A Chronicle Depicting the Lateness of the
Contemporary Christian
Trib Times Special Report: A Watchman's View of the Kosovo Crisis
April 30, 1999
Cloning Can Cause Serious Health Problems -Study
French scientists raised fresh fears Friday about the dangers of cloning humans, saying it may cause serious long-term health problems.
Researchers at France's Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique said a cow they cloned with DNA from an adult somatic cell appeared healthy but died from anemia at seven weeks.
They believe the animal, whose immune system did not develop properly after birth, died because of errors in its DNA genetic reprogramming during the cloning process.
``This is the first report of a long-lasting defect associated with somatic cloning,'' Dr Jean-Paul Renard and his colleagues said in a report in The Lancet medical journal.
``Our observation should be taken into account in debates on reproductive cloning in human beings.''
Cloning animals from adult somatic cells, which make up most of the body, is difficult because the DNA from the adult cells need to be reprogrammed, or set back to their embryonic state. The French cow was cloned from a cell taken from the ear of an adult cow that was an embryonic clone.
Renard and his team suspect something went wrong in the cloning process that interfered with the clone's genetic reprogramming which stopped its immune system from developing.
(Isa 37:16) "O LORD Almighty, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.
At Swarthmore, Words About Words That Exclude
Since the 1860s, when the first students graduated from Swarthmore College, their diplomas have included the words in the year of our Lord.
Now, some faculty members and students are questioning whether the phrase is still appropriate at a time when the Christian-rooted "our Lord" might not include everyone. Next fall, in a decision that may be seen as either political correctness run amok over tradition or an acknowledgment of the multiculturalism of its campus, the Swarthmore faculty will vote on whether the phrase should be removed or altered. The wording has struck some at the school, founded by Quakers in 1864, as excluding a significant portion of the students, who come from different faiths and ethnic backgrounds.
(Luke 18:8) I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
165. The man who loves God benefits from both praise and blame: if commended
for his good actions he grows more zealous, and if reproved for his sins
he is brought to repentance. Our outward life should accord with our inner
progress, and our prayers to God with our life.
April 29, 1999
Modified goats may produce ... spider silk
News that a Canadian biotechnology company has cloned goat triplets prompted warnings on Tuesday that the technology involved could lead to the cloning of humans.
The company, Montreal-based Nexia Biotechnologies Inc., said on Monday that the cloning was a first step in its plan to produce spider silk in goat's milk and turn it into a super-strong material for medical use.
The development spurred admiration and fear in Canada. "It means it is probably not so hard to do with humans," said Margaret Somerville, ethics specialist at Montreal's McGill University.
(Isa 59:5-6) They hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider's web. Whoever eats their eggs will die, and when one is broken, an adder is hatched. Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands.
Great Expectation In Faithful For This Sunday's Beatification Of Padre Pio
Thousands of pilgrims from Italy and many parts of the world will fill Rome this weekend to participate in the beatification ceremony of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.
Related Links:
Catholic World News on Padre Pio
EWTN Mini-Site in Honor of the Beatification of Padre Pio
A Padre Pio Celebration- TV Schedule
Padre Pio Related Conversion Story
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
165. The man who loves God benefits from both praise and blame: if commended
for his good actions he grows more zealous, and if reproved for his sins
he is brought to repentance. Our outward life should accord with our inner
progress, and our prayers to God with our life.
April 28, 1999
Researchers clone genetically engineered goats
Massachusetts researchers say they have cloned three goats that are genetically altered to produce a protein in their milk that might be used to treat heart attack and stroke victims.
"Layering the cloning on top of the transgenics (gene-altering) work is important in getting the therapeutic proteins to the patients in the most efficient manner possible," said Sandra Nusinoff Lehrman, president and chief executive officer of Genzyme.
(Lev 19:19) "'Keep my decrees. "'Do not mate different kinds of animals. "'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. "'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
For an analysis of the spiritual implications of cloning: Eyedoctor's Site: The Desolating Abomination.
National Day of Prayer- May 6, 1999
As many people know, May 6, 1999 is designated as National Day of Prayer. We know that 'the prayers of the righteous availeth much' (-James 5:16). We also know that God inhabits the PRAISES of His people (Psalm 22:3) and this year we would like to incorporate into the Day of Prayer, a specific Hour of Corporate Praise to Him. Imagine millions of Christians raising a voice of praise in one accord to the Father of all creation! We expect chains of darkness to be broken all over this ever-darkening world (-Acts 16:25 & 26)! The time of 3-4 p.m. Jerusalem time (8-9 a.m. EST, etc) has been chosen to 'enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with PRAISE' (-Psalm 100:4) because that was the approximate time that Jesus took on the sins of the world (-Matthew 27:46). Please join us in this designated hour of praise to God Almighty.
