July 31, 2003
(1Co 11:26-29) For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself.
Speaker Stresses Obedience To Rome, Reverence For Eucharist
Francis Cardinal Arinze, the Nigerian-born prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, made it crystal clear that the Holy See is well aware of the growing lack of reverence exhibited by Catholics at Mass, the banality of too much modern Church music, the extent of liturgical abuses, and the ongoing scandal of reckless church "renovations."
In an address that was as blunt as it was inspirational, Cardinal Arinze lamented the fact that so many Catholics and too many priests simply no longer understand that the Eucharist is Jesus Christ, who is "due honor, reverence, adoration, thanksgiving, and love."
The foundation of reverence is faith, "Where there is no faith," he said, "there is no reverence."
He cited passages from the Council of Trent and The Catechism of the Catholic Church, and from St. Thomas Aquinas’ Adoro Te and Lauda Sion Salvatorem, as well as the succinct teaching of Vatican II’s Sacrosanctum Concilium. Arinze said the Church has never wavered in what it has taught about the Eucharist, nor downplayed the reverence and adoration due the Blessed Sacrament. "For due reverence to the Holy Eucharist, every Catholic needs proper initiation into this faith and continued growth in it," he insisted. "Some Catholics are lacking in due reverence to the Holy Eucharist because their eucharistic faith is poor and full of defects and doubts." Departing from his text, he added, "Many Catholics are heretics, except they don’t know it. They cannot articulate their faith. If you ask them a few questions, they cannot answer.
"What every Catholic should know," he continued, "is that they are receiving Jesus Christ."
Each individual in the congregation has the obligation to manifest reverence: by coming early to Mass to pray and recollect, by singing, praying, standing at the appropriate times, and by maintaining silence at the appropriate times.
Reverence is also shown by genuflecting before the tabernacle when entering and leaving a church, by genuflecting, bowing, or making the sign of the cross when receiving Communion, by wearing proper attire at Mass, by clean and well-maintained altar dressings and furnishings, by the priest wearing the proper liturgical vestments, by respecting Church regulations regarding the altar and sanctuary, by music that shows "theological, liturgical, and aesthetic beauty and depth.
In his opinion, the demand for the "pre-1970 way of celebrating Mass" is "generally the fault of those who have introduced abuses and their own idiosyncrasies into the Mass, contrary to the clear directives of the Second Vatican Council. If the Mass is celebrated with faith and reverence, and sung also in Latin sometimes, people’s Catholic faith and piety will be adequately nourished.
"People seek the old form of the Mass," he said, "because they are sick and tired of abuses."
RELATED: Encounter with God
SEE ALSO: The Holy Face of Jesus Christ as appeared on the Holy Eucharist
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
24. The providence of God is one thing, His help
is another, and His protection another. Providence is displayed in all
creation, help only in the faithful, protection in the faithful who truly
have faith, mercy in those who serve God, and consolation in those who
love Him.
July 30, 2003
(Luke 17:28-30) Likewise as it was in the days of Lot--they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom fire and sulphur rained from heaven and destroyed them all-- so will it be on the day when the Son of man is revealed.
The Vatican is seeking to enlist politicians and worldwide public opinion in its campaign against gay marriages, alarmed by growing legal acceptance of same-sex unions in Europe and North America.
Instructions, calling on politicians to oppose extending rights granted to traditional couples, are in a document prepared by the Church's guardian of orthodoxy, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican officials said Monday.
The document "Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons" will be released Thursday, the Vatican said.
A Vatican official familar with the document called it a "practical reflection" for both Catholic and non-Catholic politicians and public opinion in general.
"It asks that the legal recognition accorded the traditional marriages not be extended to same-sex unions," the official told The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Pope John Paul II and top Vatican officials have been speaking out for months against legislative proposals to legalize same-sex marriages.
marriage backers trumpet poll figures
Post Publishes Gay Marriage Notice
Marriage...The Final Abomination
public gay high school to open in NYC
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
18. A good schedule and resolution for the advanced,
and evidence of their progress is: absence of vainglory, freedom from anger,
good hope, stillness, discernment, firm remembrance of the judgment compassion,
hospitality, moderation in reproof, dispassionate prayer, lack of avarice.
July 29, 2003
Bishop Sean O'Malley asked for prayers to help heal the Catholic church Friday, as he prepared for his installation this week as the new archbishop of Boston.
