A Chronicle Depicting the Lateness of the
January 31, 1998- February 1, 1998
Please click on the Weekend News Today link above for the latest in prophecy related news updates. God bless you!!
Brothers and Sisters: Praised be the Name of Jesus!!!
A 'miracle' happened last (Wed) evening to Mother Angelica. Tonight, the details were discussed on the LIFE ON THE ROCK program.
If you want to catch the show again, tune in 5-6 AM Saturday Jan 31, or11 PM Sunday to midnight on EWTN.
The miracle occurred when Mother was praying the rosary with a woman...Mary 'appeared' to the woman and she told Mother that both Mary and Jesus are very pleased with all the effort Mother is doing to propagate the faith with EWTN. She then told Mother to remove her braces from both legs and walk. Slowly, she felt a warm sendation around her ankles and she could walk with no trouble. By then, she went into the kitchen and saw some of the guards and then saw one of the Brothers who proceeded to wake the entire place. Mother was then told by the woman to remove her back brace...and everything is OK. She even danced with host Jeff Cavins!
She was sorry that her story pre-empted the guest, but all felt that this was OK.
Watch and see....and tune into http://www.ewtn.com/ for more info on this work of God's hand in the life of His devoted servant!
Source: Allen & Marie Quigg <[email protected]>
Editor's comment: On Tuesday, January 27, Mother Angelica's live program consisted of an in depth interview with Joey Lomangino on the subject of Garabandal. Mother Angelica's healing occured the next day!!
For more on the Miracle of Garabandal:
For more on the Warning of Garabandal:
January 30, 1998
US: Diplomacy 'all but exhausted'
TEL AVIV (January 30) - Diplomatic solutions to the crisis with Iraq have all but been exhausted, US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright warned last night.
After meeting with French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine in Paris, she said the the two countries agreed the situation is "very grave."
Earlier in the day, President Bill Clinton warned Iraqi President Saddam Hussein that the US would not allow him to use weapons of mass destruction.
"We are determined to deny him the capacity to use weapons of mass destruction again," Clinton said in the latest saber-rattling remarks in the war of words between Washington and Baghdad.
Albright is expected to arrive here tomorrow evening on a whirlwind visit that will last less than 24 hours, during which she will discuss the Iraqi crisis and the peace process with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
January 29, 1998
Will this be the year of the Miracle of Garabandal?
The miracle will occur between the 8th or 16th of March, April or May. If you know when Maundy Thursday will fall within one of those dates, I think you'll have the date of the Miracle prophesied. St. Wernher is the only young martyr whose martyrdom was intimately related to the Eucharist in that time frame.
Regarding the Feast day of St. Wernher: 19 April. I really think the emphasis should be Maundy Thursday, the date of his martyrdom. It's just like St. Benedict Joseph Labre's feast, which was the date of his death, 16 April, or Holy Wednesday. Either day can be celebrated in honor of St. Benedict Joseph Labre.
This year the Holy (Maundy) Thursday falls on April 9th. If indeed the Miracle is to occur on this date then the Warning must occur before!
From Joan Caroll Cruz's book, "Secular Saints":
St. Wernher: d. 1275
"His age is not given, but St. Wernher is known to have been a child when he was abducted by non-Christians. Their purpose was to obtain possession of the Blessed Sacrament, or, at least, to use the blood of a Christian child for their magical or cultist rites.
It is believed that Wernher was seized after receiving Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday in the year 1275. He was hung by the heels in the hope that he would discourge the wafer he had swallowed. When this failed, he was killed. His blood was drained before his body was carelessly thrown into a pit at Bacherach. When the boys remains were discovered, the murderers were seized and excecuted for the crime.
Wernher was buried at Trier, where miracles soon occured at his tomb. His feast was celbrated throughout Germany, but especially in the City of Trier, where the death of the little martyr was remembered with great sadness."
Source: "Michael J. Coppi" <[email protected]>
For more on the Miracle:
For more on the Warning:
January 28, 1998
Father Gobbi's public locutions have ended!
I spoke personally with Fr. Albert Roux at MMP headquarters this morning. He did confirm that Fr. Gobbi recieved his last public message as of the Dec. 31st, 1997. This was the finally message intended for the public. Fr. Roux stated that they are working on a statement which will be posted on the web site (http://www.mmp-usa.net/) and will be mailed to the membership as soon as it is possible. I hope this is helpful in the meantime. Thanks and God Bless each of you.