Please note this on your very important TO DO list for May 6, 1999 and forward this to everyone you know who will want to participate in an hour of corporate Praise.
Source: becky [mailto:[email protected]]
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
164. The haughty and the conceited gladly agree together; for the haughty
man praises the conceited man who fawns on him in a servile manner, while
the conceited man extols the haughty man who continually praises him.
April 27, 1999
Victims of Spiritual Warfare Mourned
(Rev 12:12) Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."
'You are not alone': Nation mourns with Littleton
The nation mourned the loss of 12 Columbine High School students and a teacher Sunday as more than 70,000 people gathered in Littleton for a memorial.
Thousand gather to remember victims of Serb TV bombing
Up to a thousand people gathered Monday in front of the Belgrade city morgue to honor the memory of six Serbian state television employees killed in a NATO air strike on their building last week.
(Mat 5:4) Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Mary Ann Glendon Doubts This Is "Just War"
Mary Ann Glendon, Harvard Law Professor and Vatican representative at the Beijing Conference on Woman, said that regarding the Catholic doctrine of the "just war," some "very specific conditions must be present. The first is that force must be the last recourse, after attempting other possible solutions. Given the history of the region, in this case, we are not certain that all other possible diplomatic initiatives were exhausted. Moreover, the war must result in a greater good than the evil it causes and this is also doubtful."
At present, what we have witnessed as part of the results is "the acceleration of the 'ethnic cleansing,' the bombs which are destroying Yugoslavia and striking many civilians, and the probable destabilization of the whole region. We do not know if the intervention will be successful, but it is not likely that the good brought about will compensate for the evil already wrought."
In addition, "the use of force should be proportionate to the objectives. In this instance, the objectives are uncertain, while the bombing is of great intensity. In summary, the queries which remain unanswered are too many to be able to regard the offensive in Yugoslavia as a just war."
"The Matrix" fans: Take the red pill!! Wake up to the spiritual war around you!
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
163. When you see two evil men befriending one another, you may be sure that
each is co-operating with the other's desires.
April 26, 1999
Experts: U.S.-Russian relations at 15-year low
U.S.-Russian relations have deteriorated to their worst level since the fall of the Iron Curtain, partially because of NATO's inclusion of three former Soviet bloc nations and its bombing of Serbia, academics say.
Besides NATO issues, Russia's economic collapse on August 17, 1998, when it devalued its currency, the ruble, and announced a debt moratorium, threw a nation of 153 million people into a destabilized and disoriented state.
"There is now a displaced resentment and anger at not being able to make ends meet in Russia," said Marshall Shulman, a retired international relations professor at Columbia. "It is an anxious time" in the history of U.S.-Russian relations.
Prophecies of Thomas S. Gibson
April 24, 1999 (Prophecy, #214); Kosovo:
Kosovo, Kosovo, Kosovo. For they could have repented. They could have turned unto the ways of the Lord, but they did not!
Wow unto America. Woe unto America. Woe unto America. They time of judgment is coming. You do not see it. You do not understand.
But woe unto America, for your judgment day is coming. You believe you have set yourself right, to do the things you believe can be done in safety and without harm to your army.
But I say, woe unto America, for little by little, war by war, piece by piece, YOU SHALL BE DRAWN INTO conflict after conflict, till you can no longer protect yourself.
Our Lady of Medjugorje's Monthly Message 04/25/99
"Dear children!
Also today I call you to prayer. Little children, be joyful carriers of peace and love in this peaceless world. By fasting and prayer, witness that you are mine and that you live my messages. Pray and seek! I am praying and interceding for you before God that you convert; that your life and behavior always be Christian. Thank you for having responded to my call."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
162. He who does not make his will agree with God is tripped up by his own
schemes and falls into the hands of his enemies.
April 25, 1999
NATOs New "Visit and Search" Regime Will Not Sit Well with Russia
The NATO announced "visit and search" regime could become a bone of contention between Russia and NATO. In an effort to increase pressure on Belgrade, NATO has stated that the stopping and searching of any vessel suspected of transporting arms or oil to Yugoslavia is now an acceptable way to enforce the embargo on the Serbs.
