an attachment. I will then upload it up to my web server.

My eventual address in the above example would be: http://www.catholicprophecy.info/Catholic/wz39.html

2. Please be sure that the web page is no larger than 33k including images (but not including the 28k vatican.jpg background or the14k of the jubilaeum.jpg).

If you find the above too technically difficult, don't despair!  Your Catholic testimony is too valuable to waste!  Simply mail your word processor document to me at [email protected] and I or one of my assistant web authors will convert it to an html page for you.

(Luke 8:16) "No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light".

God bless you!

Catholic Testimonies


If you are a web author and would like to help
