A Chronicle Depicting the Lateness of the Hour
Christian Music
October 31, 2000
(Eph 6:12) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Excerpt from Daily Catholic commentary by Sister Mary Lucy Astuto
This is a repeat of what I wrote last year, but I think it's important to reemphasize just who is in charge of this day which was first called "All Hallows Eve" in preparation for the great Feast of All Saints, a holy day of obligation I might remind you. Halloween is appropriately called today "the devil's day" because he takes over in so many ways and so many just allow him to.
I make no excuses for declaring that I don't like Halloween. You heard me right! I wish Halloween did not exist on the calendar or as a day of "celebration." Oh, I don't mind the kids ringing my door bell dressed up as Peter Rabbit, Kermit, or Cinderella asking for candy. I'm always happy to give candy to kids, even though parents may not always appreciate the dental bills that may follow their children eating too much.
Why I don't like Halloween is what it has become: the montrous and satanical ramifications of the day. Halloween is the great high feast of satanic worshippers. Why should I like it? Why should I look forward to it or want anyone else to look forward to it? I don't! I won't! I couldn't and I shouldn't!
allure of witchcraft is spellbinding and timeless
causes scandel with Halloween boxes
With a solemn Eucharist celebration, the Church will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the dogmatic definition of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On Wednesday, November 1, Solemnity of All Saints and "a day of grace and joy for the entire Church", Pope John Paul II will preside at a concelebrated Mass with the members of the College of Cardinals in St. Peter's Square. The Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950.
(2 Th 2:15) So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
13. I know a man who loves God with great intensity,
and yet grieves because he does not love Him as much as he would wish.
His soul is ceaselessly filled with burning desire that God should be glorified
in him and that he himself should be as nothing. This man does not think
of what he is, even when others praise him. In his great desire for humility
he does not think of his priestly rank, but performs his ministry as the
rules enjoin. In his extreme love for God, he strips himself of any thought
of his own dignity; and with a spirit of humility he buries in the depths
of divine love any pride to which his high position might give rise. Thus,
out of desire to humble himself, he always sees himself in his own mind
as a useless servant, extraneous to the rank he holds. We too should do
the same, fleeing all honour and glory in the overflowing richness of our
love for the Lord who loves us so greatly.
October 27, 2000
The next edition of the Trib Times will be October 31st providing necessary computer upgrades are completed by that time.
October of 2000 will be remembered, perhaps throughout eternity, as a month of singular spiritual importance. Preeminently, during this month the Pope offered the consecration of the world to Mary. In the Middle East renewed and at times vicious conflict refocused many on the prophecies of the Bible for the latter times.
As October slips away, I am reminded of the sign prophesied by Gianna Talone Sullivan to occur during this month.
Excerpt from Our Lady's Message of July 13, 2000:
It was My Child, My Son who raised His two fingers as the Alpha and the Omega and who encompassed the entire world with His Love and Mercy. Now the justice of God will flash forth. I have waited patiently for 2000 years for My plans to unfold because God the Father permitted Satan to draw souls away from His truth. Satan's reign is ending this year and now I am moving swiftly on his turf to reclaim all those who were deceived and lost. I am determined to bring all My children back to My Son.As readers of the Trib Times are aware, Gianna's locutions were often featured on this forum prior to her Cardinal's order to suspend prayer meetings at Emmitsburg. Though several days remain and fulfillment of her prophecy is still possible, I ask readers of this page to pray both for her and for all those who closely followed Emmitsburg. May they always remember that our faith is not in apparitions or private revelation but instead in the Public Revelation handed down by the Lord through Scripture and His Church. May the Lord's peace be with all involved.I requested over 80 years ago at Fatima sacrifice for sinner's conversion in reparation for sins against My Immaculate Heart. I requested recitation of the rosary daily for peace in the world and to end the war. It was I your mother who said that only I could obtain it.
It was I who requested the consecration of Russia and Holy Saturday devotions. I predicted a future miracle that all might believe, and now as my plan commences, I once again predict a sign for this October.
God wished to establish world devotion to My Immaculate Heart and now My Immaculate Heart will triumph here at its center.
Privately, I must confess that I pray that a sign will occur and that it will turn a fallen world back to it's Creator. But may God's Will be done!
(Titus 2:11-15) For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
12. Whoever loves himself cannot love God; but
if, because of 'the overflowing richness' of God's love, a man does not
love himself, then he truly loves God (Eph. 2:7). Such a man never seeks
his own glory, but seeks the glory of God. The man who loves himself seeks
his own glory, whereas he who loves God loves the glory of his Creator.
It is characteristic of the soul which consciously senses the love of God
always to seek God's glory in every commandment it performs, and to be
happy in its low estate. For glory befits God because of His majesty, while
lowliness befits man because it unites us with God. If we realize this,
rejoicing in the glory of the Lord we too, like St John the Baptist, will
begin to say unceasingly, 'He must increase, but we must decrease' (cf.
John 3:30).
October 26, 2000
(Mark 1:15) "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"
John Paul II recalled that St. Luke and St. Paul both affirm that "the Eucharist is an anticipation of the kingdom of God's horizon of glorious light." St. Paul explicitly states that "the Eucharistic supper is associated with the final coming of the Lord: 'As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes'."
St. John, continued the Pope, when he says that whoever eats of this bread "will live for ever," gives us to understand that "eternal life" is "the same divine life that surpasses the frontiers of time. The Eucharist, being communion with Christ, is, therefore, participation in the life of God who is eternal and triumphs over death."