Source: "Bruce Harvey" <[email protected]>
Text of Father Gobbi's last public message:
January 27, 1998
OUR LORD'S MESSAGE given through Fr Jack Spaulding at St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Phoenix, AZ JANUARY 19, 1998
My dear ones, I come to you this night in this very direct way to ask you, allow Me to make you new. What I wish to do with you, is to make you more and more pleasing to My Father. In order for that to happen, you need to let go of all that you have been clinging to. Cling to Me alone. Listen to Me speaking to your heart in the quiet. Listen to Me speaking to your heart through My Word. Listen to Me speaking to you in My most special way through the Eucharist. I cannot force you. I will not force you to receive Me. I simply ask you let go, let go so that you can cling on to Me. My dear ones, the new wine bursts old skins because the old skins have been used. My dear ones, let go of the old, the old thoughts, the old past, the old attitudes, all of those things which each of you has put so much security into. New wine into new skins. I am the one who will make old, new. Each of you will be a shining star, bringing the love of My Father and your Father and My love to this world if you allow Me to make you new. I love you and I ask you to listen to what I am asking. If you say "Yes" you will be God's new creation. I bless you this night so that your fear may be taken away. I bless you this night so that My peace will envelop you. I bless you this night so that My mercy will be your light. I give you also My joy. Live in My love, dear ones, and be new for your God.
Source: [email protected] (MRS JOYCE M
January 26, 1998
Jesus said: "My people, the fan turning signifies that the coming events will follow each other in RAPID succession. This will be a sign for you of the End Days, when you see one disaster after another. This will not be an easy time, to endure these hardships.
Each storm will continue to strip more people of their possessions. Many will be forced to their knees, since their workplaces will be destroyed.
Come, prepare your souls NOW, while you have time."
Official John Leary Website:
<[email protected]>
January 25, 1998
The Prophetic Word through Thomas S. Gibson
A timely prophecy from the archives:
September 22, 1997
(Prophecy, #117); The Three Signs:
This word of the Lord is for all those who have desired to know the times and seasons. There will come a three fold sign of the end times. This will be, no matter what else may happen. I the Lord have spoken.
1. The Fall of an American President
2. The collapse of the American economy
3. The infiltration onto American soil of enemy bands of soldiers to begin World War III
This word shall occur as spoken, says the Lord. Look not to the earth for your ways, but look to Me, says the Lord of all things.
A recent prophecy:
January 21, 1998
(Prophecy, #140); The Big Crash:
For thus says the Lord, you shall see in the next few months a big crash on the stock market, and then you shall see it again, and then more of the same. For crash after crash shall occur and it shall come down to the level I have declared.
For the time of the spending of big money over the earth has come to an end. I have been fed up with the total consumption of this earth with power and money even to the extent that My people are put to shame in the same sin!
Source: "Thomas S. Gibson" <[email protected]>
The Prophetic Word Web Site:
January 24, 1998
Carol Ameche: A Confirmation
I talked with the leader of the prayer group that I mentioned. He is a personal friend of mine. I mentioned that I went to the prayer group for confirmation of Carol Ameche.
He stated that the person who prayed over me, was the "most sensitive" visionary of the group and that her prophecies had proven to be truthful.
What was most interesting however was when I mentioned that Carol Ameche stated 1998 was the year events would take place such as the Warning....he said, yes he knew that. You see the group had received similar prophecy before....
Conclusion: 1998 is the beginning of the end of this era of dysfunctional people and societies filled with the wages of sin, and the beginning of a new era of love, joy, and peace...
There is very little time to help others, now!!
Source: [email protected]
January 23, 1998
On January 20, 1998, Jesus said,
"The world is truly on another path, away from all Our chosen ones. The casual attitudes of many who once listened and responded is a sign of the growing strength of evil in the world. Yes, the Anti-Christ will make his appearance to the world during this year of 1998. Much will happen so quickly, and you will all be living closely together in prayer and deed. Do not worry about any aspect of the future, please My little faithful ones. You are all held deep within My Heart.
A serious and sad tone is present in My voice today, My daughter, which you also feel in your own heart. Know that the events about to unfold will fill you with this greater degree of focus and awareness of suffering. You will be given strength to minister to the needs of all and will lack nothing in word and deed.
The times for which you have all waited and prepared are on the horizon. My Father's Will acts on behalf of the innocents who are rejected by their own mothers, their own kind! Be at prayer this night as you are able, child.