In his first television interview since being named to head the Boston archdiocese, O'Malley told Boston Catholic Television show ''This is the Day'' that he hoped people will pray for the archdiocese.
O'Malley did not specifically mention the clergy sexual abuse crisis which has dogged the archdiocese for more than a year. But he asked for prayers to ''heal us of the pain that we've gone through in these last several months.'' ''It's intimidating to come into this kind of a responsibility, and I accept it in faith and I accept it knowing that the prayers of my priests and people will be there to support me,'' O'Malley said.
Earlier this month, O'Malley was named by the Vatican as the successor to Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned as archbishop in December after a year of criticism over his handling of the sex abuse crisis.
O'Malley, a Capuchin friar, will be installed as the new archbishop Wednesday during a ceremony at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. He served as bishop of the Fall River diocese until October, when he was moved to the Palm Beach, Fla., diocese.
A Roman Catholic priest allowed to return to the church he has led since 1991 after being accused of molesting a child, says his faith and support from his parish helped him retain hope that he would resume his work.
Rev. Philip Feltman was placed on administrative leave in January from St. Mary's after allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced. Feltman stayed involved in the parish, but said that it was difficult to not be leading the congregation.
"There were funerals of friends, there were weddings of friends, baptisms. I could not participate (as a priest)," he said. "It was important that I show up, but it was different. I became acutely aware of the loss."
Feltman resumed his role almost two weeks ago after a Vatican council found that there wasn't enough evidence to support the claims. Feltman said that he believes his case was handled fairly and that the church has improved its handling of sexual abuse claims and has become more open about the process.
Woes Continue for Catholic Church
Clergy-Abuse Victims Seek Federal Charges
going to hell comment draws lawsuit
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
13. Let those who have been humbled by their passions
take courage. For even if they fall into every pit and are trapped in all
the snares and suffer all maladies, yet after their restoration to health
they become physicians, beacons, lamps, and pilots for all, teaching us
the habits of every disease and from their own personal experience able
to rescue those who are about to fall.
July 26, 2003
EDITOR'S NOTE: If any Trib Times readers know how to help with the following inquiry, I would be grateful if you could do so.
VIA: Cruze
Apurba: I have come to know from reliable sources that, Pope John Paul
II has decided he will celebrate the 25th anniversary of his pontificate
with the Beatification of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, foundress of the Missionaries
of Charity.
And the Solemn Eucharistic Liturgy for the Beatification of Mother Teresa will be celebrated with His Holiness Pope John Paul II on Sunday, 19 October 2003 at St. Peter’s Square. We are some youths from Bangladesh interested to join in that celebration. May you help us to contact to the right person regarding this program? What is the procedure or who are the organizer? I knew there will be issue the entry ticket for each one of the person to enter in the St. Peter's Square in the celebration period. So where we may contact for the entry ticket?
Please know the details ASAP.
Thanking you, Regards.
Apurba Nicholas Cruze Address:-
C/o. NIIT_Beximco Systems Ltd.
House#24, Road#11, Block-F, Banani Dhaka-1213,
Bangladesh Phone: 880-2-8814460, 880-2-9885637
The first web site in Bangladesh on a Church, Developed
by me. Please brows:-
RELATED: Calcutta to celebrate Mother's sainthood
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
11. Theft is loss of property. Theft is doing what
is not good as if it were good. Theft is unobserved captivity of the soul.
The slaying of the soul is the death of the rational mind that has fallen
into nefarious deeds. Ruin is despair of oneself, following on the breach
of the law.
July 25, 2003
(Tit 2:11-14) For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world, awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and to purify for himself a people of his own who are zealous for good deeds.
Thirty-five years ago this week, the Catholic Church warned that widespread acceptance of artificial contraception would have profound and negative consequences for the entire world. "Far from being THE instrument of liberation for women, the pill enslaved women and brainwashed an entire generation into thinking that sex is simply a recreational activity devoid of any consequences and responsibility," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. When Pope Paul VI released the Catholic Church's official stance on artificial birth control in the encyclical HUMANAE VITAE, he warned of an increase in "conjugal infidelity and the general lowering of morality." He also said that the dignity of women in society would be reduced and that men would "forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection." Even the most fervent feminist would have difficulty claiming that this objectification of women has NOT occurred in the last 35 years.