The Holy Father encouraged Christians not to neglect "this encounter, this banquet which Christ prepares for us in His love. May our sharing in it be most worthy and joyful!"
VIA Fr. Mark Kalwak, SVD: As the colder winds are approaching it is a sign that Autumn has settled down. It is also a sign that we are about to celebrate the feast of ALL SOULS --when we remember and honor our beloved departed.
To celebrate this special day I prepared a page on our web site devoted to the remembrance of those who have gone before us. You can also light a candle for your deceased family members and friends in our Memorial Chapel. You are very welcome to come and visit at: http://www.svd-ca.com/feasts/allsouls.htm.
There are many more exciting things on our web site that will provide you with spiritual experiences and opportunities to learn, pray and meditate so please, visit our missionaries at: http://www.svd-ca.com/index.htm.
VIA Gregg Tompkins: If you know any of the Catholic Clergy that would like to publish comments on the "Clergy Speaks" portion of my site please let them know it is available. They can publish on any subject they would like, including the times in which we live. The web site can be found at: http://www.theendoftimes.com. This input would be helpful to all of us.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
11 (cont.). It follows, therefore, that we can
know with certainty when we are in the proper state to speak about God,
if during the hours when we do not speak we maintain a fervent remembrance
of God in untroubled silence.
October 25, 2000
(1 Cor 6:9-11) Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
China is revising a 20-year-old marriage law this week to try to curb a wave of adultery, bigamy and domestic violence, state media said on Tuesday. NPC Legislative Affairs Commission Vice Chairman Hu Kangsheng proposed tightening the law on Monday due to the growing number of Chinese men taking concubines, especially in the free-wheeling southern provinces, the English-language China Daily said. "Three is too many for the marriage bed," the newspaper said. "Such conduct not only goes against socialist ethics, but also corrupts social values and causes family breakups, thus threatening social stability and family planning," it quoted Hu as saying.
(Exo 20:13) "You shall not murder.
A rabbinical court in Brooklyn, N.Y., has taken the unusual step of excommunicating Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, the Democrat vice presidential nominee. The New York Torah Court stated that he caused grave scandal for the Jewish religion because "while claiming to be an observant Jew, Lieberman has been misrepresenting and falsifying to the American people the teachings of the Torah against partial birth infanticide, against special privileges and preferential treatment for flaunting homosexuals, and against religious intermarriage of Jews."
(Jer 8:15) We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa has said that the Middle East process in its present form is dead. He was speaking in an interview with a Beirut newspaper. The Arabs will not return to negotiations according to the previous rules, Mussa said. "We have to help the Palestinians... and we have to draft our own lines for an agreement," Mussa said. He added that Egypt will carry out the resolutions from the summit. Israel Radio reports that there may have been secret resolutions taken at the summit.
sign of cooling between Israelis, Palestinians
Army Expects Violence to Rumble On
the firing line, fear grips West Bank town
Israeli Prime Minister Fighting to Retain Power
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
11. Spiritual discourse always keeps the soul free
from self-esteem, for it gives every part of the soul a sense of light,
so that it no longer needs the praise of men. In the same way, such discourse
keeps the mind free from fantasy, transfusing it completely with the love
of God. Discourse deriving from the wisdom of this world, on the other
hand, always provokes self-esteem; because it is incapable of granting
us the experience of spiritual perception, it inspires its adepts with
a longing for praise, being nothing but the fabrication of conceited men.
October 24, 2000
(Luke 4:23) ....'Physician, heal yourself!
A substantial number of doctors approve of allowing physicians to participate in executions, even though it violates medical ethics guidelines, a new study found. Of 482 doctors surveyed, a majority said they approved of at least one execution-related action opposed by organizations such as the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine, the study said. When asked about specific duties, 43 percent said it's all right for doctors to inject condemned inmates with lethal drugs and 74 percent said it's OK for doctors to pronounce an inmate dead -a task in which doctors might have to tell an executioner that more drugs are needed to complete the job. Opponents, including the study's lead author, say both actions violate the Hippocratic oath to do no harm.
"We are troubled by the number of respondents who approved of professional involvement in many aspects of lethal injection executions," wrote the authors, led by Dr. Neil Farber of Christiana Care Health System in Wilmington, Del. "No matter what physicians think about the death penalty itself, long traditions in medical ethics disallow killing by physicians," the authors wrote.
RELATED: Over 500,000 Women Affected by Post-Abortion Syndrome
At the end of Mass Sunday marking World Mission Day and the Jubilee of Missions, the Pope planted an olive tree in a wicker basket containing soil from five continents and hundreds of colored balloons were released as a symbol of the continents where missionaries render their service.
As he planted the olive tree, the Holy Father told the faithful that "from different countries, the congress participants have brought here a little bit of soil, which has been placed together in one container. In this 'soil from all lands', as a memory of this Jubilee day, an olive tree, a symbol of peace, is being planted. The Gospel of Christ is, in fact, the Gospel of peace. May all peoples open themselves to Christ and find the path to peace!"
(John 14:27) Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
10. When the soul's incensive power is aroused
against the passions, we should know that it is time for silence, as the
hour of battle is at hand. But when this turbulence grows calm, whether
through prayer or through acts of mercy, we may then be moved by a desire
to proclaim God's mysteries, restraining the wings of our intellect with
cords of humility. For unless a man sets himself utterly at nought, he
cannot speak of the majesty of God.
