June 22, 2007
(1Pe 1:15-16)
But according to him that hath called you, who is holy, be you also in
all manner of conversation holy: Because it is written: You shall be
holy, for I am holy.
LINK: The Call to Holiness
IN THE NEWS: No profession has monopoly on holiness, says bishop
VIA Nadine: Reaching holiness by abandoning one's Soul to God
From Abandonment to Divine Providence,
by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Doubleday, 1966
"In reality, holiness consists of one thing only: complete loyalty to God's will."
God considers not so much what we
suffer as how we suffer. To suffer much, yet badly, is to suffer like
reprobates. To suffer much, even bravely, but for a wicked cause, is to
suffer as a martyr of the devil. To suffer much or little for the sake
of God is to suffer like saints.
"If it be right to say that we can choose our crosses, this is
particularly true of the little and obscure ones as compared with the
huge, conspicuous ones,for proud human nature would likely ask and seek
for the huge, conspicuous crosses even to the point of preferring them
and embracing them. But to choose small, unnoticeable crosses and to
carry them cheerfully requires the power of a special grace and
unshakable fidelity to God. Do then as the storekeeper does with his
merchandise: make a profit on every article; suffer not the loss of the
tiniest fragment of the true Cross. It may be only the sting of a fly
or the point of a pin that annoys you, it may be the little
restlessness of soul, a slight physical weakness, a light pain in your
limbs. Make a profit on every article as the grocer does, and you will
soon become wealthy in God, as the grocer does in money, by adding
penny to penny in his till. When you meet with the least contradiction,
simply say: 'Blessed be God! My God I thank you.'
Then treasure up in the till of God's memory the cross which has just given you profit. Think no more of it, except to say: 'Many thanks!' or, 'Be merciful!'
-St. Louis De Montfort
June 21, 2007
(1Pe 3:15-16) But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you. But with modesty and fear, having a good conscience: that whereas they speak evil of you, they may be ashamed who falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.Anointing of the Sick
Obtaining First Class Relics (includes information on how to obtain a second class relic of a cassock worn by Pope John Paul II)
Reflection by Father Ted – June 19, 2007
My dearest Lord Jesus, during this
past week You have reminded me of the reality of death. Not only did my
brother die last Wednesday morning, but I have been involved with
several parlor services and have had to deal with several people who
have experienced the death of a loved one recently.
I was able to visit my brother and various members of his family two
weeks ago. He was dying then, but still alert enough to communicate a
While with him I had the privilege to anoint him and also to offer to
him the apostolic blessing and to pray the prayers for the dying.
Since then I prayed for a holy death for him and for a merciful judgment.
You allowed him to die of the great feast of Saint Anthony of Padua
– which is also the day when Your Mother appeared to the children
of Fatima for the second time.
Thank You, Jesus.
I do believe that he received from You a most merciful judgment.
Now it is up to me and to others to pray for him while he is being purified in Purgatory.
To me this is one of the great signs of Your Mercy.
For You allow us to help our deceased brothers and sisters who need
purification before they can experience the tremendous love of Your
Presence in heaven which is our ultimate home.
Since his death You have allowed me to help my brother by the offering
of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for him on five different occasions.
I know that this prayer has benefited him.
How many more prayers does he need, I do not know.
But through the offering of the Mass for him, he has experienced Your tremendous love and mercy.
During my priesthood You have taught me how valuable the Mass is for the healing of a deceased person.
But You have also taught me how valuable the Mass is for the healing of those who are living.
The graces that come from the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the living are incredible.
Not only do You desire us to offer Masses and to pray for our deceased
friends and relatives, You desire us to offer Masses and to pray for
our friends, relatives, and even enemies who have not yet died.
Thank You Jesus, for allowing me to offer Masses for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
And thank You Jesus, for allowing me to offer Masses for the living.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Humility
32. Poemen said, 'We ought always to be absorbing humility and the fear of God, as our nostrils breathe air in and out.'
June 20, 2007
(John 17:20-22) And not for them only do I pray, but for them also who through their word shall believe in me. That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them: that, they may be one, as we also are one.