The catch is that the Russians announced on April 23rd that they would continue to supply oil to Yugoslavia. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov stated yesterday that Russia "will not do anything that could add to the suffering of the people of Yugoslavia and under our international commitments we will continue to provide oil." Today, Russian envoy to Yugoslavia Victor Chernomyrdin denounced the planned blockade saying "The problem in Kosovo can neither be solved by bombing nor by a blockade."
There now exists a situation in which NATO troops may attempt to board and search Russian ships destined for Yugoslavia. Russia, blatantly opposed to the NATO military actions and seeking a diplomatic solution to the crisis through Chernomyrdin, will surely resent this, certainly challenge NATOs authority and may not allow it to happen. How NATO intends to enforce this method of enforcing the embargo is not clear.
Message Padre Pio (to be beatified May 2) received for us, at the foot of the Cross where he received the Stigmata:
You call Me the Way but you don't follow Me
You call Me the Light but you don't see Me
You call Me the Teacher but you don't listen to Me
You call Me the Lord but you don't serve Me
You call Me the Truth but you don't believe in Me
Don't be surprised if one day I don't know you.
We are in the days of choice! Choose Jesus and the Culture of Life!
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
161. He who tries to conquer his own will by means of obedience and prayer
is following a wise ascetic method. His renunciation of external things indicates
his inward struggle.
April 24, 1999
Meningitis has reportedly killed 750 in Sudan in recent weeks
An outbreak of meningitis in central and western Sudan has killed 750 people in the region during the past few weeks, a newspaper reported Friday.
Legionnaires' Outbreak Kills 23
A Legionnaires' disease outbreak traced to a flower show claimed another victim Friday, raising the death toll from the pneumonia-like illness to 23 since February, the Dutch Health Ministry said Friday.
Lethal outbreak in Malaysia expected to end soon
Experts said Friday that an outbreak of viral encephalitis that has claimed about 100 lives in Malaysia is expected to be over soon.
Malaysian authorities had probably eliminated the main source of the outbreak by killing pigs in affected areas. Soldiers have killed 890,703 pigs in the states of Negeri Sembilan, Perak and Selangor, according to Malaysia's health ministry.
(Luke 21:11) There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
160. Those who are under the sway of passions must pray and be obedient.
For even when they receive help, they can only just manage to fight against
their prepossessions.
April 23, 1999
John Paul II Recalls "Forgotten Wars"
"From Angola to the Great Lakes, from Congo-Brazzaville to Sierra Leone, from Guinea Bissau to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, from the Horn of Africa to Sudan, there is a long and bitter series of internal conflicts, as well as inter-Nation conflicts which, above all, strike innocent peoples and affect the lives of the Catholic communities," the Pope said.
The Holy Father repeated to the leaders of these warring communities the same words which Jesus spoke after the Resurrection: "Peace be with you."
"May his divine voice be heard by all those who tenaciously resist his message of life!" the Pontiff pleaded.
"May he enlighten the blindness of all those obstinately determined to travel the tortuous paths of hatred and violence, convincing them at last to opt for sincere and patient dialogue, which will end in beneficent solutions for all!"
(Luke 21:10) Then he said to them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
N.H. Legislature approves ending ban on gay adoption
The New Hampshire Legislature gave final approval Thursday to the repeal of a law prohibiting gays to adopt children or serve as foster parents.
The Senate voted 18-6 to repeal the 1987 law, which also requires heterosexual couples wishing to adopt or be foster parents to sign a form attesting that no adult in the household is gay.
The bill passed the House last month, and Gov. Jeanne Shaheen has said she will sign it.
The repeal leaves Florida as the only state where adoption by gays is prohibited by state law. At least two other states - Arkansas and Utah - use state agency rules to prevent gays from adopting.
(Jude 1:7) In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
159. He who is under the power of sin cannot by himself prevail over the
will of the flesh, because he suffers continual stimulation in all his
April 22, 1999
Crime and Punishment?
Report: Abandonment of baby girls increasing rapidly in China
The number of unwanted baby girls abandoned in China is increasing rapidly and the nation's orphanages are unable to care for all of them, the former head of China's family planning agency acknowledged today.
