[Rom. 14:19–23, 16:25–27; Matt. 6:1–13. For the Fathers — Gal. 5:22–6:2; Matt. 11:27–30]
They that are Christ's
have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts (Gal. 5:24).
Nowadays, this order of things has been perverted: people crucify the
flesh, but not together with the affections and lusts — rather by means
of affections and lusts. How people now torture their bodies with
overeating, drunkenness, lustful deeds, dancing and merry-making! The
most heartless master does not torture his lazy animal this way. If we
were to give our flesh freedom and reason, its first voice would be
against its mistress — the soul; it would say that the soul has
unlawfully interfered in the flesh's affairs, brought passions alien to
it, and tortures it by carrying these passions out in the flesh.
Our body's needs are
essentially simple and passionless. Look at the animals: they do not
overeat, they do not sleep in excess, and having satisfied their
fleshly needs at the given time, they remain calm for the entire year.
Only the soul, which has forgotten its better inclinations, has by its
intemperance developed out of the body's basic needs a multitude of
unnatural inclinations, which are unnatural for the body as well. It is
necessary to crucify the flesh in every possible way, in order to cut
the fleshly passions off from the soul which the latter has grafted
onto itself. This can be done only in the reverse — that is, by not
giving it enough of what is necessary, or by meeting its needs to a far
lesser degree than what its nature demands.
Easter 2017 Dates
March 1 - Ash Wednesday
April 9 - Palm Sunday
April 13 - Maundy (Holy) Thursday
April 14 - Good Friday
April 16 - Easter Sunday (Western Christianity - Roman Catholic, Anglican Communion, Protestant Churches, etc.)
April 16 - Orthodox Easter Sunday (Orthodox Christianity - Eastern Orthodox Churches)
The TRIB TIMES will not be updated again this year during the Lenten season, extending to the first week after Easter. My computer time will be limited to 30 minutes each morning and evening during Lent. I will read all emails I receive, and will answer all that I can, time permitting. I may also occasionally email non-reformatted news articles to Trib Times subscribers that I find to be of particular interest. But barring a major event (admittedly not unlikely these days), the Trib Times web page itself will not be updated.
I apologize to all who have recently subscribed but will keep your email information for use after my return. God willing, the next issue of the Trib Times should be shortly after Divine Mercy Sunday, April 23, 2017. Please keep me in your prayers, and be assured that I will do the same.I recommend the following links to keep up with unfolding events:
Catholic NewsNewer subscribers may also be interested in a meditation that first appeared in the Trib Times in 2004, The Pain of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
http://www.catholicnews.com/Signs of the Times
http://www.lifenews.com/Readings & Meditations for Lent & Holy Week
http://dynamiccatholic.com/bestlentever/Catholic Commentary
Courageous Priest
Statements of Archbishop Chaput
Crisis Magazine
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 11- "On talkativeness and silence"
4. He who has become aware of his sins has controlled his tongue, but a talkative person has not yet come to know himself as he should.Jubilee
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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