A Chronicle Depicting the Lateness of the
Contemporary Christian
December 31, 1998
U.N. Agency: 1999 will be a hungry year
A U.N. agency warned Wednesday that in 1999 more people around the world will face food shortages because of this year's man-made and natural disasters.
``We have to enter 1999 with the understanding that we may face an increased threat of famine, malnutrition and endemic hunger,'' Catherine Bertini, executive director of the World Food Program, said in a statement.
Israel's parliament bans genetic cloning of humans for five years
Israel's parliament has passed legislation that bans cloning humans for the next five years and monitors genetic research, the sponsor of the bill said today.
``Human cloning endangers humanity as seriously as nuclear weapons,'' said Labor Party legislator Hagai Merom. ``That also began as an experiment but later became a weapon of mass destruction.''
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
45. He who suffers affliction in his intellect but relaxes physically is
like one who suffers affliction in his body while allowing his intellect
to be dispersed.
December 30, 1998
1998 a big year for natural catastrophes
Natural catastrophes claimed the lives of more than 50,000 people around the planet in 1998, the world's largest reinsurer Munich Re said on Tuesday.
Economic losses as a result of the catastrophes exceeded $90 billion in 1998, compared with only $30 billion in 1997, when 13,000 people lost their lives as a result of natural disasters.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
44. However great our virtuous actions of today, they do not requite but
condemn our past negligence.
December 29, 1998
Cape Town promotes itself as 'Gay Capital of Africa'
For years South Africa has promoted its Whale Trail, Wine Routes and game parks. Now the Rainbow Nation is introducing the Pink Tour.
Cape Town in particular has recognized the spending power of gay tourists and is doing all it can to attract their pounds, dollars and marks to its shores.
"Cape Town is the gay capital of Africa and we hope that some day it will become the gay capital of the world," said Sheryl Ozinsky, manager of Cape Town Tourism.
Study says 'immortality enzyme' in cells does not cause cancer
Appearing forever young like Dick Clark is everybody's dream. But, biologists wonder, what good is immortality if all those extra years are accompanied by cancer?
That's the quandary posed by the discovery earlier this year that a body substance called telomerase is an "immortality enzyme" that encourages cells to keep dividing indefinitely instead of dying with age.
Scientists theorized that telomerase could be used to slow the aging process. At the same time, some feared that the enzyme could cause cancer by allowing cell division to run amok.
Now, new experiments by the same University of Texas team of researchers have concluded that such fears are groundless.
(John 5:24 -25) "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
43. If we are under an obligation to perform daily all the good actions of
which our nature is capable, what do we have left over to give to God in
repayment for our past sins?
December 28, 1998
Southern California suffers fifth anthrax scare in a month
A telephoned anthrax threat forced about 800 people to be quarantined for several hours inside a dance club Sunday -- at least the fifth such hoax in Southern California this month.
The Prophetic Word via Thomas S. Gibson
(Prophecy, #196); Woe to the United States:
This year, says the Lord, for the United States, is the worst year for disaster that they shall ever have in their history from the beginning until now. The year of 1999, that is just about upon you, this year, is the year of disasters.
They d the president who lived in sin! They d the president for his sin!! And they d the president because of his sin!!!
For I have tested My people in the U.S., and they have stood against this. But the American people have stood for the lies, deception, and sin of a president, because they loved that sin. They desire it. It's in their heart.
Therefore, the wrath and judgment that shall appear in the United States in the year of 1999, shall be greater than anything else, than anyone could have ever imagined.
Woe to the United States for its sin! Woe to them!! Woe to them!!!
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
42. He who repents rightly does not imagine that it is his own effort which
cancels his former sins; but through this effort he makes his peace with
December 27, 1998
Snail Mail- Special Delivery
I have been reading about the tallit, the Jewish prayer shawl. This ancient garment goes back to Numbers 15:37-41 and Deuternonomy 22:12, which precribes a blue thread in each tassle. In ancient times, the blue came from a certain snail called the "hillazon" in a process known only to one family from the Exodus to the destruction of the Second Temple.
Here's what is interesting. After the death of Jesus, the snail reportedly disappeared and was thought to be extinct, until... About ten years ago, almost 2,000 years later, THE HILLAZON SNAIL REAPPEARED and the process of obtaining the blue dye was reestablished.