The Vatican believes that contemporary
challenges compel the Orthodox and Catholic churches to seek
rapprochement in order to jointly protect Christian values.
"The Christian memory of Europe bears the wound of the split between
the East and the West, as well as the Reformation. However, today we
are rediscovering the unity of our common spiritual roots," President
of the Pontifical Council for Culture Cardinal Paul Poupard said at the
international conference "Christianity, Culture and Moral Values" on
Tuesday in Moscow.
The cardinal is certain that "we are capable of aligning our efforts
and to jointly propose responses to present day challenges to Europe,"
while all Christians have common concerns about the future of European
society, which is living through a surge in material values, religious
dissent and cultural decadence.
These negative events have been developing once again, including thanks
to mass media, "which selfishly strives for its own interests at the
expense of humanistic interests," the cardinal said.
The Vatican sees the Orthodox church as a logical partner in its
efforts to push its conservative agenda on bioethical, social and moral
issues, including opposition to embryonic stem cell research, abortion,
euthanasia and same-sex marriage.
Pope Benedict and Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus signed a joint
statement indicating such collaboration was desired. The statement said
the two "reflected on a new opportunity that is opening up for more
intense contacts and more concrete collaboration between our Churches."
"We need to enliven the Christian roots of Europe," they said.
"Catholics and Orthodox in Europe are called to offer renewed common
witness on ethical values," the two men declared.
They expressed "serious worry" about bioethical issues, saying: "There
is in fact the risk that certain techniques applied to genetics ....
will end up harming the dignity of man," they said. The statement also
expressed concern that humankind, by "putting itself at the center of
the universe," endangers the environment.
Catholic, Orthodox churches could be united
Vatican cardinal says pope and Russian Orthodox patriarch could meet within a year
Vatican has no plans to convert Russia to Catholicism
June 19, 2007
(Mat 5:9-10) Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Pope Benedict made one of his
strongest peace appeals on Sunday, calling for an end to all wars and
saying the people of the Middle East have had enough of "the horrors of
combat, terrorism and blind violence."
The Pope made his appeal at the birthplace of Saint Francis of Assisi,
the medieval playboy who abandoned a life of luxury to embrace poverty,
peacemaking and preaching.
"I consider it my duty to launch from here a pressing and heartfelt
appeal for a stop to all armed conflicts that bloody the earth," he
said after celebrating an outdoor mass in front of the pink and white
stone basilica where the saint is buried.
"May weapons be silenced and may hate give way to love everywhere. May
offence give way to forgiveness and discord to unity," he said at the
mid-point of a day-long visit to one of Christianity's most visited and
venerated places.
"Our thoughts turn in a particular way to the Holy Land, so loved by
Francis, to Iraq, Lebanon and the whole Middle East," Benedict said.
"The populations of those countries have known for too long the horrors
of combat, of terrorism, of blind violence, of the illusion that force
can resolve conflicts, of the refusal to listen to the reasons of other
people and grant them justice," he said.
RELATED: Roman Catholic school, convent desecrated, looted in Gaza Strip during last week's violence
While Iraq is constantly in world news
reports the plight of Iraqi Christians goes mostly unnoticed. According
to the Society for Threatened People in Goettingen, Germany, Iraq
currently experiences the biggest persecution of Christians of our time.
In fear of murders, bomb-attacks, kidnappings, and torture
Chaldo-Assyrian Christians have been fleeing the country by the
Approximately 75 percent of the 650,000 Christians in Iraq have been
driven from their homes. They have fled mainly to neighboring Syria or
A Christian community with a history of 2,000 years is in danger of
becoming extinct, according to the human rights organization.