When HUMANAE VITAE was released in 1968, most of those who rejected its message never bothered to read the document. "A growing number of young Catholics (and some Protestants) have studied Humanae Vitae, have found it to be a wellspring of truth and have incorporated it into their lives," said Joseph Starrs, director of American Life League's Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church. "Humane Vitae is not just a prohibition against artificial birth control. At its core it is an affirmation of the beauty and mystery of the sexual union between husband and wife. I firmly believe that if people actually read the document, many preconceived notions about sex and the Catholic Church would disappear," said Starrs.
"At the heart of Humane Vitae," said Brown, "is a recognition that sex is not simply a physical act, it is an act of love and of life. Once you separate the unitive (love) end from the procreative (life) end, you fundamentally change the very nature of sex. This is precisely what our culture has done and the tragic results of divorce, infidelity, pornography, and the ultimate crime against life -- abortion -- are what we have to show for it. Society would do well to revisit Humanae Vitae with open hearts. We impoverish ourselves and those we love by ignoring it," she said.
RELATED: Tragedy of Abortion
An obscenity law in Ohio is under attack by a lawyer that specializes in defending adult bookstores. Attorney H. Louis Sirkin is asking a Cincinnati judge to overturn the law, claiming that, in light of the recent Supreme Court decision overturning a sodomy law in Texas, practically all choices made by adults regarding their sexual practices should be beyond the state's control.
The case involves the sale of a video so explicit some members of the jury had to avert their eyes. Sirkin, who often defends Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler Magazine, said there should be few restrictions on such material.
"You have a right, you know, (for) sexually explicit material to be possessed," Sirkin told Family News in Focus. "It's a corollary right, in order for someone to be able to sell it to you."
Sirkin said the Supreme Court ruling overturning laws against sodomy in Texas opens the door to his challenge.
"It does now bring into question obscenity laws, prostitution laws and such things as that," Sirkin said. "Legislative bodies are not to legislate morality."
This is exactly the kind of litigation that just three weeks ago Justice Antonin Scalia warned was coming, in his dissent to the Supreme Court ruling in Lawrence v. Texas, a decision which hardened the "right" to privacy.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
10. If the day in our soul does not draw to evening
and grow dark, then the thieves will not come and rob and slay and ruin
our soul.
July 23, 2003
(John 19:30) When Jesus had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished"; and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Forget about "Mad Max" and "Lethal Weapon." Mel Gibson is now trading on his celebrity to complete the most personal and provocative project of his career: a graphic depiction of the last 12 hours of the life of Jesus Christ.
Gibson, a devout Catholic, says he wants to share "the greatest hero story and love story of all time," and has poured $25 million of his own money into "The Passion." "This is a movie about faith, hope, love and forgiveness - something sorely needed in these turbulent times," he said in a statement.
But however high-minded his intentions, the filmmaker appears to have stepped on a theological landmine. Two months ago, a group of Jewish and Catholic scholars reviewed an early, leaked movie script, and wrote to Gibson that it portrayed Jews as "bloodthirsty, sadistic and money-hungry enemies of Jesus," according to the Anti-Defamation League, which helped assemble the scholars.
Paul Lauer, Gibson's publicist, acknowledged the bloody history surrounding passion plays, and said in an interview that Gibson and his production company "have no intention whatsoever of creating something that would have that outcome."
But he added this caveat. "Are some people going to make the argument for anti-Semitism [in the film]? "Maybe. But to do that, they would have to call the New Testament gospels anti-Semitic, which as you know, some people do. You can't change the story told in the gospels any more than Steven Spielberg could be expected to change the history of the Holocaust to avoid blaming the Germans."
Several evangelical Christians who saw the film in Colorado Springs said they found the pre-release criticism unfair and unwarranted. "I was awestruck by the movie," said Paul Hetrick, spokesman for Focus on the Family, a Colorado Springs evangelical organization.
"If one watches the film, you're not stirred up in anger against the Jewish people; you're stirred up about the tragedy of Jesus' death. I thought it was very moving, stunning even, and theologically accurate."
MORE: Link to movie clip of "The Passion": http://www.aintitcool.com/ThePassion.mov
Gibson's passion for 'The Passion'
the passion
Mel Gibson visits U.S. bishops' building
The Story of Saint Therese of Lisieux
of John" to be released in late August
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
6. After God, let us have our conscienceas our
mentor and rule in all things, so that we may know which way the wind is
blowing and set our sails accordingly.
