Keep your eyes open!...

Catholic Prophecy

Unapproved Catholic Apparitions

Garabandal: The Warning,  the Miracle, and the Chastisement

There is extensive discussion of these topics already available on the internet.  Rather than repeat these I will refer you to the following sites:

The Warning
St. Michael's Garabandal Center
Garabandal Pines will enlighten the world
The Stations of The Pines (at Garabandal)

VIA Thomas Fahey: The Continuation of Fatima at San Sebastian de Garabandal

Additional commentary from the EWTN Experts Site:

"It seems, therefore, that notwithstanding the decisions of two commissions accepted by the bishops of Santander, that there are reasonable grounds for individual Catholics to find Garabandal credible. The children themselves predicted that the message of Garabandal would be approved with difficulty, but in sufficient time to spread it. Perhaps this means that the 'warning' (a clearly supernatural event) must occur first for approval to be given. Given the seriousness of the times we do well to heed the message of conversion, whether proposed by Fátima or some other source such as Garabandal, Medjugorje or another, without fear, that is, with complete confidence in God's providence for us and the world. The future will take care of itself if we remain spiritually prepared for anything. This has always been the advice of the saints, anyway."

Update from Garabandal:  In April, Conchita sent Joey Lomangino a copy of a letter dated February 12, 2007 from Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander in Spain to a prominent Garabandal supporter in that country. We are encouraged by the tone of the Archbishop's letter which seems to indicate a warm familiarity with the apparitions and points to a new openness of the Hierarchy of the Church to the events at Garabandal. He also reasserts authorization for priests to go to Garabandal on pilgrimage and say Mass and hear confessions. With Conchita's permission we reprint an excerpt; "I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal , and would like to continue-as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator-the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and hold Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it.

I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome.

I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother."

-Carlos, Archbishop of Oviedo

Via Garabandal Centre - Brisbane: I can confirm that the updated information above is correct. The extract of Archbishop Carlos's letter was sent by Conchita to the New York Centre run by the Lomanginos. It is very positive news and the first time the Spanish hierarchy have been so supportive of the Garabandal apparitions.

Tony Kissane, National Director


CRISIS MAGAZINE: What is Happening at Medjugorje?

The Church and Medjugorje

Father Tomislav Vlasic's Letter to Pope John Paul II

In his letter to the Pope of December 16th Tomislav Vlasic reports on
the revelations which Mirjana received in 1982 and has trusted to him
on November 5th 1983. The letter reads as follows:
After the apparition of the Blessed Virgin on November 30, 1983, Maria
Pavlovic came to me and said, 'The Madonna says that the Supreme
Pontiff and the Bishop must be advised immediately of the urgency and
great importance of the message of Medjugorje.'

This letter seeks to fulfill that duty.

1. Five young people (Vicka Ivankovic, Maria Pavlovic, Ivanka
Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, and Jakov Colo) see an apparition of the
Blessed Virgin every day. The experience in which they see her is a
fact that can be checked by direct observation. It has been filmed.
During the apparitions, the youngsters do not react to light, they do
not hear sounds, they do not react if someone touches them, they feel
that they are beyond time and space.

All of the youngsters basically agree that:

* "We see the Blessed Virgin just as we see anyone else. We pray
with her, we speak to her, and we can touch her."
* "The blessed Virgin says that world peace is at a critical stage.
She repeatedly calls for reconciliation and conversion."
* "She has promised to leave a visible sign for all humanity at the
site of the apparitions of Medjugorje."
* "The period preceding this visible sign is a time of grace for
conversion and deepening the faith."
* "The Blessed Virgin has promised to disclose ten secrets to us. So
far, Vicka Ivankovic has received eight. Marija Pavlovic received
the ninth one on december 8, 1983. Jakov Colo, Ivan Dragicevic and
Ivanka Ivankovic have each received nine. Only Mirjana Dragicevic
has received all ten."
* "These apparitions are the last apparitions of the Blessed Virgin
on earth. That is why they are lasting so long and occurring so

2. The Blessed Virgin no longer appears to Mirjana Dragicevic. The
last time she saw one of the daily apparitions was Christmas 1982.
Since then the apparitions have ceased for her, except on her birthday
(March 18, 1983). Mirjana knew that this would occur.