According to some estimates, Chaldean Christians in Iraq numbered about
1.5 million in the year 2000 but now account for fewer than 500,000
Iraqis. Syrian Catholics inside Iraq currently number about 80,000
according to Archbishop Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil, the Rome representative
of the Syrian Catholic Church, but their numbers are diminishing every
MORE: Iraqi Vicar Denounces Persecution of Christians
The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: HumilityJune 16, 2007
(Eph 4:11-13) And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and other some evangelists, and other some pastors and doctors: For the perfecting of the saints, for the word of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Until we all meet into the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ:RECENT FATHER CORAPI EXCERPTS: "Poor leadership is the kiss of death,'' said Corapi, a wealthy CEO who became an ordained priest after struggling with drug addiction and homelessness. Leading by example, not by words alone, being willing to do first what you ask others to do, and standing your ground even in the face of death are attributes of real leadership, he said.
"Without a moral spinal column, you cannot stand for anything. Without it, you will fall for everything,'' Corapi said. "Being a Catholic is not easy.''
Sacrifice. It's a word Corapi mentioned in his speech. It's the "the essence of Christianity,'' Corapi told the assemblage. "No pain, no gain. No cross, no crown.''
It wasn't until his freshman year of college when Andrew received God's
grace to accept the sacrifice of celibacy when he listened to a tape of
Father John Corapi's conversion story. "Through Father's talk," Andrew
explains, "I realized that it was only in following my vocation that I
would be truly happy. Marriage is a tremendous gift: a wife and
children. For those called to the priesthood, the priesthood is an even
greater gift that will bring even greater happiness!"
He recognized celibacy as a gift, and that, in a way, he would be
trading in the treasure of wife and children for an even greater
treasure: "giving myself to the spotless Bride of Christ and having
countless spiritual children!"
"[email protected]": For those with a broadband
connection, Fr. John Corapi's teaching sessions are presented daily on
Relevant Radio at 11 AM Eastern.
For anyone who has ever wondered if the hardened heart of a loved one
might be converted, familiarizing yourself with his conversion story
will be a source of great encouragement.
Since his reversion, Fr. Corapi has received the supernatural gift of
the charism for teaching. If you have not heard of him previously, his
programs are broadcast on Saturday nights at 10PM and Sunday night at 8
PM (Eastern) on EWTN, and at other times on EWTN radio.
Here are some links for your reference:
EWTN streaming media for Windows Media Player:
EWTN TV Schedule: http://www.ewtn.com/tv/schedule_index.asp
Relevant Radio:
Home page www.relevantradio.com
EWTN Radio:
EWTN Radio Schedule http://www.ewtn.com/radio/schedule.htm
Fr. Corapi's home page: http://www.fathercorapi.com/index.aspxThe
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Humility
22. He also said, 'Humility and the fear of God surpass all the other
virtues.' 'The gateway is humility: our predecessors suffered much and
therefore entered heaven joyfully.'
EXCERPT- Pope John Paul II Focuses on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sunday, June 24, 2002,:
"Today I would like to entrust in a special way to the merciful heart
of Jesus all those who live in the Holy Land: Jews, Christians and
Muslims. That Heart that, burdened with insult, never nourished
sentiments of hatred and vengeance, but asked for forgiveness for his
executioners, that Heart shows the only way to emerge from the spiral
of violence: the way of pacification of spirits, of reciprocal
understanding and reconciliation".
Six Sunni Mosques Attacked in Wake of Samarra Bombing in Iraq
Lebanese mourn anti-Syrian legislator
Mideast 'may see full-scale war'
O God, Who hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son to be the eternal
High Priest for the glory of Thy Majesty and the salvation of mankind;
grant that they whom He hath chosen to be His chaplains and the
stewards of His mysteries, maybe found faithful in the fulfilment of
the ministry which they have received.
Grant, O Holy and Mighty Trinity, that they may never lose that purity
of heart with which they were ordained, though all around them lie
terrors and the uncertainty of war. Give them an abundance of wise
counsel, fortitude, temperance and justice and supernatural charity.
Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
For more than 20 years, the Rev. David Daigle has wanted to serve God and country.
He could get his wish by the end of the year, when the Stamford priest
is expected to be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan as a Navy chaplain.
Advertisement "I'm ready to go," said Daigle, a parochial vicar at St.
Leo's Church who was previously at St. Mary parish in Greenwich. "I'm
prepared to do what's necessary to fulfill my role as a chaplain."
