3:1-7) All things have their season, and in their times all things pass
under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant, and
a time to pluck up that which is planted. A time to kill, and a time to
heal. A time to destroy, and a time to build. A time to weep, and a
time to laugh. A time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to scatter
stones, and a time to gather. A time to embrace, and a time to be far
from embraces. A time to get, and a time to lose. A time to keep, and a
time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sew. A time to keep
silence, and a time to speak.
Benedict's 2011 Message for Lent
LINK: Join the Bishops of Australia as we journey towards Easter
MEDITATION: Striving to live up to promises of the Cross by Most Reverend R. Walker Nickless Bishop of Sioux City
The TRIB TIMES will not be updated again this year during the Lenten season, extending to the first week after Easter. My computer time will be limited to 30 minutes each morning and evening during Lent. I will read all emails I receive, and will answer all that I can, time permitting. I may also occasionally email non-reformatted news articles to Trib Times subscribers that I find to be of particular interest. But barring a major event, the Trib Times web page itself will not be updated.
I apologize to all who have recently subscribed but will keep your email information for use after my return. God willing, the next issue of the Trib Times should be shortly after Divine Mercy Sunday, May 1, 2011. Please keep me in your prayers, and be assured that I will do the same.I recommend the following links to keep up with unfolding events:
Catholic NewsNewer subscribers may also be interested in a meditation that first appeared in the Trib Times in 2004, The Pain of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
http://zenit.org/english/Signs of the Times
http://www.lifenews.com/Readings & Meditations for Lent & Holy Week
Catholic Commentary
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 28- "On holy and blessed prayer"
17. Try to lift up, or rather, to enclose your thought within the words of your prayer, and if in its infant state it wearies and falls, lift it up again. Instability is natural to the mind, but God is powerful to establish all things. If you persevere indefatigably in this labour, He who sets the bounds to the sea of the mind will visit you too, and during your prayer will say to the waves: Thus far shall ye come and no further (Cf. Job 38:11). Spirit cannot be bound; but where the Creator of the spirit is, everthing obeys.(Mat
6:16-18) And when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, sad. For they
disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Amen I
say to you, they have received their reward. But thou, when thou
fastest anoint thy head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not to men
to fast, but to thy Father who is in secret: and thy Father who seeth
in secret, will repay thee.
CHIESA: The Next Lent Is on the Road to Damascus
OP-ED: Lent: time to get a (new) life
EXCERPT INTERMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC: Lenten fasting challenges us to focus on God
In a culture that wants everything now, it is hard for us to slow down,
stop and not indulge in things whenever we want to. Our Christian
heritage invites us to prepare ourselves to renew our baptismal vows
during the season of Lent, but also look deep within ourselves,
discover our sinfulness, and offer it to God for healing. Fasting or
giving up something is a discipline that helps us turn from our selfish
desires and move to a deeper relationship with Christ.
Lent provides us with a 40-day retreat, a time to slow down and really
examine our brokenness, our sinfulness. During these 40 days we,
hopefully, renew and deepen our practice of prayer; we challenge
ourselves to be more charitable, and we fast. What we must remember is
that this is a communal effort. Fasting is a discipline that helps turn
our focus back to God. The hunger pangs we feel or the cravings we must
resist are reminders that we must completely empty ourselves and turn
away from the things that keep us from loving God and knowing God more
intimately. Fasting is not a punishment, but an act that reminds us of
God’s love for us and hopefully our love for God, our desire to be
drawn deeper into God’s life.
IN THE EXAMINATION of conscience, consider three things:
1. The faults committed on the particular day.
2. The occasions of these faults.
3. Your need of alacrity in amending those faults and acquiring the contrary virtues.
With regard to the faults committed each day, recall the
recommendations of Chapter Twenty-Six, which treats of the mode of
behavior to be adopted by one who has fallen into sin. It goes without
saying that you must strive with the greatest caution and
circumspection to avoid the occasions of these faults. And as to the
amendment of these faults and the acquisition of the requisite virtues,
you must fortify your will by a firm confidence in God, Who will aid
you in remedying the evil habits.
If, however, you find that you have triumphed in the struggle over self
or excelled in the performance of a good work, beware of vainglory.
Even the memory of such victories should not be too much in your
thoughts, lest presumption and vanity steal quietly and insidiously
into your heart. Leave, therefore, your good works, whatever they may
be, to the mercy of God and, forgetting the triumphs of the past,
fortify yourself for the struggles of the future.