Abandonment is a highly sensitive issue in China because it is a side effect of the government's strict limits on family size for the past two decades. While urban Chinese are limited to one child per family, most rural residents may have a second child if their first is a girl. Those desperate to fulfill a traditional desire for boys in some cases abandon daughters so that they can try again for a son.
China faces even worse flooding than last year, officials warn
A severe drought could combine with sudden rains to create even larger floods along China's Yangtze River than those last year that killed 4,125 and left tens of millions homeless, environmental officials said today.
With China suffering its worst drought in more than a decade, the ground has become too parched to absorb this summer's seasonal rain.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
158. All bodily pleasure results from previous laxity, and laxity results
from lack of faith.
April 21, 1999
Another End-times Parable?
(Rev 5:5) Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals."
Lions, hyenas battle for domination in southeastern Ethiopia
Lions and hyenas have waged a fierce weeklong fight in Ethiopia's Gobele wilderness, and the bloody battle's cause remains a mystery, the Ethiopian News Agency reported Tuesday.
The animals might have fought over some unknown vendetta. The lions succeeded in chasing away the hyenas after what policemen and local residents described as a ''ferocious battle,'' the agency reported.
Although hyenas are better known as scavengers, picking at the remains of animals already killed, they often attack animals and humans in packs when provoked.
An unidentified villager told the news agency the hyenas spent their days hiding in caves, and came out at night to joust with the lions.
(John 3:19-20) This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
More obvious (and tragic) spiritual warfare
Two suspects among possible 18 dead in Colorado school rampage
(2 Tim 3:1) But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
(1 Th 5:17) Pray without ceasing.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
157. Just as suffering and dishonour usually give birth to virtues, so pleasure
and self-esteem usually give birth to vices.
April 20, 1999
Yugoslavia's four main religious leaders sign an appeal for an end to NATO bombing
The joint appeal was signed by the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Pavle, Roman Catholic Archbishop France Perko, Islamic leader Mufti Hamdija Jusufspahic and the Rabbi Isak Asiel, Tanjug said. The four met in Patriarch Pavle's office in the capital, Belgrade.
According to the agency, the four religious leaders pointed to the innocent victims of the NATO air campaign, as well as the huge material destruction which, they said, ''threatens to suspend future life.''
No end in sight for worsening drought
Scientists say 1999 is shaping up to be another year of unpredictable and destructive weather conditions. Portions of the American South and Midwest are being strangled by a spotty but tenacious drought that has been gripping parts of the nation for several months.
"It's all or nothing," said Mark Svoboda, a forecaster with the National Drought Mitigation Center in Lincoln, Nebraska. "For some places, the dryness has become an intense event."
(Jer 50:38) A drought on her waters! They will dry up. For it is a land of idols, idols that will go mad with terror.
Israel remembers its fallen soldiers
With a wail of sirens and flags at half-staff, Israelis began a one-day mourning period Monday to remember the 18,939 soldiers killed in battle since the start of the nation's war for independence in 1947.
Memorial Day was ushered in at 8 p.m. local time with sirens blaring across the nation. In stores, cars, and on street corners, Israelis paused for a moment of silent reflection to remember fallen soldiers and victims of terrorist attacks. Israel's president presided over a state ceremony at Jerusalem's Western Wall together with bereaved families.
(Hosea 1:7) Yet I will show love to the house of Judah; and I will save them--not by bow, sword or battle, or by horses and horsemen, but by the LORD their God."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
156. If you refuse to accept suffering and dishonour, do not claim to be
in a state of repentance because of your other virtues. For self-esteem-and
insensitivity can serve sin even under the cover of virtue.
April 19, 1999
Wars by the dozen have convulsed parts of the world this decade, killing people by the million.
Dr. Stephen A. Rinehart writes:
Our Bishop, John H Ricard of Pensacola-Tallahassee was in Macedonia over Easter Sunday to visit refugee camps bordering on Kosovo. He traveled there as President of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) with the organizations executive director, Kenneth F Hackett.
CRS made an additional donation of $600,000 to aid those suffering as a result of the Balkan conflict. In a letter to our diocese Bishop Ricard said that he saw first hand the unimaginable suffering and starvation of the refugees escaping from Kosovo.
Bishop Ricard said the best way to help from many who have asked is to give financial aid directly to CRS. He said that giving clothes does not help all that much because of the cost of shipping overseas is very expensive. Catholic Relief Services is accepting donations to the Kosovo emergency at:
PO Box 17090
Baltimore, MD 21203-7090
CRS will also take donations by phone at: (800) 736-3467.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
155. The man who possesses spiritual knowledge and understands the truth
confesses to God, not by recalling what he has done, but by accepting patiently
what comes.