According to Mirjana, the Madonna confided the tenth and last secret
to her during the apparition on December 25, 1982. She also disclosed
the dates on which the different secrets will come to pass. The
Blessed Virgin has revealed to Mirjana many things about the future,
more than to any of the other youngsters so far. For that reason I am
reporting below what Mirjana told me during our conversation on
November 5, 1983. I am summarizing the substance of her account,
without word-for-word quotations:

* Mirjana said that before the visible sign is given to humanity,
there will be three warnings to the world. The warnings will be in
the form of events on earth. Mirjana will be a witness to them.
Three days before one of the admonitions, Mirjana will notify a
priest of her choice. The witness of Mirjana will be a
confirmation of the apparitions and a stimulus for the conversion
of the world.
* After the admonitions, the visible sign will appear on the site of
the apparitions in Medjugorje for all the world to see. The sign
will be given as a testimony to the apparitions and in order to
call the people back to the faith.
* The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. They concern chasticement
for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable, for we cannot
expect the whole world to be converted. The punishment can be
diminished by prayer and penance, but it cannot be eliminated.
Mirjana says that one of the evils that threatened the world, the
one contained in the seventh secret, has been averted, thanks to
prayer and fasting. That is why the Blessed Virgin continues to
encourage prayer and fasting:
"You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert
war and suspend the laws of nature."
* After the first admonition, the others will follow in a rather
short time. Thus, people will have some time for conversion.
* That interval will be a period of grace and conversion. After the
visible sign appears, those who are still alive will have little
time for conversion. For that reason, the Blessed Virgin invites
us to urgent conversion and reconciliation.
* The invitation to prayer and penance is meant to avert evil and
war, but most of all to save souls.
* According to Mirjana, the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin
are near. By virtue of this experience, Mirjana proclaims to the
'Hurry, be converted; open your hearts to God.'

In addition to this basic message, Mirjana related an apparition she
had in 1982, which we believe sheds some light on some aspects of
Church history. She spoke of an apparition in which Satan appeared to
her disguised as the Blessed Virgin. Satan asked Mirjana to renounce
the Madonna and follow him. That way she could be happy in love and in
life. He said that following the Virgin, on the contrary, would only
lead to suffering. Mrjana rejected him, and immediately the Virgin
arrived and Satan disappeared. Then the Blessed Virgin gave her the
following message in substance:

"Excuse me for this, but you must realize that Satan exists. One day
he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit
the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the
Church for one century. This century is under the power of the devil;
but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be
destroyed. Even now he is beginning to lose his power and has become
aggressive. He is destroying marriages, creating divisions among
priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder. You must protect
yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, especially
community prayer. Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your
house, and restore the use of holy water."

According to certain Catholic experts who have studied these
apparitions, this message of Mirjana may shed light on the vision Pope
Leo XIII had. According to them, it was after having had an
apocalyptic vision of the future of the Church that Leo XIII
introduced the prayer to Saint Michael which priests used to recite
after Mass up to the time of the Second Vatican Council. These experts
say that the century of trials foreseen by Leo XIII is about to end.

Holy Father, I do not want to be responsible for the ruin of anyone. I
am doing my best. The world is being called to conversion and
reconciliation. In writing to you, Holy Father, I am doing only doing
my duty. After drafting this letter, I gave it to the youngsters so
that they might ask the Blessed Virgin whether its contents are
accurate. Ivan Dragicevic relayed the following answer: 'Yes, the
contents of the letter are the truth. You must notify first the
Supreme Pontiff and then the Bishop.'