July 22, 2003
Changes are coming in the way Catholics celebrate the Eucharist, but if an informal survey of suburban parishes is any indication, few know they're on the way. The Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is the Catholic sacrament in which bread and wine are consecrated and received as the Body and Blood of Jesus.
All parishes must make the changes by Dec. 1.. The Vatican issued the new liturgical instructions in 2000. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops last year finished translating the instructions from Latin to English.
Among the rule changes:
• Lay ministers may not approach the altar or take Communion before the priest has done so.
• Parishioners must bow their heads as they approach the altar before receiving Communion.
• Silence should be observed before Mass, during the Act of Penitence, and after Communion and the homily.
• Priests must remain on the altar during the Rite of Peace, except for special occasions such as funerals or weddings.
With just over four months until the deadline, many parishioners leaving Our Lady of the Wayside's 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday in Arlington Heights said they haven't heard of the Eucharist rule changes.
Patricia Kalweit, however, had heard of them, and likes them.
"I think it's necessary to go back and see more respectful ways of going up to Eucharist," she said. "All in all, what I've heard, it sounds good to me."
SEE ALSO: Only 15% of Catholics attend mass; restore ‘awe, reverence,’ Archbishop Vidal asks
RELATED NEWS ARTICLE:The Mass: An insider's guide
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:The Lamb's Supper- The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Dr. Scott Hahn
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
5. Every satanic conflict in us comes from these
three generic causes: from negligence, or from pride, or from the envy
of the demons. The first is pitiable, the second is most wretched, but
the third is blessed.
July 11, 2003
(Mat 19:14) but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."
A Florida law requiring the notification of parents at least 48 hours before minors can obtain abortions violates privacy rights guaranteed by the state Constitution, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday.
The justices voted 5-1 to strike down the 1999 law that was never enforced because of the legal challenge from abortion providers.
The court ruling relied heavily on a similar 1989 decision by the court that overturned a state law that required underage girls to get parental consent before obtaining an abortion.
Senior Justice Leander Shaw wrote for the majority Thursday that the court had to base its decision on law rather than morality and that the state's privacy guarantee is more extensive than rights provided by the U.S. Constitution.
"We recognize that the legal issue of abortion has been one of the most gut-wrenching, emotionally laden issues of the past decades in Florida," Shaw wrote. "Sitting as a court, however, we cannot be ruled by emotion."
judge upholds constitutionality of state abortion clinic buffer zone
justified for 'better babies'
Judge Blocks Anti-Abortion Plates
EDITORIAL: America Must Confront Its Double Standard On Abortion
HORRIFYING FACT: Since the legalisation of abortion in the US the total number of legal abortions to the year 2000 was 41,493,800 with the year 2000 alone registering 1,373,700 abortions, a holocaust of unimaginable proportions.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
4. Let no one on seeing or hearing something supernatural
in the monastic way of life fall into unbelief out of ignorance; for where
the supernatural God dwells, much that is supernatural happens.
July 10, 2003
(2Ti 2:11-13) The saying is sure: If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; if we endure, we shall also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful-- for he cannot deny himself.
Poland’s president, "former" Communist Aleksander Kwasniewski, "denounced the ‘Godless’ tone of the European constitution, calling it shameful to highlight the pet ideologies of the Left but omit any mention of Europe’s Christian heritage in the opening words," reported the London Daily Telegraph.
"I am an atheist and everybody knows it, but there are no excuses for making references to ancient Greece and Rome, and the Enlightenment, without making references to the Christian values which are so important to the development of Europe," insisted Kwasniewski in a Telegraph interview. The Polish leader had just finished a 45-day campaign in Poland "to drum up support for his country’s referendum … on Poland’s membership in the European Union...." "The most significant feature of every city and town in Europe is either a cathedral or a church," noted Kwasniewski.
Note that Kwasniewski’s supposed misgivings about the EU Constitution did not hinder his efforts to persuade his fellow Poles — the overwhelming majority of whom are Roman Catholics — to surrender their national sovereignty to the atheistic super-state. Note also that Poland’s Communist Party, acting out of expediency, has long sought to co-opt that country’s Catholic heritage. In any case, Kwasniewski’s indictment of the EU Constitution — even though it is almost certainly a cynical, calculated pose — is revealing.