Be one with Me now to praise and plead with our Heavenly Father to begin the cleansing of men's hearts and souls most quickly:
Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action in our lives and in the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back toYou in love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your justice, guided by Your mercy, to pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your love and power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your mercy and forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier. We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.'
Child, I wish you to distribute this among Our faithful ones. Wait in joy and peace now for the hand of My Father to allow the events to occur to the end of this age of evil. Watch and wait with your brothers and sisters in the world who share your faith and trust in Our words."
<[email protected]>
January 22, 1998
Pope arrives in Havana
HAVANA (CNN) -- Saying he came to Cuba as "a pilgrim of love, of truth and of hope," Pope John Paul II Wednesday began his historic five-day visit to the communist-ruled Caribbean island.
"I come as a pilgrim of love, of truth and of hope, with the desire to give a fresh impulse to the work of evangelization," he said. "Do not be afraid to open your hearts to Christ. Allow him to come into your lives, into your families, into society. In this way, all things will be made new."
Source: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9801/21/cuba.pope.update/
(Mat 24:14) And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole
world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will
January 21, 1998
Message from Jesus via Patricia Soto
Wednesday, December 10, 1997
Jesus said, " Open to Genesis 6, My daughter. (GENESIS 6 ) Verse 8, But Noah was a pleasure to the Lord. Here is the story of Noah: Verse 9, He was the only truly righteous man living on the earth at that time. He tried always to conduct his affairs according to God's Will.
My Beloved ones', when My children allow themselves the willingness of surrender to My Holy Will, they are releasing their free wills to Me, and My Will is PERFECTION! Why would I not give to My children what is in their best interest?
GENESIS 6:4 But Noah was a treasure to the Lord.
Do you see how your willingness in accepting My Holy Will pleases Me? Complete surrender must come through prayer, My children.
My daughter, first must come the Purification. Open to Deuteronomy 1,verse 30.
Verse 30, So the Lord God is your leader and he will fight for you with His mighty miracles, just as you saw him do in Egypt; 31, And you know how he has cared for you again and again here in the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child.
Do not be like My children whom Moses led out of slavery, who did not believe that the Lord God would take care of them. Know that what I speak of, the Purification,' is forthcoming, so that when the Warning comes, My children will be prepared throughout the Purification, that they may see the error of their ways. This will be the final warning. I am merciful, My children. Seek My Mercy NOW, before the Purification descends upon you."
(Approved by Rev. Sean Cronin,once spiritual advisor to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, on 12/18/97)
<[email protected]>
January 20, 1998
A Week to Remember
Netanyahu begins U.S. visit with challenge to Palestinians
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Buoyed by stirring support from evangelical Christians, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began what could be a difficult visit here Monday with a demand that Palestinians cancel their call for Israel's destruction.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9801/19/netanyahu.us.ap/
Havana buzzes with anticipation of pope visit
HAVANA (CNN) -- Only two days before Pope John Paul II was due to pay a landmark visit to communist Cuba, the capital Havana was busy with last-minute preparations which included readying the white Popemobile and fixing potholes in Havana's streets.
January 19, 1998
Cow eggs could help clone other species
It sounds like a recipe for a witch's brew: Scientists in Wisconsin have mixed ear of pig and egg of cow -- also ear of rat and egg of cow and a variety of other cross-species combinations -- to clone living embryos of rats, pigs, sheep and monkeys.
The series of experiments, to be described today at a meeting in Boston, represents a new and surprising twist on the cloning techniques that led to the birth of Dolly the sheep.
The work suggests that cow eggs, available by the thousands from slaughterhouses, contain all of the ingredients and molecular machinery needed to grow embryos of many species. All that's required is genetic material from the species to be cloned -- taken from, say, a bit of an animal's ear -- mixed with a cow egg that's had its own genes removed.
January 18, 1998
Jesus said, "My faithful, you need to be baptized in the Spirit, so you can go forward in your evangelizing efforts. By the power of the Holy Spirit you will be enriched with the grace to go forward and witness to My Name. Many will try to discourage you from spreading My Gospel, but disregard their taunts. Bringing souls to Me is your most prized gift that you can do for Me. Each soul saved causes much rejoicing in Heaven. Even if your efforts are troubled by the Evil One, continue to struggle for those souls, who may be lost without your help."