This letter is accompanied by fasting and prayers that the Holy Spirit
will guide your mind and your heart during this important moment in

Yours, in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Father Tomislav Vlasic
Medjugorje, December 2, 1983

Father Gobbi

Marian Movement of Priests

On the 8th of May, 1972, Father Stefano Gobbi, a priest from Milan, Italy, was taking part in a pilgrimage to Fatima. While praying in the Chapel of the Apparitions for some priests who, besides having given up their own vocations, were attempting to form an association in rebellion against the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, an interior force urged Fr. Gobbi to have confidence in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

What Fr. Gobbi had just experienced was an interior locution. It is not an apparition or other communication perceived by the human senses, but a spiritual phenomenon present in the life of the Church and described in manuals of Catholic theology. The messages (interior locutions) are the gift by which God wishes to make something known to humanity, in Fr. Gobbi's particular case by means of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Starting in July 1973, Fr. Gobbi began to write down these interior locutions he was receiving. Still continuing to the present day, the messages now number over 500 and are published in the book entitled, "To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons."

The Apostasy

A.What is the apostasy? [Webster's dictionary defines "apostasy" as "an abandoning of what one has believed in, as a faith, cause, principles, etc.] ...many are moving away today from the true faith, bringing to fulfillment the prophecy which was given to you by me at Fatima: `The times will come when many will lose the true faith.' The loss of the faith is apostasy.      [406 l] the letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, it is clearly announced that, before the glorious return of Christ, a great apostasy must take place...The spread of the apostasy is therefore the sign which indicates that the second coming of Christ is, as of now, close at hand. [420 d]

E.What will happen as the apostasy spreads? Your suffering will of necessity grow greater as the great apostasy spreads more and more. [122 i] ...there has now come for the Church the time of its greatest division, of the apostasy which has entered its interior, which will lead it to live through the moment of its gravest crisis, of its bloody and terrible persecution.  [309 h] In appearance, everything remains calm and it seems that all is going well. In reality, [the Church] is being pervaded with an ever widening lack of faith...Many bishops, priests, religious and faithful no longer believe and have already lost the true faith in Jesus and in his Gospel. For this reason, the Church must be purified, with persecution and with blood. [332 g] People continue along the road of apostasy, of rebellion against God, of sin, of social evil, of blasphemy, of hatred and of impurity. [386 g] The Holy Spirit will make you understand the signs of your time. They are the times foretold by Holy Scripture as those of thegreat apostasy and of the coming of the Antichrist. [450 d] Apostasy will spread like an epidemic and pastors will be stricken by it along with the flocks entrusted to them. [464 e] Satan...has entered...with the smoke of error and sin, of the loss of faith and apostasy, of compromise with the world and the search for pleasure. [495 e]

F.What will happen when the apostasy reaches its greatest extent? ...this veritable apostasy from the Gospel will one day become general in the Church, before the great liberating purification. [074 q] The Church will be, as it were, submerged in error which will be embraced and propagated, and thus apostasy, which already long since has been spreading like an oil stain, will reach its peak. [147 f] In this period of ten years [from September, 1988] the mystery of iniquity, prepared for by the ever increasing spread of apostasy, will become manifest. [389 g] ...the year 1998... The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. [407 p] The Church will know the hour of its greatest apostasy. The man of iniquity will penetrate into its interior and will sit in the very Temple of God... [425 h] When this Pope will have completed the task which Jesus has entrusted to him and I will come down from heaven to receive his sacrifice, all of you will be cloaked in a dense darkness of apostasy, which will then become general. [449 f] `The day of the Lord will not come unless the great apostasy comes first.' (2 Thes 2:3) [485 h] ...when the apostasy becomes general and the man of iniquity foretold by Sacred Scripture enters Her, [it will be] he who will bring the abomination of desolation into her interior. [536 l] In the Church, the great apostasy, which will spread throughout the whole world, will be brought to its completion; the schism will take place through a general alienation from the Gospel and from the true faith. [539 i]

Perhaps the most often quoted locution (#532) received by Father Stefano Gobbi follows:


Father Gobbi has received his last public message! It can be found at:

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