A Chronicle Depicting the Lateness of the
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May 31, 1998
Thousands feared dead in Afghan quake
As many as 5,000 people are feared dead after a powerful earthquake struck remote northern Afghanistan, destroying numerous villages and leaving thousands of residents homeless, authorities said.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9805/31/afghan.quake.on/
(Mat 24:6-7) You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
30. The law of freedom teaches the whole truth. Many read about
it in a theoretical way, but few really understand it, and these only in
the degree to which they practise the commandments.
May 30, 1998
Pakistan detonates two more nuclear devices
Pakistan today detonated two more nuclear devices, further escalating the arms race in South Asia. Earlier this month, India announced it had tested five nuclear devices. Pakistan responded by setting off five tests of its own on Thursday and two more explosions today.
In less than four minutes from launch, a Pakistani missile could hit India's capital with a Hiroshima-sized nuclear bomb. India could devastate the Pakistani capital in just three minutes.
(Mat 24:6-7) You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
29. Thus a merciful heart willl receive mercy, while a merciless heart
will receive the opposite.
May 29, 1998
Eucharistic Miracle at Conyers,GA on May 13, 1998
On the 13th, after the mid-day rosary, one of the speakers was a stigmatist, Katia, from Bolivia, who had a profound conversion experience at the Conyers apparition site a number of years ago. Katia has the approval of her bishop in Bolivia.
At 7:30 p.m. on the evening of the 13th there was a mass at a private house. Both Nancy Fowler (Conyers visionary) and Katia were present.
There were two kneelers infront of the altar for people to kneel and receive Jesus.
When Nancy and Katia were on the kneelers, the priest gave Nancy a host and then gave one to Katia. Someone pointed to Katia's mouth, Nancy leaned forward and looked, and immediately dropped to her knees on the floor (not back on the kneeler despite the severe trouble she has had with her knees). The host in Katia's mouth had turned to flesh and blood.
After the host had been inspected by the priest and some others, Katia swallowed it.
Source: [email protected] (MRS JOYCE M LANG)
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
28. Just as a thought is made manifest through actions and words, so
is our future reward through the impulses of the heart.
May 28, 1998
Communist leader warns of ``catastrophe'' as market continues plunge
MOSCOW (AP) - The Central Bank tripled a key interest rate to a whopping 150 percent today in a drastic bid to halt the massive sell-offs and sharp declines in Russia's financial markets. Amid growing signs of financial panic, the head of the Communist Party declared that Russia is on the verge of collapse and needs early presidential elections.
Moody's downgrades five Japanese banks, cites weak economy
TOKYO (AP) - Moody's Investors Service downgraded credit and financial strength ratings for five leading Japanese banks on Wednesday, citing concerns over Japan's weakening economy and the Asia-wide financial crisis.
For more on the impending economic crisis: Eyedoctor's Site: Hoofbeats of the Black Horseman
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
27. Scripture speaks of faith as 'the substance of things hoped for'
(Heb. 11:1), and describes as 'worthless' those who do nto know the indwelling
of Jesus (cf. 2 Cor. 13:5).
May 27, 1998
Vatican issues calendar for Jubilee Year
The Vatican has released an official calendar for the Jubilee Year 2000, which will begin with the opening of the holy door of St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve, 1999, and close on the feast of the Epiphany in 2001.
In his encyclical Tertio Millennio Adveniente, Pope John Paul called for an assembly of all Christians, to take place during the Jubilee year in the land where Jesus lived. That event has not yet been scheduled-- although the official calendar does note a pan-Christian assembly at Assisi, to take place in October 1999. For more scheduled dates click on the following link.
Source: http://www.cwnews.com/news/getstory.cfm?recnum=7703
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
26. When you read Holy Scripture, perceive its hidden meanings. 'For
whatever was written in past times was written for our instruction' (Rom.
May 26, 1998
'A Grand Meeting Between the "Biggest" and Brightest Planets'
Mark the 28th and 29th of May as two mornings when you will want to get up 45 minutes before sunrise to see an extremely close meeting between the biggest (including its rings) and the brightest planets in the solar system. Each sucesssive morning about 45 minutes before sunrise you will notice Saturn and Venus will slowly approach each other. On Thursday and Friday the 28th and 29th they will be separated by only half a degree, which means we could just fit one Full Moon between the two. A truly wonderful sight!
For a graphic illustration of the above: http://www.bisque.com/thesky/brian/19980518.htm
Source: http://www.star . /scripts_may98.html
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
25. At the times when you remember God, increase your prayers, so that when
you forget Him, the Lord may remind you.