October 23, 2000
Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat on Sunday dismissed Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's call that Israel should take a "timeout" to reassess the Mideast peace process, saying Barak could either accept Palestinian independence or "go to hell." When asked for his response to Barak's announcement, Arafat said: "The march of Palestinians will continue toward east Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state. Accept it or don't accept it, he (Barak) can go to hell."
The Palestinian leader made the comment in front of television cameras and in English after arriving in Gaza from this weekend's Arab League summit in Cairo, Egypt.
Millions of bushels of genetically engineered corn approved only for animals may have already reached the human food supply chain and could show up in a wide range of foods, The Washington Post reported Thursday. Industry and federal officials are trying to find the corn to buy it back before it is made into more taco shells, chips, corn flakes and other corn products. "We're getting it out of the food chain," John Wichtrich, vice president and general manager of Aventis FoodSciences of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, the developer of the corn, told the Post. The corn was not approved for humans because of fears it might trigger allergic reactions, but officials do not think its presence in food poses an imminent health risk.
RELATED: Kellogg's plant stops production after engineered-corn scare
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
9 (cont.). But when wisdom, with the fear of God,
is given to someone at the same time as spiritual knowledge- and this seldom
happens- it leads him to express outwardly the inner energies of this knowledge
within him; for spiritual knowledge illuminates men through its inner energy
while wisdom does so through being expressed outwardly. Spiritual knowledge
comes through prayer, deep stillness and complete detachment, while wisdom
comes through humble meditation on Holy Scripture and, above all, through
grace given by God.
October 22, 2000- WORLD
(Mat 25:40) "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
VIA [email protected]: I have had the privilege of meeting a Catholic Deacon Gary Stone serving with the Australian Military on rotation in East Timor. He gave a most informative on Homily of the "on the ground tragedy" that still is East Timor.
When the Indonesian Government withdrew from East Timor they practised what could only be called 'a total scorched earth policy' stripping the land of everything that could sustain a population. So complete was the devastation that these Catholic people were left without any means of support at all.
At the present time in the regions out beyond Dili there is still west Timor based terrorist activity and many of the people in the villages only protection are the Australian troops on the ground under the United Nations Authority. They have so little, and badly need clothes, building materials, school resources, anything and everything. Such little help has come from the USA and Europe and these good Catholic people badly need assistance of any kind...
Please open your hearts to these poor souls who still live with the trauma of the massacre's and of the ever present pro Indonesian interest backed militias activity still! So little help has come in from the USA perhaps because not much is known of these poor souls plight. There is no money available from the United Nations Representatives they cant even pay their own staff.
Perhaps some representations can be made now in this election fever to do something after all it is US Corporations who have huge business interests in Indonesia so again the media is silent when it comes to helping Catholic people.
EDITOR'S NOTE: A new Catholic prophecy site, by webmaster Gregg Tompkins, is online at: http://www.theendoftimes.com. Though I haven't examined the site exhaustively, it does appear to be a very worthy effort with a promising future (no pun intended). Check it out!!
from final Arab summit communique
stick by peace choice despite rhetoric
casualties in weekend clashes
quits Arab summit, demands boycott of Israel
blasts Arafat's speech at Arab summit
Barak Vows to Call 'Time-Out' From Peace
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
9. Wisdom and spiritual knowledge are both gifts
of the one Holy Spirit, as are all the divine gifts of grace; but each
has its own distinctive energy. For this reason the Apostle testifies that
to one is given wisdom, to another spiritual knowledge by the same Spirit
(cf. 1 Cor. 12:8). Such knowledge unites man to God through experience,
but does not move him to express outwardly what he knows. Some then, of
those who practise the solitary life are consciously illuminated by spiritual
knowledge, yet do not speak about God.
October 21, 2000
Israel's Likud Chairman Ariel Sharon addressing the ICEJ (10/20): "You know, there is an impression, how it when you see, when you read - that Israel is weak. Israel is not weak. Israel is strong militarily; Israel is strong economically. Maybe, but also, one can not speak in generalities here, maybe some of us, let's say getting apart from Judaism - and I am a secular man - getting away from Judaism. Their roots are not as deep as they should be, in order to face the problems that we have here in this country. And therefore, everyone should learn the Bible more, should know the history of the Jewish people, should know that history of the land of Israel, should know something about Jewish wisdom, should know about the fact that Jews never left this country - there were Jews that never left this country for thousands of years!"
Arab leaders converged on Cairo on Friday to show solidarity with the Palestinians, but discord may emerge at their weekend summit over how to force Israel to halt violence and honour peace deals made in the past seven years. Arab foreign ministers held marathon talks on Thursday ahead of the two-day summit called in response to bloody clashes between Israel and the Palestinians. The violence ignited popular anger across the Muslim world, putting pressure on Arab leaders to stand up to Israel.
The most contentious issue may be whether to punish Israel by scrapping Arab ties with the Jewish state or just to slap it with a stiff warning similar to one issued at the 1996 summit. Some Arab states such as Lebanon have called for a boycott of Israel until it returns all occupied Arab land -- a demand likely to be vetoed by Egypt and Jordan, the only Arab states to have signed peace deals with Israel. Others, such as Morocco, Tunisia, Qatar and Oman, have low-level ties and analysts said the summit was likely to call for suspension of these links, some of which have already been cut by individual countries after the recent violence. Syria, whose negotiations with Israel are frozen over the fate of the occupied Golan Heights, wants to revive an Arab boycott of Israeli goods and companies dealing with Israel.
leader calls for Arab summit support
leader wants Israel eradicated to end crisis
to reassess position in wake of violence, official says
Palestinians die as Mideast ceasefire fails
police wound six Israeli soldiers
A Vatican representative and Ukraine's deputy prime minister met to discuss a possible 2001 visit by Pope John Paul II to the mostly Eastern Orthodox country, where Catholics and Orthodox have clashed bitterly over churches seized during the Soviet period.