My source for this information, author Dominick Zangla of Messianic Vision ministry (912-265-2500), concludes, "Think of the implications! The snail disappears at the death of our Lord, and reappears today as another sign of His imminent return.
Even the dumb little snails know their Creator is coming soon. Too bad more humans (including Christians) don't!
Source: [email protected] (Jim Bramlett)
(Rom 8:22-23) We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
41. There is a sin which is always 'unto death' (1 John 5:16): the sin for
which we do not repent. For this sin even a saint's prayers will not
be heard.
December 26, 1998
Bin Laden urges Muslims to kill Americans, Britons
The man accused of masterminding the bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa says the U.S.-British airstrikes on Iraq make it a ``duty of Muslims to confront, fight and kill'' Americans and Britons. ``And anything that can be taken from them by force is the rightful prize of Muslims.''
(Mat 5:44-48) But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even s do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
40. He whose mind teems with thoughts lacks self-control; and even when they
are beneficial, hope is more so.
December 25, 1998
Celebrating Christmas, John Paul looks forward to new millennium
"My thoughts already turn to Christmas next year, when, God willing, the church shall inaugurate the great jubilee with the opening of the holy door," John Paul said in a midnight Mass televised in about 40 countries.
And on a personal note:
The Zambrano Family's Newest (Upcoming) Member:
December 22,
1998--17 1/2 Weeks -- It's a
Would like to join Mrs. Barbara Zambrano, Barbara Angela Zambrano (age 14), and Willam Zambrano Jr. (age 12) in wishing you all a
May the Joy of the Greatest Mystery of Creation fill your heart as we celebrate the Birth of Our Savior!
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
39. No single virtue by itself opens the door of our nature; but al the virtues
must be linked together in the correct sequence.
December 24, 1998
Joseph Farah Commentary: When Will Jesus Return?
Just as Jesus' virgin birth in Bethlehem was foretold by the Hebrew prophets hundreds of years earlier, so, too, was His return to Earth predicted. The only question is when.
Latest Message From Pat Mundorf
December 22, 1998- A special Grace for Christmas Day
Troubles on two fronts as Israel gears for elections
Israel's relations with the Palestinians are crumbling and an agreement not to harm civilians along the Lebanese border is collapsing - just as the nation goes to elections over how to shape its security into the next century.
(Zec 12:2-3) "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
38. If you are listless when you pray or afflicted by various forms of evil,
call to mind your death and the torments of hell. But it is better to cleave
to God through hope and prayer than to think about external things, even
though such thoughts may be helpful.
December 23, 1998
Iraq bombing heightens anti-U.S. terrorist threat
Law enforcement and intelligence sources say the missile attacks against Iraq, combined with U.S. air raids in August against alleged terrorist sites in Afghanistan and Sudan, have focused anti-American sentiment among suspected terrorist groups.
Bomb explosion damages church in Karachi, woman wounded
A bomb exploded inside a Roman Catholic church in Karachi on Tuesday wounding a woman and causing some damages, police said. Police beefed-up security at all churches and Christian localities in Karachi after the explosion.
Religious minorities in Pakistan often complain of persecution and attacks by extremist Muslim groups. Dozens of Christians have died in recent years in attacks by Muslim extremists.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
37. Christ's words that the 'first will be last, and the last will be first'
(Matt. 19:30) refer to those who participate in the virtues and those who
participate in love. For love is the last of the virtues to be born
in the heart, but it is the first in value, so that those born before it
turn out to be 'the last'.
December 22, 1998
Division of Church and World-- An Illustration in Today's News
Houston woman sticks to faith, intravenous diet
Confined to bed and fed intravenously, Nkem Chukwu tried anxiously to sleep in a near upside down position for nearly three weeks.
The 27-year-old Houston woman who anticipated six, possibly seven babies, slept as little as two hours a night, her head lowered in a steep decline to relieve pressure on the fetuses and her lower body.
Relying on the support of her family, including her husband Iyke, and her Christian faith, Mrs. Chukwu never gave her personal discomfort a second thought after being admitted to St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital on Oct. 1, Kirshon said.