May 25, 1998
Israelis celebrated the 31st anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem yesterday, with festivities culminating in a huge jubilee parade through the streets of the capital. Around 150,000 people cheered on more than 20,000 marchers, including 2,000 army paratroopers and members of other IDF units.
The reunification under Israel of Jerusalem has been described as the most significant religious event for Jews in 2,000 years. Christians note that Jesus, too, prophesied about the eventual restoration of the city to Jewish control (Luke 21: 24).
Source: ICEJ News <[email protected]> http://www.icej.org.il/
(Luke 21:24) They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
24. When David wanted to kill Nabal the Carmelite, but was reminded
of the divine retribution and abandoned his intention, he was extremely thankful.
Again, we know what he did when he forgot God, and how he did not stop
until Nathan the Prophet reminded him (cf. 1 Sam. 25; 2 Sam. 12).
May 24, 1998
New Cloning Technique Points to 'Fountain of Youth'
Researchers who have produced designer calves that are both cloned and genetically engineered said on Friday their technique has given them a way to rejuvenate dying cells.
They said they hoped to eventually produce genetically engineered calves that carry a "fountain of youth" gene discovered by other teams of researchers.
For an analysis of the spiritual implications of cloning:
Eyedoctor's Site:
The Desolating Abomination
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
23. A man wanted to do evil, but first prayed as usual; and finding
himself prevented by God, he was extremely thankful.
May 23, 1998
Greenspan: Asia woes are still a global threat
The Asian financial crisis remains highly volatile and could still spread to other parts of the world ''with unexpectedly large negative effects,'' the chairman of the Federal Reserve told Congress.
Chairman Alan Greenspan also warned yesterday that Asia's effects on the US economy are ''only now just being felt,'' and two administration officials forecast that a wide cross section of Americans would be touched by the problems.
For more on the impending economic crisis:
Site: Hoofbeats of the Black Horseman
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
22. There are many differing methods of prayer. No method is harmful;
if it were, it would be not prayer but the activity of Satan.
May 22, 1998
Jerusalem will come to a standstill on Sunday as the people of Israel celebrate the return of their capital to Jewish rule 31 years ago. The festivities this year will be larger than usual because Israel is also celebrating its Jubilee - 50 years since the rebirth of the state.
Thousands of IDF soldiers and thousands more veterans, students and civilians will march through downtown Jerusalem. It will be the first time the military hold a large parade in the city in 25 years.
Source: ICEJ News <[email protected]> http://www.icej.org.il/
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
21. 'The iron gate that leads into the city' is a hard heart (Acts
12:10); but to one who suffers hardship and affliction the gate will open
of its own accord, as it did to Peter.
May 21, 1998
Ascension Thursday
(Acts 1:11) "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
(Titus 2:12-14) It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
20. A self-indulgent heart becomes a prison and chain for the soul
when it leaves this life; whereas an assiduous heart is an open door.
May 20, 1998
Visionary Messages
Because of the risk of spreading false or deceptive messages, The Tribulation Times will no longer include messages from visionaries. For those interested in receiving messages from modern visionaries I would suggest subscribing to the Marian and Prophecy discussion list by sending a message to [email protected] with the word "subscribe" in the subject line.
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God. (Phil 1:9-11)
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
19. Vigils, prayer and patient acceptance of what comes constitute
a breaking that does not harm but benefits the heart, provided we do not
destroy the balance between them through excess. He who perseveres
in them will be helped in other ways as well; but he who is slack and negligent
will suffer intolerably on leaving this life.
May 19, 1998
Albright, Arafat end talks without breakthrough
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat ended their talks on the Mideast peace process without major progress, a State Department spokesman said Monday.
Source: http://cnn.com/WORLD/meast/9805/18/mideast.talks.status/index.html
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
18. There is a breaking of the heart which is gentle and makes it deeply
penitent, and there is a breaking which is violent and harmful, shattering
it completely.
May 18, 1998
The Changing Church
With priests' ranks diminishing, lay people are claiming traditionally priestlike roles -- to the Vatican's chagrin.
Source: http://www.herald.com/docs/024820.htm (Sunday Miami Herald Front Page Article)
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
17. To brood on evil makes the heart brazen; but to destroy evil through
self-restraint and hope breaks the heart.
May 17, 1998
Top Pakistan official: Islamabad will test nuclear device
Pakistan's foreign minister said Sunday his country will test a nuclear device in response to India's recent tests, but he did not immediately say when Islamabad would conduct the test.