The pope has been invited to Ukraine, but has never visited. Ukraine's Eastern rite Catholics, who celebrate an Orthodox-style liturgy but are loyal to the pope, constitute a significant religious minority. A papal visit could provoke opposition from some members of the nation's competing Orthodox groups.
Russia's Orthodox Church has resisted attempts by the pope to visit, accusing Rome of seeking to convert Russians regarded by Orthodox bishops as their flock.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
8 (cont.). This balance confers a certain harmony
on our words glorifying God; as we speak and teach, our faith is nourished
by the richness of the illumination and so, because of our love, we are
the first to taste the fruits of knowledge. For it is written: 'The farmer
who does the work should be the first to eat of the produce' (2 Tim. 2:6).
October 20, 2000
(Mat 28:18-20) Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
A delegation of the Holy See will visit North Korea in October, according to a news report of the Catholic Asian news agency UCANews. The visit would visit North Korea to discuss and organize the Church's humanitarian work in this country, suffering long ago from continuing shortages of food, medicine and other basic necessities. According to Father John Kim Jong-su, secretary general of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Korea, it is also expected that the Vatican delegation will discuss with North Korean officials the possibility of a visit of Pope John Paul II to the communist nation.
In the midst of the debate over whether stem cells should be harvested from embryos, researchers have found what could be a "limitless'' stem-cell supply--the ever-growing fat deposits of the human body. In cell culture experiments, investigators found they could coax primitive fat cells to grow into bone cells, suggesting that fat could someday provide stem cells that can develop into a range of body tissue.
Dr. Louis P. Bucky and colleagues presented their work Tuesday in Los Angeles at a meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Bucky told Reuters Health that the "beauty of fat'' is that there is a lot of it and it is easy to get at, unlike stem cells from bone marrow. "This is a potentially unlimited source of cells to turn into mature cells of different types,'' Bucky said.
says wars flourish around the world
Valley Fever death toll hits 80 in S.Arabia
outbreak kills 39, infects 63 more in Uganda
(Luke 21:10-11) Then he said to them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
8. The unilluminated should not embark on spiritual
speculations nor, on the other hand, should anyone try to speak while the
light of the Holy Spirit is shining richly upon him. For where there is
emptiness, ignorance is also to be found, but where there is richness of
the Spirit, no speech is possible. At such a time the soul is drunk with
the love of God and, with voice silent, delights in His glory. We should
therefore watch for the middle point between these two extremes before
we begin to speak of God.
October 19, 2000
Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert addressing the ICEJ (10/16): "And I tell you something: I know it is hard to say it on these days because so many things seem to be so complex and so difficult and so threatening and so hard. And yet I know that you feel in your heart, deep in your heart, what I feel, that soon, sometime in the near future, the light will spread all over this city in a way that really is possible only in this, God's city, in Jerusalem. And the whole world will understand it. The whole world will see it. The whole world will feel it, because this city is the source and the basis of everything for us, and I know that for you as well. And that's why we are sisters and brothers in our blood and in our heart."
el-Sheikh: None dare call it peace
summit deal sealed without a handshake
summit deal greeted with relief and scorn
Palestinians fear violence will continue
urge condemnation of Israel at rights talks
EDITOR'S NOTE: The situation in the Middle East is appearing increasingly uncertain. But as I read the Mayor of Jerusalem's statement above, I cannot help but think of the Warning. I realize that the Warning is controversial as Garabandal is not an approved apparition. But will anything short of the Warning or some other form of supernatural intervention by God resolve this crisis? Will God, as a testimony to the holiness of this Jubilee year, a year of grace and mercy, intervene to stop a Middle East war?
(Rev 14:6-7) Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth--to every nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."
Such a Warning would also serve to supernaturally enlighten the Jewish people about the truth of the Gospel (Jer. 31:31, Zech. 12:10).
A reminder that more information about the Warning is available at: http://www.godswarning.com.
MORE FROM THE EDITOR: If asked two months ago to name the two greatest accomplishments of the Clinton administration certainly the Middle East peace accord and economic prosperity would have immediately come to mind. Of late we have seen the peace in the Middle East unravel in spectacular fashion. Can a reversal of the economic prosperity be far behind?
A word to the wise: do not invest more in the stock market than you can cheerfully afford to lose.
RELATED: Hoofbeats of the Black Horseman
(Mat 23:12) For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
7. Spiritual discourse fully satisfies our intellectual
perception, because it comes from God through the energy of love. It is
on account of this that the intellect continues undisturbed in its concentration
on theology. It does not suffer then from the emptiness which produces
a state of anxiety, since in its contemplation it is filled to the degree
that the energy of love desires. So it is right always to wait, with a
faith energized by love, for the illumination which will enable us to speak.
For nothing is so destitute as a mind philosophizing about God when it
is without Him.