April 18, 1999
(Acts 2:18-19) Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out
my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the
heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows
Smoke from fire rattles S. Florida
A huge brush fire in the Everglades and a storm that carried too much wind but not enough rain propelled black smoke, white ash, choking fumes and considerable anxiety through vast reaches of South Florida on Saturday.
A dark veil descended on downtown Miami. Thick deposits of ash covered cars in Plantation, Weston, and other suburbs. Shoppers, golfers, tourists and others suddenly were compelled to breathe through handkerchiefs, scarves and other makeshift, hand-held filters.
``The sky darkened and smoke poured down the streets,'' said Maryann Flanagan, a Pembroke Pines police spokeswoman.
Everglades blaze continues to grow
(Mat 3:12) His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
154. Trials come upon us because of our former sins, bringing what is appropriate
to each offence.
April 17, 1999
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan
at St. Joseph's Catholic
Church, Emmitsburg, MD
April 15, 1999
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Pray, little ones, for peace in the world, peace
in the family and
peace in your souls. The battle between good and evil has commenced.
You must be a soldier of Christ and pray, pray, pray! There is
tremendous pain and suffering in the world and the evil one has plans
only to intensify the sufferings.
God is with you, little children, even though it
may seem heaven
has closed the gate of God's mercy. Jesus is with you. He died
each one of you. He loves you. Justice will prevail and the
righteousness of God will slay evil. Be on guard! Silence from
does not indicate defeat. When you think you are safe and secure, the
enemy strikes. So too is it with God. You do not know the time
Always remain close to My Son. Submerge yourself
into His Most
Sacred Heart and hide within His wounds. There you will be safe.
the evil one thinks he has conquered the world, the righteousness of God
will destroy him and all the effects of evil in a flash of a moment.
Pray, little children, for all peoples. Pray
that all will come to
love Jesus and desire peace. Tensions are certain to intensify around
the world before the new dawn is met with God's mercy and justice.
Me in loving all people and performing works of mercy. God will not
abandon you.
I thank Him for allowing Me to be here with you.
Peace to you. I
take your petitions to My Son whose blessings rest upon you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
153. If you wish to make a blameless confession to God do not go over your
failings in detail, but firmly resist their renewed attacks.
April 16, 1999
Prayer Guide for Kosovo Crisis
Southwestern Bell and Pacific Bell have set up e-mail services for the families of the 3 soldiers who are being held captive in Yugoslavia.
Please take a moment and send them an e-mail of support and let them know that we are praying for Andrew, Christopher and Steven as well as for their families.
SSGT Andrew A. Ramirez
[email protected] (click here)
SSGT Christopher Stone
[email protected] (click here)
SPC Steven M.Gonzales
[email protected] (click here)
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
152. When the intellect through reflection of the passions attains to unwavering
hope, then the enemy makes it visualize its past sins on the pretext of
confessing them to God. Thus he tries to rekindle passions which by God's
grace have been forgotten, and so secretly to inflict injury. Then, even
though someone is illumined and hates the passions, he will inevitably be
filled with darkness and confusion at the memory of what he has done. But
if he is still befogged and self-indulgent, he will certainly dally with
the enemy's provocations and entertain them under the influence of passion,
so that this recollection will prove to be a prepossession and not a
(Note: Prepossession is the involuntary presence of former sins in the memory).
April 15, 1999
Prayer: Most Effective Arms Against Madness of War
Vatican Paper Warns Against Temptation to Revenge
"In face of arms and the 'reasons' given by those who destroy man, one must use the arms of prayer, the instrument of the builders of a story of love of the sincere man of solidarity," the unsigned article on the front page continues. "Undoubtedly peace is a commitment of man, but above all it is a gift of God." Because of this, at this time it is more necessary than ever to have that "intimate conviction of the efficacy of prayer, of its power to defeat the visceral character of violence, of its capacity to see the triumph of real justice without the use of force. A necessary justice, which is concrete and sincerely inspired in the right of man, even before the established right or, worse yet, in the arrogance of force."
"Prayer is not an illusion. It is not the arms of the desperate, but of those who have the hope of building peace and the future," the article concludes.
Russian Warships Ready For Mediterranean Duty
The first group of ships, expected to monitor the NATO bombing in Yugoslavia, would pass on April 15-16, the second on April 18-19 and the third on April 21-22.