<[email protected]>
January 17, 1998
The Blessed Mother said, "I come this night with special words of WARNING to all my dear children of the world:
There will be many graces offered during this year of 1998. There will be enormous opportunities for many conversions.
Please, all of you who listen to my words, pray even MORE that as many as possible will convert and come back to my Son.
It is NOW the time that is written about in scripture, which foretells the coming of the Dragon, the advent of the Beast, and the danger to all of the children of the earth.
The Pope will flee Rome and be in virtual hiding for many months. You must take great care to support each other and not to panic. The Holy Spirit will first pour out innumerable gifts and graces upon the world; these must be accepted by each of you, guarded and nurtured, as the amount of evil in the world increases.
There is no way to prepare for these times other than prayer, penance, and fasting! Please, my children, RENEW your efforts in these areas. Know that I am helping you, and there is no one who cannot give up many trivial and important' little goodies and favors you grant to yourselves constantly.
DO NOT WAIT ANOTHER MINUTE, my dear ones. Believe that each act of denial towards your own desires impacts souls MIGHTILY.
DO NOT WAIT until a specific time or day. Begin NOW to deny yourselves those little pleasures you have become accustomed to in this great land of plenty. This not only helps others to open up to graces offered, but increases your own discipline for the coming days in which you will need to do without so much. See all of this as a means of allowing and preparing you to go directly to Heaven at the right time, and live happily with all who wait for you in Heaven.
My Jesus and I are praying and interceding for all of you who desire to serve. The joy in my Heart is caused by the love you have for me and the prayers and works you perform for your brothers and sisters in the world.
Be at peace, my dearest ones. Know that your place in Heaven is assured when you remain faithful to my Son, and all I call you to be.
We will be VICTORIOUS, my dear ones,--never forget that for an instant.
The future is filled with chaos for all who have NOT chosen to answer my call. Just please continue to act in trust, to live in the Peace of Jesus, and to stay ever so close to Our Two Hearts.
Our little ones, who serve, will be blessed with a special place in the Father's Kingdom.
DO NOT WAIT to be convinced by signs and wonders.
as We prepare to lead you with the angels and saints against the powers of darkness.
Remember, each event MUST occur in order to fulfill scripture and the Father's plan for the salvation of His children.
PERSEVERE, my little ones. Is it not wonderful to be loved in such a way by your Heavenly Mother and, most of all, by the Triune God?
Give PRAISE and THANKS at ALL times, children, to be called children of the Most-High God, and of me, your loving Mother."
<[email protected]>
January 16, 1998
Jesus said, "The world SLUMBERS, child, in a FALSE sense of security. It will be an overwhelming event when each of My Father's little ones sees the state of their soul existing within. Please offer your prayers for all these,--that they will respond to the graces offered. It is so IMPORTANT that the truth be accepted at that time.
The need for guarding your hearts and decisions will be the greatest since the beginning of humanity. The souls of those going into eternity are being shown the future of all on earth. They are choosing My Father's Kingdom, and have begun to pray for all of you.
Many of My faithful will be returning to Heaven now, especially those who have been active on behalf of Our Two Hearts.
Please remind all of the need to be on guard, as the Anti-Christ looms in the NEAR future, and is about to cast his shadow across the world.
My people must be aware of the GREAT dangers connected with ANY interest, or even curiosity, they show about him. BELIEVE IT!!, --he will have AMAZING supernatural powers! They must not be deceived for an INSTANT.
When I speak of fighting a battle as part of My Mother's Army, I mean a battle of resistance against the lure of the Evil One and all that he will offer the world through the Anti-Christ. Yes, it will be difficult to resist these opportunities to have so much more than those who do not follow him.
You will be living a meager existence for many years and will be sorely tempted to give in to all he offers. The world itself will be a difficult place in which to live during his reign. -Just remember that it will be a short period of time, and you will be protected in My arms by all the strength you will need to turn away from the world and live together in peace.
Continue to offer the waiting as an act of love and obedience to Our Father in Heaven. Please know that I am Jesus, Who comes by the gracious gift of My Father. Rest in My love for you.
Only those chosen by My Father will come through each event and continue to serve Our people and prepare them for My Coming.
Be at total peace as each new goal is reached, each task accomplished."