``For the last two weeks, essentially Mom has been upside-down with her head lower than her feet, total bedrest, willing to deprive herself of eating if that in fact that would increase the amount of space available for the babies,'' Kirshon said. ``(She was) willing to make tremendous sacrifices and go to any lengths to prolong this pregnancy.''
Norwegian girl stabbed with drug needle while Christmas shopping
A 10-year-old Norwegian girl was stabbed by a drug addict with a hypodermic needle while Christmas shopping, in an attack that has horrified and infuriated the country
The attack took place Sunday in a downtown Oslo shopping mall, where the unidentified girl and her mother were buying Christmas presents.
According to reports, a man known to be a drug addict approached without warning and stabbed the girl with a needle.
It will take at least six months for tests to determine if the girl has been infected with the HIV virus, which causes AIDS. The virus is often linked to intravenous drug use.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
36. Whatever we do without prayer and without hope in God turns out afterwards
to be harmful and defective.
December 21, 1998
The Prophetic Word via Thomas S. Gibson
(Prophecy, #194 ); Division of Church and World:
For this is the saying that the Lord gives, that all My people shall be protected from the coming storm.
Yes, there is a coming storm. It shall be severe. It shall take out all the former standard ways of the world, except My people, and there shall be a strong movement to stand against the rising church. The church that I am raising up shall be one of strength and power, like as the book of Acts, but more so.
There will stand, at this time, a strong and complete division between the church and the world. There will no longer be a division that is blurred, but rather one that is obvious even to the casual observer!
(Acts 2:17 -18) "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
35. Prayer is called a virtue, but in reality it is the mother of the virtues:
for it gives birth to them through union with Christ.
December 20, 1998
Korean claim of human cloning raises urgent issues
Lori Andrews, a professor at the Chicago-Kent College of law who has become a specialist in the ethics of cloning, said this experiment, combined with news that Japanese scientists cloned eight calves, shows it is no longer impossible to clone human beings.
"This report should send shock waves down the spines of all Americans who have thus far remained blind to the consequences of man's insistence that he is God," Judie Brown, president of the anti-abortion American Life League, agreed in a separate statement.
For more on cloning please see: http://www.catholicprophecy.info/abomin.html
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
34. When the intellect prays without distraction it afflicts the heart; and
' a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise' (Ps. 51:17).
December 19, 1998
Excerpts from Catholic visionaries released since December 17th
.....THE WAR HAS BEGUN! Oh, it is in its infancy, but the major steps have been taken that will ultimately bring nearly every country in the world into direct nuclear conflict! Even as the world views these steps by your country, minds remain numb to the positive consequences of this negative behavior.
.....All will now escalate quickly, My faithful people. You need only abandon yourselves to Our Will and allow Heaven to bring you through all the events you will see unfold before you. Just as I was resurrected and proved My victory over death, I will return, as I have promised, and win the victory over Satan who is the epitome of evil and death and darkness. These events WILL occur, My dearly beloved faithful ones.
.....Children you have crossed a hidden threshold by which you cross out into a wilderness populated with evil, marauding spirits. You have left the House of your Father, rejecting Him turning, your backs to Him, showing even the soles of your feet as you hasten away from Him.
.....Children, your President has initiated events that will culminate in GREAT devastation. The attacked will seek revenge. This will be carried out against you at home, between the shores of the great oceans that bound you. Children, this morning My Servant Son' saw the destruction of three great cities. Children, I will intervene if you ASK this of Me.
.....Jesus said: "My people, in this vision I am showing you, America, how you are seen by the world of nations and all of Heaven. You have drawn your own line in the sand, which you are forcing Iraq to obey. BEWARE, My friends, that you are starting something you may not be able to finish. The exact reasons for starting a war are vague and sometimes misleading, but the consequences you will reap may cause higher tensions toward a WORLD war.
To subscribe to the list maintained by Joe Hunt that distributes messages from several Catholic visionaries, including those above, simply click here and do NOT type anything, just hit SEND.
(Luke 21:28) When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
33. There is no perfect prayer unless the intellect invokes God; and when
our thought cries aloud without distraction, the Lord will listen.
December 18, 1998
Russia warns that Iraq crisis could wreck ties with U.S.
Russia's relations with the United States and the West may be seriously damaged by the U.S. attack on Iraq, wiping out years of progress since the end of the Cold War, top military leaders warned today.