"It's a matter of when, not if, Pakistan will test.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9805/17/pakistan.nuclear.on/
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
16. He who, like the blind man, casts away his garment and draws near
to the Lord, becomes His disciple and a preacher of true doctrine (cf. Mark
May 16, 1998
Christians banding together against Islamic blasphemy law
The suicide of a Roman Catholic bishop to protest Pakistan's Islamic blasphemy law has galvanized the Christian minority, who fear they are being targeted by the measure.
For the first time, young Pakistani Christians have formed a militant organization called Sipa-e-Masih or Guardians of the Messiah, to defend religious rights.
To bring charges under the law, it is enough for someone to accuse another of blaspheming Islam. Testimony has been accepted as truthful simply because the person giving it was said to be a devout Muslim, as evidenced by a beard and covered head.
(Mat 5:10) Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
(Mat 24:9) "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
15. Do not grow conceited if you shed tears when you pray. Fo
it is Christ who has touched your eyes and given you spiritual sight.
May 15, 1998
Moscow street collapses, cars disappear, building crumbles
Masha Shaumian had just left her penthouse office in central Moscow and was driving home in the rain when the road in front of her started to buckle and collapse.
``I thought that it was the end of the world,'' said Shaumian.
The collapse of Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street - just blocks from the Kremlin - is the latest example of how Russia's crumbling. Soviet-era infrastructure is falling apart.
(Mat 7:26) And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
(Mat 7:27) And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
14. When the man once blind received his sight and saw the Lord, he
acknowledged Him no longer as he Son of David but as Son of God, and worshipped
Him (cf. John 9:38).
May 14, 1998
2 killed in clashes between, Palestinians, Israeli troops
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians marched Thursday in remembrance of their uprooting after Israel's creation 50 years ago. Violent clashes erupted, and two Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire.
Source: http://cnn.com/WORLD/meast/9805/14/palestinian.march.violence.ap/index.html
(Psa 122:6) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
13. Blind is the man crying out and saying: 'Son of David, have mercy
on me' (Luke 18:38). He prays with the body alone, and not yet with
spiritual knowledge.
May 13, 1998
On Saturday, May 30, the Vigil of Pentecost, in St. Peter's Plaza, Pope John Paul II will meet with representatives from Church movements hailing from all parts of the globe.
Since 1998 is the year dedicated to the "rediscovery of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in the Church and the world", the Pontifical Council for the Laity is organizing this celebration of "unity in diversity" in which several founders of contemporary movements and communities will also take part. The selected theme, "Gift of the Spirit, hope for all people," indicates the value of the diverse realities which are continually being born in the one Church as assistance to all mankind.
The various movements vary widely in "charism," and are largely a development of this century, with lay people joining together across dioceses to breathe new life into the Church. According to the organizers of the event, these groups find themselves called to give thanks to the Spirit who brought them into being, and to live with a greater fidelity to the gifts they have received, as well a sharing a greater participation in the life of the local Churches on the road to the Jubilee. As of today, more than 200 thousand people have confirmed their participation.
Source: [email protected] (Glenn Talaue)
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
12. Do not atttempt to explain something difficult with contentiousness,
but in the way which the spiritual law enjoins: with patience, prayer and
unwavering hope.
May 12, 1998
Elderly Chinese Bishop Released From Prison
China's Communist government released a frail and elderly Catholic bishop from a labor camp on Saturday, but remains under house arrest. The bishop is in very poor health and is being kept under house arrest in southern Jiangxi province.
Source: http://www.cwnews.com/news/getstory.cfm?recnum=7591
(Mat 5:10) Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
(Mat 24:9) "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
11. Do not grow conceited about your interpretations of Scripture,
lest your intellect fall victim to blasphemy.
May 11, 1998
'Deep Impact' lives up to its name at box office
Source: http://www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/9805/10/boxoffice.ap/
Just viewed "Deep Impact". And that is just what it did for me. It impacts one deeply. I was reminded of man's heroic yet failing efforts before the Power of Almighty G-D. This picture reinacts a Tribulation Event.
Source: "Chet Lockett" <[email protected]>
(Rev 8:10) The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water--
(Rev 8:11) the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
10. Do not become a disciple of one who praises himself, in case you
learn pride instead of humility.