October 18, 2000
(2 Tim 4:7-8) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
Pope John Paul marked the 22nd anniversary of his election on Monday by thanking his Polish countrymen for their support over the past two decades. "I thank those who in our homeland and abroad have accompanied me with their prayers in the past 22 years," he told Poles during a special audience at the Vatican. "I have felt these prayers as a great strength, a precious gift and a support." It was fitting that the pope, 80, would express his thanks first and foremost to his Polish countrymen. On October 16, 1978, he became the first Polish pope ever and the first non-Italian pope in some 455 years. Many historians say his unflagging support for the Solidarity union in Poland in 1980 led to the formation of the East Bloc"s first non-communist government in 1989, starting the domino effect of the fall of Marxism in Eastern Europe.
The pope is the most traveled pontiff in history. As pope, he has visited 123 countries on 92 foreign trips and has made 128 trips within Italy. He has issued 95 major documents and put more people on the road to sainthood than all of his predecessors combined.
Opposition, government figures and diplomats gathered on Monday for a Roman Catholic Mass to bring together Peru"s warring politicians after a breakdown in talks to prepare for elections next year. "All of you are called to answer expectations of millions of Peruvians. Our people feel the ground is shaking, that we"re moving without direction," Monsignor Luis Bambaren told the packed church, filled with figures from nearly every political party in Peru, a deeply Roman Catholic nation.
The mass came after the Organisation of American States (OAS) suspended talks between the government and opposition aimed at paving the way for fair elections after President Alberto Fujimori decided to quit office four years early. Boxed in by corruption allegations involving his spy chief, Fujimori announced he was calling elections next year despite winning a controversial five-year third term only in May. He said he would not stand as a candidate. Fujimori"s shock move plunged Peru into its worst political crisis in a decade.
(2 Chr 7:14) if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
6. The light of true knowledge is the power to
discriminate without error between good and evil. Then the path of righteousness
leads the intellect upward towards the Sun of Righteousness and brings
it into the boundless illumination of spiritual knowledge, so that henceforward
it will grow more and more confident in its quest for love. With an incensive
power free from anger we should snatch righteousness from the hands of
those who dare to outrage it, since the aspiration for holiness triumphs
not by hating others, but by convincing them of their faults.
October 17, 2000
Father Frederic Manns quote: "The situation in the Holy Land, in Jerusalem is a mystery. There have never been so many pilgrims from all over the world as in this Jubilee year. It has been a real explosion of pilgrims, as if to confirm the words of the prophet Isaiah: 'All the peoples will come to Jerusalem.' The hotels and holy places have been filled up; people have waited for hours to pay their visit to Calvary or the stable at Bethlehem ... but where there is goodness, also evil sets to work: now everything is at a standstill."
Having shattered the Humpty Dumpty of the peace process, the United States will now try to put Humpty Dumpty together again. Working in favor of this is that Barak and Arafat want to step back from the brink. The problem is that Barak isn’t strong enough anymore, while Arafat’s strength derives from the fact he has become the willing ally of opponents of reconciliation. Both want to step back; it is unclear that either can.
If no resolution tomorrow, eyes should be on two questions. First, will Arab unrest inside Israel subside or intensify? Second, will events in Israel topple the Mubarak government or force him to alter his course? If the unrest in Israel spreads and if Mubarak wavers in any serious way, pressure inside Israel for fairly extreme measures would grow dramatically.
Everyone argues whether the Oslo accords are dead or can be revived. Embedded in this situation is a much bleaker question: Can the Camp David accords between Israel and Egypt survive current pressures? We are in a different place now, an extraordinarily new, unfamiliar and dangerous place that we should not take at all lightly.
VIA Doug
& Marianne:You mentioned that all the problems of recent days could
lead to the nuking of Damascus. Having lived in Israel for some time,
Marianne has been here longer,
23 years, and I (Doug) over a year, we know full
well that the nuking of Damascus is not unbelievable in any way.
The Israeli Jews have been pushed around for centuries, they now have their
own country and they intend to defend it, no matter what it takes.
It is no secret that they are armed to the teeth with nukes. Personally
I would add several more countries than Syria as a target, but history
will tell the tale.
Also, I have been blessed with visions, one being of Israel nuking an invading force from the north, near Mt Hermon. In the vision a wall went up, the nuke did no damage. The understanding was given that God will be the one to destroy Israel's enemies, after Israel has nothing left to fight with. God will prove Himself.
Palestinians Wounded As Summit Starts
Palestinians denounce Sharm el-Sheikh meet
blame Iran for Hizbollah kidnapping
says Russia not invited to Mideast summit
Sending Chechen Guerrilla Group To Fight Against Israel
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
5. Free will is the power of a deiform soul to
direct itself by deliberate choice towards whatever it decides. Let us
make sure that our soul directs itself deliberately only towards what is
good, so that we always consume our remembrance of evil with good thoughts.
October 16, 2000
(Mat 19:14-15) Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.
Kissing them, hugging them and patting them, Pope John Paul II focused on children Saturday in a Vatican family day that had the pontiff speaking of the harm of abortion, birth control and divorce. By Rome authorities" count, 250,000 people filled St. Peter"s Square for a candelight vigil for the Roman Catholic Church"s Jubilee of the Families, making it one of the bigger crowds for 2000 Holy Year celebrations. "At times, babies are seen more as a threat than as a gift," John Paul said, deploring what he called an increasing tendency among couples in well-off regions to see parenthood as a "choice carried out with great perplexity."