"Our ships are ready at the base; when they receive the order of the commander they will set off," a spokesman for Russia's naval fleet said by telephone.
"Booking passage through the Bosphorus indicates an intention to set sail, it is no longer just talk," a naval analyst said.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
151. To recall past sins in detail inflicts injury on the man who hopes in
God. For when such recollection brings remorse it deprives him of hope; but
if he pictures the sins to himself without remorse, they pollute him again
with the old defilement.
April 14, 1999
Fire as an Endtimes Sign-1999
(Acts 2:18-19) Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.
Easing wind lets crews get upper hand on forest fires
Wind abated today and allowed firefighters to gain the upper hand over more than a dozen fires that had burned at least 1,500 acres across western North Carolina, but dry weather sent the fire danger soaring elsewhere in the Southeast.
In Florida, however, dry, windy weather raised the threat of wildfires and Gov. Jeb Bush declared a state of emergency today, allowing the National Guard to help firefighting efforts.
Bush noted that the state Division of Forestry's index of fire potential exceeded 600 today, and 400 already denotes significant danger.
Brush fires on both coasts of central Florida on Monday blackened at least 1,400 acres and destroyed three homes. And weekend fires in southern Florida burned hundreds of acres of brush and grass southwest of Miami.
Weeks of drought also have dried out Georgia's forests and the state Forestry Commission reported 131 fires on Monday with more expected today. That follows 119 fires during the weekend that forced a precautionary evacuation of campers and briefly closed a major highway north of Atlanta.
(Luke 12:49) "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
150. He who has come to know the truth does not oppose the afflictions that
befall him, for he knows that they lead him to the fear of God.
April 13, 1999
The Politics of War
From Friday's News:
Yeltsin Pleases Foes With Tough Anti-NATO Stand
President Boris Yeltsin on Friday dramatically raised the stakes over Yugoslavia in a move which analysts said was meant to appease Communist sentiments and so dodge a humiliating impeachment hearing due next week.
Russian parliament delays impeachment vote
Clinton willing to risk global war in desperate attempt to redefine legacy
Bill Clinton's failing Kosovo war is part of a desperate, dangerous and fatally flawed plan by a scandal-ridden President to salvage a legacy for the history books, White House and Pentagon insiders say.
Ten killed in train bombing in Serbia
Serb officials said at least nine people aboard the passenger train were killed and 16 injured when a NATO warplane bombed it. The private news agency Beta said a 10th body was found later and that officials feared the toll would rise even higher.
The allies said the train was not deliberately targeted, but acknowledged it may have been accidentally hit during an airstrike on a railway bridge.
(Rom 12:19) Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
149. In saying this we are not forgetting the blessings of the life to come
or limiting the universal reward to the present life. We are simply affirming
that it is necessary in the first place to have the grace of the Holy Spirit
energizing the heart and so, in proportion to this energizing, to enter into
the kingdom of heaven. The Lord made this clear in saying: 'The kingdom
of heaven is within you' (cf. Luke 17:21). The Apostle, too, said the same:
'Faith is the substance of things hoped for' (Heb. 11:1); 'Run, that you
may reach your goal' (1 Cor. 9:24); 'Examine yourselves whether you are in
the faith....Do you not know...that Jesus Christ is in you unless you are
worthless' (2 Cor. 13:5).
April 12, 1999
True Story and an Interesting Look Back
True Story
As many of you know, I spent the last week on a Eastern Caribbean cruise celebrating my daughter's fifteenth birthday. For people of Hispanic heritage, a girl's fifteenth birthday is the equivalent of the American "sweet sixteen". Rather than a birthday party with elaborate choreographed dances, a rented ballroom and fancy evening gowns my daughter chose to have an intimate family vacation. Thank God!
Okay Dr. Z., I know that you have a wonderful daughter but what does this have to do with prophecy!!
I was just getting to that. On Saturday evening my daughter was helping my now 33-week pregnant wife pack for our return home when she suddenly realized that she had forgotten her shorts (which she had been wearing over her bathing suit) on a lounge chair on the upper deck. Now this is unusual (had it been my thirteen year old boy it would not have been surprising AT ALL), as my daughter is very organized and responsible. Since I don't enjoy packing very much I offered to go up and retrieve her missing shorts.