As to your thanksgiving for the gifts and favors which the Lord has
bestowed upon you in the course of the day, humbly acknowledge Him to
be the author of all good, and your protector against myriad unseen
foes. Thank Him for having inspired you with good thoughts and for
having given you the opportunities of practicing virtue. And finally,
thank Him for all His unknown gifts of which you will never know.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 28- "On holy and blessed prayer"
16. Until we have acquired genuine prayer, we are like people teaching children to begin to walk.
(Isa 58:5-7) Is
this such a fast as I have chosen: for a man to afflict his soul for a
day? is this it, to wind his head about like a circle, and to spread
sackcloth and ashes? wilt thou call this a fast, and a day acceptable
to the Lord? Is not this rather the fast that I have chosen? loose the
bands of wickedness, undo the bundles that oppress, let them that are
broken go free, and break asunder every burden. Deal thy bread to the
hungry, and bring the needy and the harbourless into thy house: when
thou shalt see one naked, cover him, and despise not thy own flesh.
CNS: Pope says Lent is time to renounce selfishness
THE CATHOLIC LEADER: Faith-filled Christians rejoice despite the crosses we all carry by Archbishop John Bathersby
VIA Fr. Corapi: Lent: Season of Penance, Season of Hope
Another Lenten season will be upon us soon. Although Lent is a
season of penance; it is a season of hope more than anything. For
as surely as Easter Sunday follows Good Friday, so the hope of Lent
gives way to the fulfillment of that hope which is the Resurrection.
It seems to be a law woven into creation that there must be sacrifice
before there can be victory. There must be a dying to sin and
self before there can be a rebirth in Christ. As we walk the path
of Lent we should use this graced time to exercise discipline in the
small things of life. There can be no victory in anything:
sports, business, military, or life in general, without self-discipline.
Examples of this discipline are many. They can be first and
foremost in the area of charity to others, and this begins at
home. Perhaps there is someone in your life that rubs you the
wrong way, your "hair shirt". Deny the inclination to bicker and
complain. Love the person whether you feel like it or not.
Do some small act of kindness for them.
Pray the Rosary every day (or once a week, or 3 times a week, etc.) of
Lent, or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. If you love chocolate,
exercise discipline and don't eat it through the days of Lent, offering
your sacrifice to Jesus through Mary for the salvation of souls.
Assist at holy Mass herhaps one or more days during the week as a
preparation for the great gift of the Paschal mystery which unfolds
during Holy Week. Discipline yourself to be more recollected and
reverent at the Eucharist, realizing that this is nothing less than the
same sacrifice of Calvary offered in a sacramental manner.
The discipline of Lent always opens the door for the bright light of
Easter. The pain of Good Friday is at once the joy and triumph of
the holy Cross. No passion and death, no Victory. In Jesus
we walk through the trials and frequent darkness of this life to the
unending joy and light of heaven. It is the Cross that wins that
victory we know as Easter.
May this Lent be a time of true hope for you, a time of self-discipline
and spiritual battle that leads to great personal triumph in Jesus
Christ at Easter. Dying He destroyed our death, rising He
restored our life, come, Lord Jesus, come!
THE SECOND ASSAULT by which the perverse one attempts
our destruction is the terror which he would infuse into our minds at
the recollection of our past sins, hoping thereby to drive us to
In this peril, hold fast to the infallible rule that the remembrance of
your sins is the effect of grace, and is most salutary if it inspires
within your heart sentiments of humility, compunction, and confidence
in God's mercy. But if such recollection creates vexation and
despondency, leaving you spiritless from the apparent cogency of the
reasons adduced to convince you that you are irrevocably lost, be
assured that it has been suggested by the devil. In such
circumstances, humble yourself the more, and have greater confidence in
God; thus shall you destroy the strategem of the devil, turn his own
weapons against him, and give greater glory to God.
It is true that you should be truly contrite for having offended such
sovereign goodness, as often as you call to mind your past offenses;
but as often as you ask pardon you should have a firm confidence in the
infinite mercy of Jesus Christ.