RELATED: Pope Fears Loss Of Christian Heritage In Europe
VIA Andrew:
"The outspoken leader of the Greek Orthodox Church blasted the European Union for omitting mention of God or Europe's Christian heritage in its draft constitution" the Association Press has wired. "The peoples of Europe, in their majority, believe in God ... but those who govern are expelling Christianity from the constitution of the European Union," Archbishop Christodoulos said Monday in a sermon. "This is a distortion of history ... No one has the right to erase Christianity," he said. "Europe will fail and be divided if they continue this way." Christodoulos' remarks follow criticism and appeals from the Vatican to include a reference of Europe's predominant religion in the constitution. The constitution will change E.U.-agreed operating rules before the union expands next year from 15 to 25 countries. The draft was being presented to this week's summit of European leaders in northern Greece. [Source: AP]
Greek Archbishop on the EU Constitution "Why is
there no reference to the cultural identity of Europe in the proposed Constitution?
What did the political world fear when it left it out?"
See full text: http://www.ecclesia.gr/English/archbishop/speeches/stpaul.html
The Holy Synod's Declaration on the Constitution
Europe cannot, and should not forget that its spiritual foundations lie
in the Gospel of Christ
See full text: http://www.ecclesia.gr/English/enholysynod/messages/europe_declaration.html
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
3. Discernment is undefiled conscience and purity
of perception.
July 9, 2003
(2Ti 2:22) So shun youthful passions and aim at righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart.
Inspired by a weekend call by the pope for greater chastity among the young, an Italian Catholic priest has published a guide aimed at helping teenagers avoid a summer of steamy temptation.
"Don't, by your attitude and movements, exhibit your body, especially if you have a physique which turns heads," advises Father Antonio Rungia in a pamphlet entitled A User's Guide To Chastity and packed with tips for the tempted.
"Avoid all traps which have obviously erotic intentions, that could lead to irreparable physical and moral damage," reads another of the rules espoused by the moral theologian based in the southern Italian city of Naples.
"Don't dress in a manner which attracts attention to your body," urges the guide, adding that it is best to avoid "morally dangerous places" as well as "invitations, especially from unknown people in isolated places".
Rungi also warns against "gatherings which encourage sexual advances" and said young people should beware of friends of questionable morals, "especially during summer".
He urged the young to spend time reading books which espouse respect for the person, and to rediscover important values, such as love, faithfulness, and purity in body and mind.
In his call on Sunday, Pope John Paul II lauded purity of heart and of the body, saying that only through chastity could there be authentic love.
He lamented a world in which "pleasure, egotism and even immorality is too often exalted in the name of false ideals of freedom and happiness."
Presents Chastity to Young People as "Safeguard" of Authentic Love
SEE ALSO: Summer
Holidays Are a Time to Rediscover Interior Life, Says Pope
IN THE HEADLINES: Book takes sex advice from Bible
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
1 (cont.). Or perhaps, generally speaking, discernment
is, and is recognized as, the certain understanding of the Divine will
on all occasions, in every place and in all that matters; and it is only
found in those who are pure in heart, and in body and in mouth.
July 8, 2003
(Mat 10:32-33) So every one who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he does not expect a future constitution for the European Union to mention the Christianity.
"There might be proposals by some countries to do this, but it won't be accepted because this would go against all the principles of the foundation of the European Union."
"The European Union is not a Christian or geographic union, it is a union based on political criteria," Erdogan said on the last day of his two-day visit to Portugal.
"The European Union is not the place for a clash of civilizations. On the contrary it eases the union between civilizations, so that they can all live together," he went on.
At a recent meeting to discuss the EU's draft constitution, Polish Prime Minister Leszek Miller said he wanted a mention of God and Christianity in the charter. Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain supported that reference.
Pope John Paul II has also recently entered the debate over the European Union's constitution, saying it should include a recognition of Europe's Christian heritage when it is signed next year.
Amnesia: Europe Without Christianity"
SEE ALSO: Archbishop
enters EU God row
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
1. Discernment in beginners is true knowledge of
themselves; in intermediate souls, it is a spiritual sense that faultlessly
distinguishes what is truly good from what is of nature and opposed to
it; and in the perfect, it is the knowledge which they have within by Divine
illumination, and which can enlighten with its lamp what is dark in others.
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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