RELATED: Jubilee of Families
Commentary by Richard Hubbell: The event has the approval of the Israeli authorities and will be protected by the Israeli security forces. (extracted from the above - emphasis provided)
What many/most people seem to miss in their analysis of current events in Jerusalem and the entire mideast in general is that the root cause of their perennial conflict is a *spiritual battle* - it is *not* about oil - it is *not* about money - it is *not* about refugees and land deals - it *is* about the spirit. Jerusalem is ground zero for the titanic battle that is raging in the heavens between the forces of good and evil - and this has been true for thousands of years before Christ - it was true at the time Christ died outside Jerusalem - and it is still true today. So this is not new news.
Failure to understand and address this fundamental point has rendered any/all political attempts to remedy the situation there absolutely null and void even before the ink was dry on yet another "peace and safety accord". Not surprisingly, this crucial aspect has never been addressed in the secular controlled press in the US (beyond mere hand waving) - and so the public is always left wondering "why can't they just get along?"
The laying of the cornerstone for the third temple in Jerusalem is sure to be a lightning rod for an incredible backlash among the Muslims of the area - to whom this historic event is anthema. No one seems to be talking about *why* the Arabs have been going wild the last few weeks over there - this is why.
The next few days - no longer years, months or weeks - but days - the world is looking at the equivalent of a hand grenade with the pin already pulled out. Once widespread violence really starts it is going to be hard/impossible to stop - and in the worst case scenario it is very possible that Israel will end up nuking Damascus.
Please join me in extra prayer that God will mitigate the violence - and that a true and lasting peace will reign in Jerusalem and in the surrounding areas and countries.
For the sake of Your sorrowful passion, have mercy on us Lord, and on the whole world.
UPDATE: Temple Mount Faithful banned from Mount
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
4. All men are made in God's image; but to be in
His likeness is granted only to those who through great love have brought
their own freedom into subjection to God. For only when we do not belong
to ourselves do we become like Him who through love has reconciled us to
Himself. No one achieves this unless he persuades his soul not to be distracted
by the false glitter of this life.
October 14, 2000
The Trib Times will return on Monday, October 16. Have a blessed weekend!
Monks at the birthplace of St Francis will keep the crypt in Assisi where the saint is buried open to the public all night to lead non-stop prayers for peace in the Middle East, a spokesman said on Friday. Father Vincenzo Fortunato said the chapel at the crypt would not close on Friday afternoon as it normally does but remain open to the public through the night and all day Saturday. "The crypt remains open at night only in extraordinary circumstances and this is one of them. We invite everyone who wants to come to pray to come," he told Reuters.
Prayers will take place around the stone tomb of the 13th century saint, who is revered around the world as a patron of peace. "The aim of the prayers is to achieve the gift of peace in the Middle East," Fortunato said. The prayers will be led by nearly 70 Franciscan monks from around the world. Many of the principal players in the Middle East, including Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, have visited the tomb during trips to Italy.
RELATED: Holy Land Must Be A Land of Forgiveness and Redemption, Says Patriarch Sabbah
More than 100,000 faithful flocked to the shrine of Fatima on Friday to mark the anniversary of the last "apparition" of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children. Fatima, 130 km (80 miles) north of Lisbon, is one of the Roman Catholic church"s most revered sites, and annually draws millions of people between May and October, when they believe the Virgin appeared five times in 1917.
VIA Bro. Francis P. Cummings: I am a Hermit of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (there are only two of us). I founded the small group back in 1995 along wit a group called the Society of Victim Souls of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We are now world-wide, having an enrollment of 108.
Here are the addresses of my web sites: http://www.scoobi.com/coeur/2000.msd.htm also http://www.scoobi.com/coeur/2000_msd.htm and finally:http://www.geocities.com/beau907.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
3. Evil does not exist by nature, nor is any man
naturally evil, for God made nothing that is not good. When in the desire
of his heart someone conceives and gives form to what in reality has no
existence, then what he desires begins to exist. We should therefore turn
our attention away from the inclination to evil and concentrate it on the
remembrance of God; for good, which exists by nature, is more powerful
than our inclination to evil. The one has existence while the other has
not, except when we give it existence through our actions.
October 13, 2000
(Psa 122:6) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure.
The Jewish Feast of Succos begins Friday night, October 13, 2000. The following commentary on this feast is via Rabbi Chaim Salenger:
Every Succos we read the Ezekiel, Chapter 38 about the final confrontation at the end of days between Gog and the nation of Israel. How does Succos connect with Gog, Magog and the end of days? It is ironic to note that after the exodus from Egypt, while travelling in the desert, a place that offers absolutely no natural security or protection, the Jewish people experienced their greatest sense of true security, protected from their enemies and entirely provided for by G-d. Every year, when the Jew leaves his home for a week to eat, sleep and live in a succah; an often flimsy structure with a roof made of bits of wood, reed, bamboo, etc., he actualizes this idea that ultimate care and protection come only from G-d. By virtue of the closeness to G-d he has achieved during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, he can now experience a sense of true security. The word "Gog" in Hebrew means roof. Modern man, divorced from a belief in G-d, deeply believes that a good job, a big bank account, a solid economy, a high tech army, in short, a strong solid "roof over his head," is the source of true security. These two world views cannot co-exist forever. We are told by the prophets that armageddon is inevitable, a final confrontation that will witness the destruction of mankind's false faith. Succos teaches us that our apparently flimsy roofs will ultimately be triumphant over modern man's misguided sense of security.JUBILEE OF FAMILIES- THE EVANGELIUM VITAE PRAYER
O Mary, bright dawn of the world, Mother of the living, to you do we entrust the cause of life: Look down, O Mother, upon the vast numbers of babies not allowed to be born, of the poor whose lives are made difficult, of men and women who are victims of brutal violence, of the elderly and the sick killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy.