But first Daigle must complete training at the Navy Chaplains School in
Newport, R.I., which begins in September, when he turns 42. By then,
Daigle is expected to have his application approved by the Navy and be
commissioned as a lieutenant, junior grade.
Daigle's deployment would be a boost to the Chaplain Corps, which has a
severe shortage of Catholic priests serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Of the 343 chaplains in the war zone, only 34 are Catholic priests. The
shortage is more pronounced in the Navy Chaplain Corps, which also
serves the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard. Ten of the 61 Navy
chaplains are Catholic priests.
The Rev. Frank Foley, a Navy chaplain recruiter, said that, over the
past three years, about 30 Catholic priests have left the Navy Chaplain
Corps to retire or return to their religious communities. Two,
including Daigle, have signed up. Foley said he expects to lose another
12 this year without taking in more.
It is critical for more Catholic chaplains to be sent to war zones, Foley said.
"For Catholics, the only one who can provide for their spiritual needs
- Holy Communion, absolution, last rites - is a Catholic priest," he
said. "And you have young men and women every day who are in danger of
losing their limbs or their lives. They want, many times, to see a
Catholic priest."
Some, he said, die without receiving sacraments.
"It's a tragic reality," he said. "There is no alternative."
Daigle contacted Foley in January to say he was interested in becoming
a Navy chaplain. Foley said Daigle is "an answer to a prayer."
"Thank God he's a generous, relatively young, healthy priest willing to
share his vocation, his calling to young heroes in uniform," he said.
A Chicago priest tends his flock in war-torn Iraq
Chaplain shortage strains military ministry
The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: HumilityJune 13, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI condemned the "abominable" kidnapping of priests and
other people around the world on Sunday and demanded the kidnappers
free their hostages.
Benedict made the appeal hours after gunmen abducted an Italian Roman
Catholic priest, the Rev. Giancarlo Bossi, in the southern Philippines
as he was heading to a remote village to celebrate Mass. On Wednesday,
a Chaldean Catholic priest and five youths were kidnapped while
visiting a seminary in Baghdad.
Benedict directed his appeal at kidnappers around the globe, although he mentioned those in Colombia in particular.
"Unfortunately, I receive many requests to intervene on behalf of
people, among them Catholic priests, held as hostage for various
reasons in various parts of the world," Benedict said during his
traditional Sunday blessing.
Speaking from his studio window overlooking St. Peter's Square, the
pontiff said he was praying for all those who were being held hostage.
"I direct my appeal to the authors of these abominable acts, so that
they realize the wrong they have done and quickly return their
prisoners to their loved ones," Benedict said.
UPDATE: Search continues for kidnapped Catholic priest Fr. Bossi
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Humility
June 8, 2007
18:8) I say to you that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son
of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?
The Rev. Richard John Neuhaus has one word for the state of U.S. Catholic religious education. "Dismal."
"And I think most people who have thought about this carefully would
agree that the last generation or two (of Catholics) has been largely
uncatechized," said the priest who will be a primary speaker at the
Catholic Diocese of Peoria's 2007 Summer Institute to be held June
Whether Christians' efforts to influence the culture are bearing fruit is hard to tell right now, he said.
"If you look at our historical moment within the larger context of the
centuries, the degree of Christian fidelity and its influence on its
surround has varied radically from generation to generation," Neuhaus
said. "But certainly in the United States, Christian faith and devotion
is vibrantly alive."
He added, though, that it's also "confused and conflicted."
Asked whether Christianity is having an influence on American culture,
Neuhaus pointed out that the United States is a "culture composed of
many cultures, some would say subcultures."
"We have no reason to despair, and we certainly have not the right to
despair," the priest said. "Jesus said we're called to be light in the
darkness and the salt of the Earth. Sometimes that light and that salt
seem to be giving the primary definition to the world around us and
sometimes they seem to be very much under siege. At any time in
history, the church is always failing and succeeding, rising and dying
at the same time.