Russian recalls its ambassador to Britain over Iraq
Russia has recalled its ambassador to Britain for urgent consultations over the American and British attacks on Iraq, the Foreign Ministry announced today.
The move came after the Russian ambassador to Washington, Yuli M. Vorontsov, was recalled to Moscow on Thursday to protest the military strikes.
Vatican condemns US military strike on Iraq
When he was informed about the missile strikes, Pope John Paul II immediately appealed to all leaders of the international community to work for peaceful solutions to the conflicts in the Middle East, and especially in Iraq.
The Holy Father said he was "alarmed" by the news from Iraq and that the need to find peaceful solutions "is more urgent than ever."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
32. The flesh with its desire is opposed to the spirit, and the spirit opposed
to the flesh, and those who live in the spirit will not carry out the desire
of the flesh (cf. Gal. 5:15-17).
December 17, 1998
Mother's message 12-13-98 as given to Pat Mundorf
Source: [email protected]
Iraq attacked in 'Operation Desert Fox'
U.S. and British forces launched a "substantial" military strike against Iraq early Thursday, following a report by U.N. chief weapons inspector Richard Butler claiming Iraq was not cooperating with arms inspectors.
World reaction: China condemns, Germany, Japan back use of force
China and Russia reacted angrily Wednesday to the U.S.-British attack on Iraq, calling it a violation of the U.N. charter, while France warned of "grave consequences" for the Iraqi people from the use of force.
(Amos 3:7 NIV) Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
31. The intellect cannot be still unless the body is still also; and the
wall between them cannot be demolished without stillness and prayer.
December 16, 1998
Korea team says human clone test succeeds
A South Korean medical research team said on Wednesday it has succeeded in cultivating a human embryo using human cells in one of the first cloning experiments of its kind.
Lee Bo-yon, a researcher with the hospital's infertility clinic, said the human embryo in the Kyunghee University experiment was last seen dividing into four cells before the operation was aborted.
"If implanted into a uterine wall of a carrier, we can assume that a human child would be formed and that it would have the same gene characteristics as that of the donor," Lee told Reuters.
Arms inspectors evacuated as chance of attack on Baghdad grows
The United Nations evacuated its weapons inspectors from Baghdad Wednesday as threats of a military strike against Saddam Hussein loomed large.
Washington and London have said military strikes without warning were a clear option if Baghdad again refused access to weapons inspectors.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
30. Stillness helps us by making evil inoperative. If it also takes
to itself these four virtues in prayer, it is the most direct support in
attaining dispassion.
December 15, 1998
U.S. warns of potential terrorist attacks abroad, at home
U.S. officials said Monday they won't rule out the possibility that terrorists may be planning to attack Americans both in the United States and in the Middle East.
U.S. law enforcement officials are taking seriously new reports that suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden may be preparing to attack Americans in New York or Washington, D.C..
Annan fears 'the worst' without compromise on Iraq
U.N. chief Kofi Annan on Monday warned of an impending military conflict with Iraq unless Washington and Baghdad are prepared to compromise.
"But unless people abide by their commitments, and unless they redouble their efforts to find peaceful solutions, we have every reason to fear the worst in 1999."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
29. He who wants to cross the spiritual sea is long-suffering, humble, vigilant
and self-controlled. If he impetuously embarks on it without these
four virtues, he agitates his heart, but cannot cross.
December 14, 1998
The Prophetic Word via Thomas S. Gibson
(Prophecy, #192); The Greatest Economic Collapse:
Now thus says the Lord to those who believe they are headed for the kingdom.
Beware. Have you listened to My word? Have I not prepared My people? Have I not told them of things to come? Yet you stand on the verge of the greatest destruction of the economy of this earth.
This world shall not see an economy like it has now, ever again. I shall bring it down, and I shall keep it there. For they shall try and raise it up, but I shall not allow it.
Trust Me, says the Lord. When the great crash occurs, it shall come down.
Have I not for years sent prophets, prophecying that you are to pay off your debts and not borrow? Have I not done so for years? Yet My people claim to believe this, yet they turn around and borrow, and borrow, and borrow. They dig themselves a hole of debt, and yet they claim to believe My prophets.
Here Me. Those who walk with Me follow My word, and My direction -- I will prepare a way for them. No matter how it is done I will do it.