May 10, 1998
Israeli-Palestinian summit in Washington is off
An Israeli-Palestinian summit planned for Monday to discuss a further Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank is canceled, senior U.S. officials told CNN Saturday.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/meast/9805/09/mideast/
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
9. The mouth of a humble man speaks the truth; but he who speaks against
the truth is like the servant who struck the Lord on the face (cf. Mark
May 9, 1998
More Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
In another testimony, a woman testified to being "confirmed" with the Holy Spirit as her uncle died "completely in peace" after receiving "last rites" ... after suffering from cancer. She went on to state that in addition, her aunt was met with an unusual outpouring of love from friends and neighbors, as God sent many people to comfort her in her suffering and attend to her needs. The witness of these events was experienced by others in the woman's family who stated that they "admired" this woman's faith and wished that they too would have such faith.
Please pass the word: God is giving all who seek His Spirit a special blessing during these times....through this outpouring of the Spirit.
I would not be surprised that the prophecy of Joel is being fulfilled before the eyes of the faithful.
Source: [email protected]
(Joel 2:28 ) And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
8. If a man has some spiritual gift and feels compassion for those
who do not have it, he preserves the gift because of his compassion. But
a boastful man will lose it through succumbing to the temptations of
May 8, 1998
"Made on Earth"
QUESTION: What one thing in heaven was actually made on the Earth?
ANSWER: The scars on Jesus' body.
Source: [email protected] (Jim Bramlett)
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
7. Call upon God to open the eyes of your heart, so that you may see
the value of prayer and of spiritual reading when understood and
May 7, 1998
Astronomers astounded by enormous explosion in deep space
Astronomers are mystified by the most powerful explosion ever witnessed, an enormous burst of gamma ray energy 12 billion light years from Earth that in one second released almost as much energy as all the stars of the universe. The explosion was too far away to affect the Earth or the sun, but the astronomers say they are astounded by the might of the blast and baffled about what might have caused it.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space/9805/06/space.explosion/
(Luke 21:25) "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
6. When reading the Holy Scriptures, he who is humble and engaged in
spiritual work will apply everything to himself and not to someone
May 6, 1998
Exasperated, Albright sets deadline for Netanyahu on withdrawal
An exasperated Secretary of State Madeleine Albright set a deadline for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept Washington's compromise proposal for an Israeli troop withdrawal from 13 percent of the West Bank by next Monday.
(Zec 12:3) On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
5. May He who inaugurates every good thing inaugurate all that you
undertake, so that it may be done with His blessing.
May 5, 1998
Come, Holy Spirit!
Just for interest, I might add that the "outpouring" of the Holy Spirit has begun....comment from a local prayer meeting this week...according to local person who "sees spiritual matters" in accordance with the NT description of gifts: she saw a "river of water" pour over the group. A "massive outpouring" of the the Holy Spirit. This occurred to a "rag tag" Divine Mercy group. I was reminded of the Church of Philadelphia when I heard the story (reference Revelation, Chapter 3).
Source: [email protected]
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
4. Steadfast faith is a strong tower; and for one who has faith Christ
comes to be all.
May 4, 1998
Major earthquake rocks Okinawa; tsunami warning issued
The earthquake struck at 8:30 a.m. and had a preliminary magnitude of 7.7, according to the Central Meteorological Agency. The agency issued a tsunami, or tidal wave, alert for coastal areas in southern Japan.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9805/03/japan.earthquake.ap/
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
3. Everything good is given by the Lord providentially; and he who has faith
that this is so will not lose what he has been given.
May 3, 1998
The Philokalia
Beginning today there will be a new daily feature on this page. In addition to news items it will include a daily spiritual reflection excerpted from the Philokalia.
I began reading this book during Lent and am amazed that ink and paper can hold such profound spiritual wisdom. My prayer is that these excerpts will be a blessing for you as well.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Mark the Ascetic "On the Spiritual Law: Two Hundred Texts"
1. Because you have often asked what the Apostle means when he says that 'the law is spiritual' (Rom. 7:14), and what kind of spiritual knowledge and action characterizes those who wish to observe it, we shall speak of this as far as we can.
2. First of all, we know that God is the beginning, middle, and end of everything
good; and it is impossible for us to have faith in anything good or to carry
it into effect except in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
May 2, 1998
Astronomers see most distant object ever
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Astronomers have detected a small galaxy 12.3 billion light-years from Earth -- the most distant object ever seen -- and say they are on the brink of seeing things even farther away and closer to the big bang beginning of the universe.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space/9805/01/most.distant.ap/
(John 1:1-3) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
(Rev 19:11-14) I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white
horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and
makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns.
He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed
in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of
heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen,
white and clean.
May 1, 1998
Keep your eyes open!
Bumper sticker seen in neighborhood:
"Jesus is coming -- look busy."
Source: [email protected] (Jim
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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