By that late in the evening, the pool deck was virtually deserted. As I spotted her missing pants on a lounge chair, my gaze was diverted to a book that was lying on an immediately adjacent chair. Though the chair was unoccupied and the book's owner was nowhere to be found, my jaw dropped when I saw the cover. On the cover was a picture of the four young visionaries of Garabandal!! Though I cannot remember for certain the photo looked very much like the one found here. The book seemed to be at least 300 pages in length and was written in Spanish. Amazing coincidence or a prophetic warning??!!!
For more on Garabandal:
An Interesting Look Back
Please click here and scroll down to the February 23 update.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
148. The Law figuratively commands men to work for six days and on the seventh
to rest (cf. Exod. 20:9-10). The term 'work' when applied to the soul signifies
acts of kindness and generosity by means of our possessions- that is, through
material things. But the soul's rest and repose is to sell everything and
'give to the poor' (Matt. 19:21), as Christ Himself said; so through its
lack of possessions it will rest from its work and devote itself to spiritual
hope. Such is the rest into which Paul also exhorts us to enter, saying:
'Let us strive therefore to enter into that rest' (Heb. 4:11).
Eyedoctor's Site Link of the Day: Search Eyedoctor's Site
External Link of the Day: Savvy Search
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
147. If you understand what is said in a mystical sense by St Paul, that
'we wrestle...against spiritual wickedness' (Eph 6:12), you will also understand
the parable of the Lord, which He spoke 'to this end, that men ought always
to pray, and not to lose heart' (Luke 18:1).
Please pray for our three captured soldiers and all of those involved in the Kosovo crisis!!
Eyedoctor's Site Link of the Day: The Warning
External Link of the Day: It's called "The Warning"
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
146. If you wish to be saved and 'to come unto the knowledge of the truth'
(1 Tim. 2:4), endeavor always to transcend sensible things, and through hope
alone to cleave to God. Then you will find principalities and powers fighting
against you (cf. Eph. 6:12), deflecting you against your will and provoking
you to sin. But if you prevail over them through prayer and maintain your
hope, you will receive God's grace, and this will deliver you from the wrath
to come.
Trib Times Special Report: A Watchman's View of the Kosovo Crisis
Eyedoctor's Site Link of the Day: Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure
External Link of the Day: Jim Bramlett Files
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
145. Knowledge of created beings increases the more we observe the commmandments
actively; but knowledge of the truth grows the more we hope in Christ.
Please pray for our three captured soldiers and all of those involved in the Kosovo crisis!!
Eyedoctor's Site Links of the Day:
in the Heavens
and Child Image on Mars
External Links of the Day:
New Biblical Astronomy Section
The Watchman
Spirit Shower -Celestial Events
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
144. Knowledge of created beings is one thing, and knowledge of divine truth
is another. The second surpasses the first just as the sun outshines the
Trib Times Special Report: A Watchman's View of the Kosovo Crisis
Eyedoctor's Site Link of the Day: Catholic Prophecy
External Link of the Day: The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the 20th Century
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
143. Do not ask how a poor man can be self-indulgent when he lacks the material
means. For it is possible to be self-indulgent in a yet more despicable way
through one's thoughts.
Please pray for our three captured soldiers and all of those involved in the Kosovo crisis!!
Eyedoctor's Site Link of the Day: The Desolating Abomination
External Link of the Day: The Five Doves
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
142. He who believes in the blessings of the world to come abstains of his
own accord from the pleasures of this present world. But he who lacks
such faith becomes pleasure-loving and insensitive.
Trib Times Special Report: A Watchman's View of the Kosovo Crisis
Eyedoctor's Site Link of the Day: Be Watchful
External Link of the Day: Kosovo in Crisis
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
141. Fear of hell and love for God's kingdom enable us patiently to accept
affliction; and this they do, not by themselves, but through Him who knows
our thoughts.
April 4, 1999
Happy Easter!
Christos Voskrese! Voistinnu Voskrese!
Christ has Risen! Indeed He has Risen!
Please pray for our three captured soldiers and all of those involved in the Kosovo crisis!!
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
140. Some, when they actively observe the commandments, expect this to outweigh
their sins; others, who observe the commandments without this presumption,
gain the grace of Him who died on account of our sins. We should consider
which of these is right.
April 3, 1999
Holy Saturday
Please pray for our three captured soldiers and all of those involved in the Kosovo crisis!!