But those who seek to fill their hearts with the things of this earth, so that they may have money and goods to make themselves proud and boastful in their hearts, those people shall fall. I shall bring them down, says the Lord, and I shall bring them down hard!
You hear the word. You stand on the verge of the greatest economic collapse in the history of mankind.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
28. There is an energy of grace not understood by beginners, and there is
also an energy of evil which resembles the truth. It is advisable not
to scrutinize these energies too closely, because one may be led astray,
and not to condemn them out of hand, because they may contain some truth;
but we should lay everything before God in hope, for He knows what is of
value in both of them.
December 13, 1998
Japan to put Nippon Credit Bank under state control
Japan's government decided Sunday to put the troubled Nippon Credit Bank Ltd. under state control despite a last-ditch appeal against the move.
Nippon Credit will be the second top Japanese bank to be nationalized, after its rival Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan was put under state control two months ago.
Nippon Credit was already in a state of collapse by March as its liabilities exceeded its combined assets by more than 500 billion yen ($4.2 billion).
(Rev 6:5) When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
For more on the impending worldwide economic crisis: Hoofbeats of the Black Horseman
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
27. Certain commandments are specific, and others are comprehensive. Thus
Christ enjoins us specifically to 'share with him who has none' (Luke 3:11);
and He gives us a comprehensive command to forsake all that we have (cf.
Luke 14:33).
December 12, 1998
Psychiatrists condemn treatment to convert gays
The American Psychiatric Association's board voted unanimously Friday to reject therapy aimed solely at turning gays into heterosexuals, saying it can cause depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior.
"All the evidence would indicate this is the way people are born. We treat disease, not the way people are," said Dr. Nada Stotland, head of the association's joint committee on public affairs.
(Luke 17:28) "It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
26. While man can scarcely keep what belongs to him by nature, Christ gives
the grace of sonship through the Cross.
December 11, 1998
Biographer of Jesus serves up controversial conclusions
Jesus of Nazareth was not born in the Year One, and did not die at the age of 33. The description of his mother as a virgin has been deeply misunderstood. The Nativity probably did not occur in Bethlehem, and his parents probably did not spirit him out of Israel to Egypt to escape the wrath of King Herod. His ministry lasted only a bit more than two years and did not cause much of a stir, except among the relatively few people who personally witnessed it, and, at the very end, among the religious and secular rulers of Jerusalem.
Those are a few of the more controversial conclusions that biographer Donald Spoto draws in "The Hidden Jesus".
(2 Tim 4:3) For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
25. The self-contolled refrain from gluttony; those who have renounced
possessions, from greed; the tranquil, from loquacity; the pure, from
self-indulgence; the modest, from unchastity; the self-dependent, from avarice;
the gentle, from agitation; the humble, from self-esteem; the obedient, from
quarrelling; the self-critical, from hypocrisy. Similarly, those who
pray are protected from despair; the poor, from having many possessions;
confessors of the faith, from denial; martyrs, from idolatry. Do you
see how every virtue that is performed even to the point of death is nothing
other than refraining from sin? Now to refrain from sin is a work within
our own natural powers, but not something that buys us the kingdom.
December 10, 1998
Europe makes a dash for 'e-cash'
When Marianne Lebeau pays for a pain au raisin at the Au Pain Quotidien bakery in Brussels, she doesn't use coins. Instead she hands over a Proton card.
Unlike traditional magnetic-strip credit cards, Proton stores Belgian francs on a silicon chip, making it perfect for small purchases such as newspapers, chocolates, and even croissants and baguettes. There is no minimum purchase.
"Know Your Customer" (KYC) program to have major consequences
Under KYC requirements, all financial transactions will be monitored, and every bank transaction will necessitate identification. According to the proposed KYC rules, anyone who will not provide identification will not be allowed access to banking services.
The pretext for the KYC requirements is in detecting illegal money transfers (money laundering) and the identification of tax evasion attempts. To accomplish the KYC objective, international cooperation is essential.
Under KYC regulations, banks are required to determine the source of customer deposits, classify them according to pre-determined "profiles," and monitor their banking activity to detect deviations from the bank's projections.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
24. Every good work which we perform through our own natural powers causes
us to refrain from the corresponding sin; but without grace it cannot contribute
to our sanctification.