<[email protected]>
January 15, 1998
More on the Black horseman - An Editorial from the Jerusalem Post
(January 14) - Fortunately for most people in Israel, and in Europe and the US for that matter, the main thing that interests them right now is the weather. The mild snowfall experienced in Jerusalem, Mitzpe Ramon and even Haifa, and the ferocious weather that has paralyzed eastern North America, are far more pressing concerns than the worsening financial disaster in East Asia.
Regrettably, however, the crisis in Asia is about nothing less than the end of the world - at least the world's financial system. It sounds like a cliche, but even cliches can sometimes be no more than the bare truth.
Complete editorial:
January 14, 1998
Excerpt from A Word From the Lord to David Heischman
Blow The Trumpet and Sound The Alarm, for The King is about to make His Entrance, and He shall show forth His Beauty and His Glory unto His Remnant, and they shall be unto Him a people, and He shall be Their God. The Lord shall come forth this time not as The Spotless Lamb, but as The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah. He is calling forth His People from the four winds, and they shall be united in love, and in honor, and in The Strength Of The Lord Their God, and great will be The Majesty Of The King, and His People shall reign with Him forever and ever.
Make ready My People for I will soon return for My Own, and I shall call them unto Myself, and the world that has rejected and persecuted My People and The Light that they brought, will be left in a great darkness; therefore, go to the world and tell them to turn from their wickedness, for I will spare the one who falls at My Feet in repentance, but the pride filled and the ones that have dipped their hands in the blood of the innocents will I judge with a great judgement, for I The Lord Your God have spoken this.
Praise Me My People, and come together in The Bond Of Love And Unity. Be not divided as the world, but come together in a oneness, as I remove scales from many blinded eyes, and The Jew and The Gentile will join hands, as they praise Me together in one mind and one accord.
Source: David & Winona Heischman
<[email protected]>
January 13, 1998
Preparing for the Black Horseman
Hong Kong investment firm folds, will appoint liquidator
HONG KONG (AP) - A major Asian finance house, Peregrine Investment Holdings Ltd., shut its doors Monday as its cash flow evaporated and the government declined to help it hold on. Peregrine's failure figured largely in Hong Kong's key stock index falling nearly 9 percent.
For an indepth analysis of how the Asian financial crisis may impact the American economy please see: Eyedoctor's Site: Hoofbeats of the Black Horseman
(Rev 6:5) When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.
(Rev 6:6) Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living
creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts
of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"
January 12, 1998
Jesus said: "My people, I will always be watching over My faithful sheep as a Good Shepherd. Never fear any of the trials that you will face at the End Days, because I will be at your side. Even when persecution will force you into an underground Church, I will be there to lead you and give you peace. ALL power resides with Me, and these trials are being allowed to strengthen and test your faith.
Whoever has faith in Me, they will FOLLOW Me,--even if your life may be threatened. Life in the spirit with Me is your most treasured goal. Never leave My sheepfold, or you will surely be lost.
My faithful servants will live to see My glory in the renewed earth. Pray constantly so your love for Me will carry you through whatever you have to face in this life. Knowing that I am with you at all times will help you bear any hardship you may suffer."
Official John Leary Website:
<[email protected]>
January 11, 1998
Signs of His Soon Coming: Today's News Headlines
GUATEMALA CITY Quake shakes Guatemala highlands, felt in Mexico
MEXICO CITY Mexico to relocate 20,000 people from volcano-report
CHINA China army rushes aid to homeless quake survivors
SICILY Quakes raise fears Sicilian volcano might erupt
(Luke 21:11) and there will be great earthquakes, and famines in many
lands, and epidemics, and terrifying things happening in the
January 10, 1998
Cosmic News from Washington
Some 2,000 astronomers met this week in Washington, D.C., for the 191st meeting of the American Astronomical Society.
Earth didn't escape the attention of scientists at the meeting -- from coronal mass ejections to classes on light pollution to the effects of asteroids splashing into the Atlantic. This last topic presented the effects of a tsunami wave generated by a three-mile-wide asteroid hitting the Atlantic Ocean. A computer simulation shows that the entire eastern seaboard would be affected, with floods swamping the East Coast in to the Appalachian mountains. Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia would be inundated. The same calculations using a smaller impactor -- one about 500 meters across -- would send a wall of water nearly 100 meters high toward the coastlines of an ocean. The odds of these impacts are small -- perhaps once every few thousand years, according to researchers. As rare as these events might be over the relatively short span of human existence, they still have happened in the past. Researchers suggest that debris and damage from long-gone impactors might still be found along the worlds' coastlines. Researchers continue to model these types of collisions in an effort to assess the feasibility of early-warning systems that could help us deflect incoming impactors in the future.