Missiles knock out key targets in central Belgrade
O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the
crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and
rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the
coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of
life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Jesus did not die on the Cross for the perfect. He did not die only for the pure of heart. He did not die only for those who do good. Christ died for all. By His wounds we are healed; His death is our salvation. He does not wash His hands of us, does not abandon us, does not torture us with shame and guilt. Rather, He takes our guilt and our sins upon Himself and offers His life as a ransom for ours.
In a few short hours, the Easter Vigil liturgy will begin with the singing of the "Exultet." This ancient prayer reminds us:
Rejoice! Jesus Christ, our King, is risen! Sound the trumpet of salvation!
Rejoice! the Risen Savior shines upon you!
This is the night, when Jesus Christ broke the chains of death and rose,
from the grave.
What good would life have been to us, had Christ not come as our Redeemer?
Night truly blessed! - when Heaven is wedded to Earth, and man is reconciled
with God!
(Hosea 6:1 -2) "Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
139. The mercy of God is hidden in sufferings not of our choice; and if we
accept such sufferings patiently, they bring us to repentance and deliver
us from everlasting punishment.
April 2, 1999
Good Friday
Please pray for our three captured soldiers and all of those involved in the Kosovo crisis!!
Archbishop Chaput: "Share Christ's Cross and Reward"
"The real joy of the Gospel doesn't happen at Christmas. It happens on the other side of Calvary. The cross is the way Christ accomplishes our redemption. Only in being nailed to the wood with Him, can we rise with Him on Easter. In other words, there's no resurrection without the crucifixion".
"In offering God the personal sorrows and sufferings which each of us daily face, we join ourselves to Jesus and share in His sacrifice for the world". "But we also share in the reward, for He draws us with Him out of death into new life on Easter" said the Archbishop, expressing his hope that during Easter celebrations "may God grant us all the gift of encountering Jesus Christ as savior . . . in the Eucharist, at the cross and beyond the empty tomb".
Burial Services of Our Lord - Eastern Rite Church
On Good Friday the Eastern Rite churches process with the Winding Sheet or
Shroud and after we process around the outside of the church The Shroud or
"Plaschanitsa" as we call it is placed in a tomb where all the faithful come
to pay their respects. Surrounding the tomb/grave are
Easter flowers and greenery. On Holy Saturday before the Resurrection
Matins we process again around the outside of the church with candles and
then enter the church where Resurrection Matins are begun and then continue
into the Divine Liturgy. It is a most rewarding experience and a highly
emotional one. If you can attend an Eastern Rite Church for these services
you will be captivated.
We also maintain a vigil around the clock after Friday Burial Services until Saturday when the Resurrection Matins are begun. All the faithful are encouraged to spend an hour with Our Lord during the vigil.
May you all have a Blessed and Holy Easter!
Christos Voskrese! Voistinnu Voskrese!
Christ has Risen! Indeed He has Risen!
Source: "Teresa A. Poloka" <[email protected]>
(Rev 5:12 -13) In a loud voice they sang: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!"
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
138. Acts of kindness and generosity are spoilt by self-esteem, meanness
and pleasure, unless these have first been destroyed by fear of God.
April 1, 1999
Happy Holy Thursday/Passover
Please pray for our three captured soldiers and all of those involved in the Kosovo crisis!!
Virtual Jerusalem Easter/Passover Link
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
From Ask the Rabbi:
Please tell me the meaning of each of the cups that are used during the Seder meal.
The Torah uses four expressions to describe our redemption from Egypt: G-d said to the Jews in Egypt (Exodus 6:6-8):
* "I will take you out from under Egypt's burdens -- Vehotzeiti"
* "And I will save you from their servitude -- Vehitzalti"
* "And I will redeem you -- Vega'alti"
* "And I will take you as My nation -- Velakachti"
We didn't go from a slave nation to being the Chosen People at Mount Sinai overnight. There were different stages of redemption. The above phrases described these different stages. Each cup of wine represents one of these levels.
(end of quote)
At the last supper, Jesus drank of the first three cups but did not drink of the fourth as the Jewish people were not ready to accept him as their Messiah.
(Luke 22:17-18) After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, "Take this and divide it among you. For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes."
For an fascinating look at the Last Supper from a Messianic Jewish perspective please see: Finding Messiah in the Passover.
(Rom 11:25-27) I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
137. Rejoice, not when you do good to someone, but when you endure without
rancour the hostility that follows. For just as night follows day, so acts
of malice follow acts of kindness.
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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