December 9, 1998
Science panel urges end to British ban on embryo cloning research
To keep up with advances in the United States, Britain should permit research into the cloning of human embryos to create replacement organs, a government panel of scientists recommended Tuesday.
The commission said Britain should maintain its ban on cloning to create babies, but some scientists condemned the panel's findings, saying they would open the door to the cloning of complete human beings.
Japan researchers report 8 calves cloned from 1 adult cow
Japanese researchers reported they cloned eight genetically identical calves from cells removed from just one adult cow.
In the new Japanese work, the researchers used two different types of cells removed from the reproductive tract of a single Japanese beef cow. Both types of cells carried the same genetic pattern as the donor adult cow, and all of the cloned calves retained this same pattern, proving that they were true clones, the researchers said.
For more on cloning please see: http://www.catholicprophecy.info/abomin.html
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
23. We who have received baptism offer good works, not by way of repayment,
but to preserve the purity given to us.
December 8, 1998
Day of Prayer Against Abortion
We will be observing a "Day of Prayer Against Abortion" today, December 8, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. We have been invited to join our hearts, prayers and sacrifices with everyone on this day in unified petitioning to God for an end to this atrocity in our world. Our prayers will be offered up in reparation for this sin of flagrant abuse of human life: the torturous death of these tiny Innocents, the misuse of the gift of ; for advocates of abortion and abortion providers. We pray for the healing and conversion of these persons and all parents of children at risk of abortion and of aborted children. And we hold all who are waiting to minister to them in our prayers for courage, strength, compassion and guidance under the protective mantle of Our Lady and the tender mercy of Our Jesus Christ. We pray for continued support and growth of the many Pro-Life agencies and apostolates who work deligently for the preservation,dignity and reverence of all human life.
Please offer up your prayers, fasting (if you can) and sacrifices and kindly pass along this message to those you know would gladly join in this important endeavor.
Source: Dick Hubbell <[email protected]>
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
22. When Scripture says "He will reward every man according to his works'
(Matt. 16:27), do not imagine that works in themselves merit either hell
or the kingdom. On the contrary, Christ rewards each man according
to whether his works are done with faith or without faith in Himself; and
He is not a dealer bound by contract, but God our Creator and Redeemer.
December 7, 1998
Palestinian-Israeli accord appears to be unraveling
Less than a week before U.S. President Bill Clinton is set to arrive in the Middle East, the Wye River accord signed in October by the Palestinians and Israelis looks to be coming apart at the seams.
On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat of "making a farce" of the Wye accords and said he would not agree to further troop withdrawals until anti-Israeli violence is halted.
(1 Th 5:3) While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
21. Christ is Master by virtue of His own essence and Master by virtue of
His incarnate life. For He creates man from nothing, and through His
own Blood redeems him when dead in sin; and to those who believe in Him He
has given His grace.
December 6, 1998
Man convicted for injecting his son with HIV virus
A man accused of injecting his 11-month-old son with HIV-tainted blood in order to avoid paying child support was convicted Saturday of first-degree assault.
The boy, now 7, has AIDS. Prosecutor Ross Buehler called the injection a "death sentence" for the child.
(2 Tim 3:1-5) But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
20. If 'Christ died on our account in accordance with the Scriptures'
(Rom. 5:8; 1 Cor. 15:3), and we do not 'live for ourselves', but 'for Him
who died and rose' on our account (2 Cor. 5:15), it is clear that we are
debtors to Christ to serve Him till our death. How then can we regard
sonship as something which is our due?
December 5, 1998
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Message
Through Gianna Talone Sullivan at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Emmitsburg, MD
December 3, 1998
My dear little children, praise be Jesus!
Little ones, do not become distracted by your old ways. Jesus is forever forgiving. Put on the garment of your new self, embroidered with love and mercy. Do not despair and never refuse to ask forgiveness from God. Be mindful not to sin against the Holy Spirit. Salvation comes from God. It is given to you by the Holy Spirit.
If you believe your sin is so great that God cannot forgive you, then you are in danger of blasphemy and are rejecting salvation. Neither should you be so presumptuous that Jesus will forgive you that you avoid asking for forgiveness. Your attitude and behavior must be one of humility and meekness.