Source: http://www.skypub.com/news/news.shtml
(Rev 8:10) The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water--
(Rev 8:11) the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned
bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become
January 9, 1998
1997 hottest year on record
WASHINGTON(CNN) -- 1997 was the hottest year on record, and scientists predict the Earth's warming trend will continue, officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Thursday.
The combined ocean and land temperatures, gathered from weather stations all over the globe, averaged three-quarters of a degree Fahrenheit above normal, NOAA senior scientist Tom Karl said. A "normal" temperature is defined as 61.7 degrees Fahrenheit, the mean temperature from 1961 to 1990.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/WEATHER/9801/08/warm.1997/
Editor's note: The scientists are right, it's going to get MUCH hotter.....
(2 Pet 3:11) Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives
(2 Pet 3:12) as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.
That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the
elements will melt in the heat.
January 8, 1998
Opposition to human cloning will 'blow over,' scientist says
CHICAGO (CNN) -- A scientist who plans to clone babies for infertile couples believes any opposition to his work will be short-lived. "I think it will blow over," Richard G. Seed told CNN on Wednesday.
"There were an awful lot of people against the automobile, too," he said in a live interview by telephone from Chicago. "Any new technology ... creates fear and horror." But as time passes, human cloning will receive "enthusiastic endorsement," he said.
Seed, who has a Harvard doctorate in physics and has done fertility research in the past, plans to begin his work on a human clone within three months . "My target is to produce a two-month pregnant female (within the next 18 months)," he said.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/TECH/9801/07/cloning.folo/
(Gen 3:3) but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'"
(Gen 3:4) "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.
(Gen 3:5) "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened,
and you will be like God, knowing good and
January 7, 1998
U.S. scientist wants to clone humans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Chicago-area scientist is poised to start experiments on cloning human beings to create babies for infertile couples, National Public Radio (NPR) reported Tuesday.
It said Richard Seed, a physicist who has done fertility research, was proposing setting up a clinic that would clone babies for would-be parents.
For more information on cloning:
Eyedoctor's Site:
The Desolating Abomination
January 6, 1998
Reported message from Jesus via Carol Ameche given on
NEW YEAR'S EVE 12/31/97 11:30 pm
Jesus said, "Dearest one, please take my words. There are serious things to discuss this, the last night of your year.
I, your Jesus, praise My Father for His gifts to you, daughter, and I have prayed this night for an increase in all of the areas where you need strengthening.
Daughter, hear this: THE WARNING OF MY FATHER COMES ANY TIME, now that a new year has begun. You must prepare as many as possible with words of warning and admonishment, words of encouragement, and words of support. Lead as many as possible back to the Sacraments, back to the Father, Who waits eagerly for the return of His people.
Be ready to travel in any direction now; be ready to leave at once, if that is the Father's Will.
Circumstances in the world escalate, daughter, and I desire that you call out in My Name to all the people who will accept you, with news of Our words. Do not be alarmed that you will be traveling so much, it has always been the plan for your life at this time.
Daughter, the Warning will change the lives of the world. Be ready for total CHAOS. Your days are full and your chores are near completion. -Imagine the battle that is at the next turn of your journey!
Please do not worry about My children remaining troubled. The Father's plan will touch all for good and with healing, if they will allow it.
We in Heaven are aware of the eagerness of all for this great gift to be given, but first, the earth will rock and many natural events will usher in this time. Thank you for all of the obedience to each delay, to each new period of waiting.
Daughter, praise and thank the Father for all that has been accomplished during this closing year. You have become so flexible and able to bend in whatever direction you are led. What a valuable asset this is, to all who would respond to the Father's every call!
My Heart is full of joy at each new development in the lives of all Our chosen messengers. We will be a mighty army that will fight and never be overcome.
Remember, there is NOTHING to fear,--all will happen as it was always planned, and you will be protected from harm. You are loved and cherished."
Source: NJ KNIGHTS OF THE IMMACULATA <[email protected]>
For more on the Warning:
Eyedoctor's Site:
The Warning
January 5, 1998
Our Lady of Emmitsburg message on 01/01/98
My dear little children, praise be Jesus! Bring all of your needs before Jesus, little children. Even in the midst of your weakness My Son has an infallible love for you. He is your God. Honor and glory are rightfully His. He is not a vindictive or punishing God. He is merciful, kind and compassionate.