I will go further and say that even though God Himself should seem to
say within your heart that you are not one of His flock, still place
your confidence in Him; rather say to Him in all humility: "Thou hast
good reason indeed, O Lord, to condemn me for my sins, but I have
greater reason in Thy mercy to hope for pardon. Have pity then, O
Lord, on a humble sinner condemned by his own sinfulness, but redeemed
by Thy Blood. I commit myself entirely to Thy hands, O my
Redeemer; all my hopes are in Thee, trusting that in Thine infinite
compassion, Thou will save me to the glory of Thy name. Do with
me as Thou wilt, for Thou alone art my Lord. Even though, My
Lord, Thou shouldst destroy me, ever will I hope in Thee."
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 28- "On holy and blessed prayer"
15. If you are clothed in all meekness and freedom from anger, you will not have much trouble in loosing your mind from captivity.March 3, 2011
(2Th 2:15) Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.
On May 19, 2009, Archbishop Gomez spoke to graduates of the University
of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, rejecting moral relativism.
"Pilate was not uneducated,” the archbishop told the graduates. “But
he was educated in such a way that he could not recognize the truth --
even when the truth was standing right in front of him. Our society
today is a lot like Pontius Pilate -- it doesn’t recognize the truth…
Our culture believes instead that there are many truths -- as many
different truths as there are individuals, and that it’s wrong to try
to decide or judge among these… My friends, part of what God is calling
you to do with your higher education is to restore the sense of truth
to our society -- especially the truth about the sanctity and dignity
of human life. You have to help our society see that truths and moral
absolutes do exist.”
RON SMITH REPORT: Why is the Catholic Church Correct in her Doctrine?
IN THE NEWS: Revised Catholic Bible Nixes The Word "Booty"
Changes are coming to the Bible translation used by many American Catholics.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has decided to remove the
word "booty" from the upcoming edition of the New American Bible and
replace it with "spoils" -- a word less likely to make Sunday school
children think of a person's backside.
Editors tell "USA Today" updating the wording of the New American Bible is necessary as the English language changes.
In addition to dropping the word "booty," the new Bible translation
will change the emotionally charged word "holocaust" to "burnt
offering" and Proverbs 31:10 will be called "Poem on the Woman of
Worth" instead of "The Ideal Wife." It
will even change the Book of Isaiah to say "the young woman" instead of
"the virgin" in a passage many Catholics see as a prophesy on the
Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ. (emphasis added)
The latest version of the New American Bible is due out on March 9th, when Catholics observe Ash Wednesday.
NEWSWIRE: New Ways of Being "Catholic"
Every year, many US Catholics are turning to married priests to
celebrate thousands of Masses, weddings, baptisms, and other
sacraments. Many of them had no spiritual place to call home --
their church was closed for lack of priests, they felt unwelcome due to
divorce or other circumstance, or, like the Lorenz', they sought out a
married priest affiliated with CITI Ministries/Rentapriest.com (!) when they felt disenchanted with the institutional church.
CITI Ministries is a nonprofit organization that offers free referrals
to married priests in almost every state. Married priests are
available for special one-time services such as Holy Week or Easter
Masses, weekly or occasional Masses, first or second marriages,
baptisms, Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick, funerals, spiritual
guidance or group discussion, such as those among vigiling parishes who
are trying to discern their future as a congregation. The
extensive theological backgrounds and experience of these priests has
been invaluable to those who might otherwise have fallen away from
"What if we said, 'wait'?" Vatican won't
Homosexuals have nothing to be ashamed of, Catholic bishops say
Hawaii OKs civil unions; Maryland House panel debates same-sex marriage
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 28- "On holy and blessed prayer"
14. Oil and salt are seasonings for food; and tears and chastity give wings to prayer.March 2, 2011
4:9-13) For I think that God has exhibited us apostles as last of all,
like men sentenced to death; because we have become a spectacle to the
world, to angels and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, but you
are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in
honor, but we in disrepute. To the present hour we hunger and thirst,
we are ill-clad and buffeted and homeless, and we labor, working with
our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when
slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become, and are now, as the
refuse of the world, the offscouring of all things.
NEWS REPORT: Libyan Christian clergy vow to stay on amid violence
Christian clergy in Libya said they have no intention of leaving the
country, where several days of protests and retaliation by government
armed forces have left hundreds of people dead.
“We feel we belong here with our sisters who are giving their services
in social centres. Their work is so much appreciated by the Libyans
here and often finds support and appreciation,” Rev. Daniel Farrugia, a
senior Roman Catholic priest at the St. Francis Catholic Church in
Tripoli told ENInews.