"Authentic, faithful, vibrant, courageous Christian witness - that will always be rare in the history of the world," he said.
What also has been rare in English-speaking culture over the past few
decades has been a sound Catholic catechetical effort, according to
"A calamitous abandonment of inculcating basic knowledge of the Catholic faith and practice" occurred after Vatican II, he said.
"I think today there is an increasingly almost unanimous recognition of
this and we're involved in an enormous project of rebuilding."
RELATED: Closing signals 'final nail' for Catholic tradition of the preparatory seminary
OPINION: Tradition still has the power to awe
The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: HumilityJune 6, 2007
(Mat 19:14) But Jesus said to them: Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me: for the kingdom of heaven is for such.A Michigan law enacted after a
petition drive in 2004 to ban some late-term abortions was declared
unconstitutional Monday by the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, the
latest in a series of confusing court decisions on the issue.
Although intended to prohibit the procedure commonly called
partial-birth abortion by its foes, the Michigan law is more sweeping
than a ban passed by Congress and upheld in April by the U.S. Supreme
Court, the appeals court ruled.
The appeals court found that Michigan's Legal Birth Definition Act
could apply to abortions using other methods earlier in pregnancy and
places an undue burden on a woman's right to choose an abortion.
The appeals panel affirmed a federal judge's opinion. The three-judge
panel said the Michigan Legislature would have been virtually
guaranteed a favorable result on appeal, had it copied an Ohio law on
partial-birth abortions that the 6th Circuit has upheld.
It instead opted to use language that pushed almost every boundary that
the Supreme Court has imposed for these types of laws, the judges said.
Monday's ruling marked the third time a Michigan law intended to ban
such abortions has been struck down before it could take effect.
"Today's ruling, which protects an
ideology that has imposed upon our state and nation one of the must
inhumane, sadistic and brutal acts of aggression that history will
witness, is disappointing not only for women but also for the
protection of innocent human life. Those who share a common interest in
banning the unjust practice of partial-birth abortion will continue to
work diligently until Michigan law reflects the will of the people."
The Pope on Abortion, Politicians, and Communion By George Weigel
U.S. Catholic Bishop criticizes Giuliani for his statements on abortion
Scottish Cardinal attacks abortion 'massacres'
Father Frank Pavone of the Priests for Life: ‘A Dozen Reasons Life Is Winning’
Archbishop Raymond L. Burke: "For
a bishop or any pastor to exclude someone from Communion is always a
source of great sorrow....What would be profoundly more sorrowful would
be the failure of a bishop to call a soul to conversion, the failure to
protect the flock from scandal and the failure to safeguard the worthy
reception of Communion."
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Humility
15. Evagrius said, 'To go against self is the beginning of salvation.'
June 5, 2007
Iran president sees "countdown" to Israel's end
Assad advocates diplomatic talks, yet evidence shows he is preparing for war
Catholic priest shot dead in Iraq
VIA Jim Bramlett: Jesus said, "It were better for him that a
millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that
he should offend one of these little ones" (Luke
From IsraelNationalNews.com: Palestinian Authority kindergarten children demonstrated in a graduation
ceremony how well they had learned their lessons this year.
A video
clip of the ceremony, televised on Hamas' Al-Aksa TV, was
distributed Friday by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
The little boys in the video march in formation and then drop to the
floor, crawl on their bellies and vow to become terrorists when they grow
In the last minute of the clip, the boys in the televised ceremony shout
"Allah Hu Akbar!" (Allah is great!).
"Who is your role model?" they are asked. "The Prophet," they chant.
"What is your path?" demands the leader. "Jihad!" they cry, in their
little camouflage uniforms and black masks, brandishing toy guns and
waving green Hamas flags.
"What is your most lofty aspiration?
"Death for the sake of Allah!"
The kindergarten is run by the same group that spawned the Hamas
terrorist organization -- the Islamic Association in Gaza.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Humility
6. They said of Arsenius that while he was in the Emperor's palace he
was the best-dressed person there and while he was leading the life of
a monk, no one was clothed in worse rags.'
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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