Grant that all who believe in your Son may proclaim the Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time.
Obtain for them the grace to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new, the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, in order to build, together with all people of good will, the civilization of truth and love, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
2. Only God is good by nature, but with God's help
man can become good through careful attention to his way of life. He transforms
himself into what he is not when his soul, by devoting its attention to
true delight, unites itself to God, in so far as its energized power desires
this. For it is written: 'Be good and merciful as is your Father in heaven'
(cf. Luke 6:36; Matt. 5:48).
October 12, 2000
(1 Cor 12:6-11) Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit,to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
The Jubilee of Charismatic Renewal will be celebrated next weekend during the third World Meeting of Families with the Pope.
About 20,000 people, representing 1,700 Italian Charismatic communities who adhere to the Renewal of the Spirit, are expected in Rome. Events will include conferences and testimonies. Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, is scheduled to attend.
On Sunday, all the members of the Charismatic Renewal will join the Jubilee of Families, presided over by John Paul II in St. Peter's Square.
With belt-tightening and fund-raising, the sisters of a St. Louis convent hope to preserve their order or at least its legacy. Efforts show what it takes to lead a life of religion in secular America.
Today's Trib Times starts a new series of Philokalia excerpts written by St. Diadochos. St. Diadochos, who was born around 400 and died before 486, was bishop of Photiki in Epirus (North Greece); he wrote against the Monophysites and supported the Council of Chalcedon (451).
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Diadochos "On Spiritual Knowledge"
1. All spiritual contemplation should be governed
by faith, hope and love, but most of all by love. The first two teach us
to be detached from visible delights, but love unites the soul with the
excellence of God, searching out the Invisible by means of intellectual
October 11, 2000
A Tribulation Times Special
To view this special report please visit: http://www.catholicprophecy.info/egypt.html.
Trib Times subscribers will receive the file by
VIA Dr. Stephen A Rinehart : Unbelievable times we live in. In our candlelight procession last night Father Ricardo Hernandez said that the two Mexican Visionaries in the San Bruno Church in Calistoga, California mentioned that they sometimes physically see the Blessed Mother at Mass and even she bows her head when the priest passes. They said Blessed Mother calls all her priests "beloved Fathers". They also said that nobody should judge the actions of the priests or what they say - that judgement is reserved to The Father only. Father Ricardo said that each person in The Remnant has been entrusted with thousands of souls to pray for conversion and salvation. Ask The Father (as did Jesus) that none of these entrusted to the Remnant will be lost!
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
203. This, then, Theodoulos, comes to you from
Hesychios, who bears the name of stillness even if he belies it in practice.
Yet perhaps it is not from us, but has been given by God, who is praised
and glorified in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit by every spiritual
being, men and angels, and by all creation fashioned by the Holy Trinity,
the one God. May we, too, reach His glorious kingdom through the prayers
of the most pure Mother of God and our holy Fathers. To the unattainable
God be everlasting glory. Amen.
October 10, 2000
(Luke 12:48) .... From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
I can read the Book of Revelation, with its beast, dragons, and scorpions and not feel even a twinge of fear. But I cannot read the verse above without feeling a lump in my throat.
Readers and subscribers of the Trib Times have in common an awareness of the critical era in which we live. Not because of the Trib Times but because the Lord has opened your eyes to the spiritual darkness that pervades modern society. And called you to be a light to those engulfed in this darkness.
The purpose of the Trib Times is not to generate fear, provoke readers to violently shaking their heads, or create an unhealthy obsession with the "end times". The Trib Times is a call to watchfulness and attentiveness, both exterior and interior. The news items should serve as a stimulus to prayer and compassionate reflection on the plight of others. The Philokalia excerpts are a spiritual guide towards greater internal awareness so as to be better equiped to parry the blows of the evil one.
I invite you to visit http://www.catholicprophecy.info/steward.html for further thoughts on how we can fulfill the awesome responsibilities that the Lord has given us.
"O Mother, intercede for us, that the fruits of this Year will not be lost and that the seeds of grace will grow to the full measure of the holiness to which we are all called."(Col 3:12-15) Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
202. There is no venom more poisonous than that
of the asp or cobra, and there is no evil greater than that of self-love.
The winged children of self-love are self-praise, self-satisfaction, gluttony,
unchastity, self-esteem, jealousy and the crown of all these, pride. Pride
can drag down not men alone, but even angels from heaven, and surround
them with darkness instead of light.
October 9, 2000
"Humanity now has instruments of unprecedented power: we can turn this world into a garden, or reduce it to a pile of rubble. We have devised the astounding capacity to intervene in the very wellsprings of life: man can use this power for good, within the bounds of the moral law, or he can succumb to the shortsighted pride of a science which accepts no limits, but tramples on the respect due to every human being. Today as never before in the past, humanity stands at a crossroads. And once again, O Virgin Most Holy, salvation lies fully and uniquely in Jesus, your Son."
A Scottish couple with four sons have pledged to use European human rights legislation recently incorporated into British law in their fight to choose the sex of their next child, the BBC reported on Wednesday. Alan and Louise Masterton from Monifieth near Dundee lost their only daughter last year after an explosion at their home caused when a gas-filled party balloon fell on a bonfire.