Only Jesus can help you. You cannot enter heaven on your own effort. You cannot be saved without His help. You are not God, nor do you have the power to save yourself. Jesus is merciful and there is no sin which is so offensive that He will not forgive, but you must do your part and cooperate with His grace. You need to not only ask Him for forgiveness, but you also need to ask My Son for His assistance to avoid whatever is leading you to sin.
Too often when people do not receive the answer or wish they desire from God when they pray, they take matters into their own hands. Too often comments offend Him, such as "God did not answer our prayers" or "We have waited long enough, and God has done nothing to help us!" These are sins which revolt against God's will and directly opposes your obedience to My Son who achieved your salvation. God always answers your prayers.
What is He telling you? Do your desires conform with the laws of Peter's Church? Are you humble enough to accept His answers and follow His will? Do you really want His assistance? Do you really want to be happy and free? Is He really your God? It is time to reflect on the truths of God. It is time to do penance and ask Him for forgiveness from the sins of pride and self-exaltation. It is time to receive His merciful love. We are closing in on this current age.
I love you little children. I love you in the purity of My Son Jesus, who blesses you this night. I take your petitions and will lay them by the wood of His cradle. Peace to you.
Thank you for responding to My call. AD DEUM.
Source: Chris & Gary Lienesch <[email protected]>
To receive the Emmitsburg messages directly by email, please click here and send.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
19. A master is under no obligation to reward his slaves; on the other hand,
those who do not serve him well are not given their freedom.
December 4, 1998
An investigation into the activities of cults, undertaken by the Spanish newspaper ABC, has yielded disturbing information about the growth of the cults' activities, and the connection with murders, suicides, and s.
The ABC investigation involved interviews with police spokesmen, other public officials, Church representatives, and members of the sects themselves.
Jaime Mayor, the government's interior minister, reported that there are now "about 200 destructive sects" operating in Spain, "the majority of them under legal cover." Police estimates put the overall membership of the groups at about 150,000.
(Rev 12:12) Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
18. Some without fulfilling the commandments think that they possess true
faith. Others fulfil the commandments and then expect the kingdom as
a reward due to them. Both are mistaken.
December 3, 1998
American physicist finds haven for human-cloning research
An American physicist who provoked controversy at home by announcing plans to clone humans has found a haven for his research where there is no law that bans what he wants to do.
Dr Richard Seed, who has three Harvard degrees but no medical licence, announced yesterday he was preparing to open an animal cloning laboratory and fertility clinic in Japan, both eventually aimed at making clones.
"It seems all countries or political groups have some reservations on human cloning. But there is an existing patient demand for the service," he said.
For more on cloning please see: http://www.catholicprophecy.info/abomin.html
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
17. The intellect does many good and bad things without the body, whereas
the body can do neither good nor evil without the intellect. This is
because the law of freedom applies to what happens before we act.
December 2, 1998
Miami-Dade brings back ordinance after 21 years
As members of the Christian Coalition prayed nearby, Miami-Dade County commissioners voted to ban discrimination against gays with an ordinance similar to one tossed out 21 years ago after pressure from conservatives spearheaded by Anita Bryant.
Flying the unfriendly skies with the Y2K bug
Travelers may think nothing of flying during the upcoming New Year's holiday, but they may have second thoughts about taking to the skies the following year.
Many computer and aviation professionals, including the nation's air traffic controllers, are worried about problems the Year 2000 computer glitch might cause, and whether the Federal Aviation Administration will be able to prevent a crisis.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
16. If we want to do something but cannot, then before God, who knows our
hearts, it is as if we have done it. This is true whether the intended
action is good or bad.
December 1, 1998
Seventy Percent Of Pregnancies In Russia End In Abortion, Says Report
The Interfax news agency reported on Sunday that seven out of 10 pregnancies in Russia end in abortion.
More than 2,000 abortions are annually registered among girls under 14, said a report released by the Russian Health Ministry on the eve of the first Mother's Day in Russia. Seventy percent of Russian women suffer from health problems resulting from abortions. Interfax also reported that abortion is the cause of death for up to one third of all mothers.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "No Righteousness By Works"
15. When we fulfil the commandments in our outward actions, we receive from
the Lord what is appropriate; but any real benefit we gain depends on our
inward intention.
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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