He said the leaders were safe as well as the church structures, with
the church’s life in the mornings being almost normal, although many
foreigners were leaving the country.
“We pray for all those who are suffering in these moments and for the
leaders to have wisdom in their decisions,” said Farrugia. In Libya,
1.8 percent of 6.7 million people are Christians. Islam is the dominant
The Catholic Church, which is the largest denomination in Libya, has
been allowed two places of worship: St. Francis Church in the capital
of Tripoli and Immaculate Conception church in Benghazi. There are also
Anglican, Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox and some Pentecostal churches.
The priests serve more than 80,000 Christians who come from Asia,
Africa and Europe. Together with the pastoral care service, the church
also offers social services to large number of African immigrants.
Nearly 100 nuns are working in hospitals and health centers in various
With violence intensifying, Bishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli,
Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli in Libya was quoted media reports on 22
February saying that many Christians were going into the churches to
pray for peace.
“The two churches in Tripoli and Benghazi have not suffered any
damages. The different communities of religious sisters working in
hospitals in Cyrenaica (the eastern coastal region of Libya which
includes Benghazi, Tobruk and other areas), are busy treating those
wounded in clashes,” said Martinelli.
CNA: As Catholics flee Libya, Church responds with prayer, charitable works
CATHOLIC REVIEW: As rallies continue, Vatican expresses concern about Libya
ICN: Libya: nuns and priests remain to help stranded migrants
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 28- "On holy and blessed prayer"
13. Though you may have climbed the whole ladder of the virtues, pray for forgiveness of sins. Listen to the cry of Paul regarding sinners: Of whom I am chief (1 Tim 1: 15).
(Eph 4:21-24) If
so be that you have heard him and have been taught in him, as the truth
is in Jesus: To put off, according to former conversation, the old man,
who is corrupted according to the desire of error. And be renewed in
spirit of your mind: And put on the new man, who according to God is
created in justice and holiness of truth.
"Jesus has demonstrated to us what it means to live with our feet
firmly planted on the earth, attentive to the concrete situations of
our neighbor, and at the same time having our heart always in Heaven,
immersed in God's mercy".
IN THE NEWS: Scrutiny of a saintly life finds a home here
REFLECTION by Father Ted – February 25, 2011
My dearest Lord Jesus, thank You again for allowing Your Mother to
speak to us through Maria. You want us to respond to Your call to
holiness and to love. You want us to radiate Your love to others.
Because of this You exhort us through Mary to work on our own
conversions so that we can effectively witness to others Your love and
Your call for them to become holy – just as You are holy.
So many of our brothers and sisters do not even know their purpose in
life. As Jeff Cavins said in one of his talks on the Bible – our
young people do not know their origin; they do not know their destiny;
they do not know their purpose in life.
You have come to reveal to all of us our origin, our destiny, and our purpose in life.
You have been telling us that You created us; that You desire us to be
with You in Your home with Your Father and Your Holy Spirit; that You
and the Father and Your Holy Spirit want us to become saints.
You have been telling us that You are always with us, though we may not sense Your Presence.
You have been telling us that You are always guiding us, though we may not sense this reality.
You have been telling us that You offer to us every single day the
helps that we need in order to do Your Will – to become holy and to
help our brothers and sisters in their needs.
You have sent Your Mother to us to help us, to encourage us, to teach us how to become holy.
And You have warned us that when we do not listen to her, when we do
not respond to Your guidance that not only do we become miserable and
unhappy, but, unless we allow You to help us to change, we will deprive
ourselves of our ultimate purpose in life which is to be with You and
Your Holy Family in heaven.
Yes, You have warned us that unless we do what You ask of us, we will
end up in Gehenna, that is Hell, with those spiritual beings who
rejected Your eternal love – with those who have been constantly
tempting us not to keep Your commandments, not to do Your Will, not to
become holy.
They have been enticing us with so many things that actually prevent us
from experiencing Your love. They have been keeping us so busy
that we do not make time each day to listen to You and to do what You
ask of us.
Dearest Jesus, help us to reject their persuasions. Help us to
use our time and our energy well. Help us to seek first Your
kingship over ourselves and Your righteousness. Yes, Jesus, help
us to become saints.
of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 28- "On holy and blessed prayer"
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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