There are many people who blame Him for not rescuing them from danger,for their illnesses, for allowing their loved ones to die and for the current bloodshed in the world today. They think God is unconcerned and have expectations that He should treat them according to their design.
Children, God is concerned. He is your creator and you should have a humble respect for Him, be reverent and praise Him for rescuing you from eternal damnation. Do you realize what the cost of His life gained for you?
Jesus is now silent, awaiting your love instead of your accusations. Jesus first wants your love. I point, once again, to Him.
I have repeatedly given you invitations to love, to love all people. To love means you must empty yourself. It may hurt at times and may cost you in some form or another. It involves forgiveness and openness. It means you must be genuine and real, not superficial, even in your own brokenness.
Little ones, by His power, Jesus could instantaneously change the world. He could prove His power. He could silence the storm of evil. His word commands the wind and the rain. He could show His power, but remains silent and hidden. Why, little children? Because through the life and death of Jesus, you have inherited His love, His kingdom. You have the power, through His love, to change the world. His love is in you. You can change the world. Do not be faint-hearted. Do not doubt. Do not blame God any longer for your problems because of your own slothful practices. Jesus will come again and His word will silence evil in due time. Are you ready? Actively love now and tend to Jesus.
I bless you in His name and I thank you for responding to My call. Peace. AD DEUM.
Source: Gary Lienesch <[email protected]>
January 4, 1998
Israel's foreign minister to resign
(CNN) -- Israel's Foreign Minister David Levy announced his resignation Sunday, accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of advocating policies that ignore the social fundamentals of Israeli society. The resignation puts intense political pressure on Netanyahu's conservative government and threatens to paralyze his administration.
Netanyahu now has until March 31 to pass the budget in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, or his government will automatically fall.
Levy also announced that he would pull his five-member Gesher faction out of the eight-party coalition government. And that move means that Netanyahu's majority in parliament has now been reduced a paper-thin 61-59 seats.
Analysts agree that this near-deadlock situation will make governing very difficult for Netanyahu, if not impossible.
January 3, 1998
Muslims warned in Ramadan sermon: `Jerusalem in danger'
JERUSALEM (AP) - Saying the holy site itself was in danger, a sheikh warned 150,000 Muslim worshippers at the revered Al Aqsa mosque on Friday to guard against attacks by Jewish extremists.
Hundreds of Israeli police and soldiers patrolled Jerusalem's Old City as Muslims filled Al Aqsa, Islam's third-holiest site, on the first Friday of Ramadan, Islam's holy month of fasting.
``Arabs and Muslims, wake up!'' Sheikh Hamed Bitawi told the impassioned crowd at Al Aqsa. ``Al Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Palestine are in danger from Jewish right-wing gangs!''
``Any attempt to divide Al Aqsa, to destroy it so that you can build your so-called temple, will only mean the destruction of Israel,'' Bitawi said in a warning to Israel's Jews.
``If only one Muslim is left in this world, he will take revenge for Al Aqsa.''
The worshippers - who normally remain silent until the end of the sermon - responded by chanting, ``Allah Akbar,'' or ``God is great.''
January 2, 1998
Message from Visionaries: Fear Not!
"My faithful, have NOTHING to fear when I am leading you to victory. You know the outcome of the battle will be My Triumph and those, who do not follow Me, will scatter in defeat as Satan will be chained.
So come, prepare My people, FOR THE GREAT BATTLE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN."
Source: John Leary via [email protected]
"Do NOT fear for yourselves as the time draws near, rejoice and have a happy heart. You, my children of faith and love, will be saved by Jesus. You are his brother and sisters."
These End Times must happen and many more will be SAVED by the Chastisement.
Source: Pat Mundorf via [email protected] (MRS JOYCE M
January 1, 1998
Pope Appeals for Justice in 1998
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Saying justice is essential for peace, Pope John Paul II greeted 1998 with a call for world leaders on down to strive for these goals as the millennium approaches.
``No one is excused from this responsibility,'' the pope said at a New Year's Day Mass at St. Peter's Basilica. ''Justice and peace aren't abstract concepts or distant ideals,'' he said. ``They are intrinsic values, a common patrimony, in the heart of every person. Individuals, families, communities, nations -- all are called to live in justice and work for peace.''
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