Since March, they have been battling to have another baby girl by in-vitro fertilisation. Their efforts have been hampered by current rules on embryo screening which ban couples from choosing the sex of their baby unless there is a pressing medical reason -- normally a history of genetic disorders related to a particular gender. But the BBC said the couple were planning to mount a legal challenge based on the European Convention on Human Rights which was fully incorporated into United Kingdom law on Monday.
Scientists have impregnated a cow with cells cloned from an endangered animal, the first time such an event has been attempted, the Washington Post reported in its Sunday edition. The scientific journal Cloning will report in its upcoming edition that an Iowa cow is expected to deliver a cloned Asian gaur sometime next month. The Asian gaur, a humpbacked, cow-like animal native to India and Burma, is the first endangered species to be cloned and the first cloned animal to gestate in the uterus of another species, the Post reported.
The bovine surrogate mother is carrying the gaur fetus on a farm near Sioux City, Iowa, and is expected to give birth to "Noah'' next month.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
201 (cont.). Moreover, because the taste of the
divine and the ecstacy of desire make their longing ever more intense and
insatiable as they ascend, they do not stop until they reach the Seraphim;
nor do they rest from their watchfulness of intellect and the intense longing
of their aspiration until they have become angels in Christ Jesus our Lord.
October 8, 2000
The Pope, a devotee of the Madonna, spoke at the end of a solemn ceremony in St Peter"s Square where he prayed before a statue of the Madonna of Fatima, who he believes interceded to save his life during a 1981 assassination attempt. "We are the men and women of an extraordinary time, exhilarating yet full of contradictions," he said at the ceremony attended by tens of thousands of people. "Humanity now has the instruments of unprecedented power. We can turn this world into a garden or reduce it to a pile of rubble," he said. In his prayer, the 80-year-old Pope spoke of an array of topics facing humanity, making reference to topics ranging from cloning to abortion, from unemployment to hunger. "We have devised the astounding capacity to intervene in the very wellsprings of life," he said. "Man can use this power for good, within the bounds of moral law, or he can succumb to the short-sighted pride of a science which accepts no limits but tramples on the respect due to every human being," he said. The Pope, who appeared in relatively good form and seemed energised by the crowd, said humanity today was standing at a crossroad as never before in the past. He prayed for protection of the weakest members of society and delivered a clear condemnation of abortion. "We entrust to you all people, beginning with the weakest, the babies yet unborn, and those born into poverty and suffering, the young in search of meaning, the unemployed and those suffering hunger and disease," he said. The Pope and some 80 cardinals and 1,500 bishops prayed before a statue of the Madonna of Fatima.
RELATED LINK: Complete Text of Pope's Entrustment Prayer to Mary
Gunmen opened fire on an Israeli bus in Gaza, wounding nine passengers and prompting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday morning to order a Palestinian airport closed to all planes except Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's.
The midnight shooting capped a day which also saw:
• The United Nations Security Council's approval of a resolution condemning the use of excessive force "especially" against the Palestinians.RELATED: Mideast Rallies, Backs Palestinians
• Barak's issuance of a 48-hour deadline for Palestinians to cease demonstrating violently.
• Israeli troops surrendering the St. Joseph's Tomb enclave in the West Bank.
• Israeli troops opening fire on hundreds of Palestinian demonstrators at the Israeli-Lebanese border.
• The capture of three Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah guerrillas.
• Israel's army blasting apartment buildings Sunday in Gaza that have served as key vantage points for Palestinians firing on an Israeli outpost.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
201. Just as the angels do not concern themselves
with poperty and money, so those who have purified the soul's vision and
who have attained the state of holiness are not troubled by the evil ploys
of the demons. And just as the richness that comes from moving closer to
God is evident in the angels, so love and intense longing for God is evident
in those who have become angelic and zaze upwards towards the divine.
October 7, 2000 (Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary)
(Psa 122:6) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure.
A besieged Israeli force quit a Jewish shrine in the Palestinian-ruled West Bank town of Nablus on Saturday in what both sides called a move away from confrontation after more than a week of violence. Joseph"s Tomb has been the site of some of the fiercest clashes in more than a week of turmoil in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Arab towns in Israel in which 81 people, mainly Palestinians, have been killed. "Israeli forces evacuated, temporarily, the border police unit that guarded Joseph"s Tomb and also removed religious artefacts and equipment," the army said in a statement.
But after the Israelis left and Palestinian police moved in, dozens of young Palestinians entered the complex. The crowd set fire inside to boxes of bullets that were left behind, placed a portrait of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on the roof and raised Palestinian flags. As smoke rose over the holy site, Palestinian police extinguished the fire and forced the demonstrators to leave.
MORE: Mubarak berates Barak, says Arab summit on October 21 or 22
Lebanon"s highest Shi"ite Muslim authority Friday urged Arabs and Muslims to wage a holy war against Israel to defend their sacred shrine in Jerusalem. "There is a state of war. The war for Jerusalem has erupted and Palestinian determination will confirm to the world that Jerusalem with all its sacred places will remain Arab," Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah told worshipers at Friday prayers.
"It is time to plan for Jihad (holy war) on a level that will enable the Palestinian people to keep their steadfastness and proceed with the uprising," Fadlallah said. He said religious edicts calling for Jihad needed to be translated into action to free Jerusalem, the focal point of the struggle.
RELATED: Israeli Army Kills Palestinians at Lebanon Border
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
200. Come, then, you who long in spirit to see
days of blessing, follow me towards that union attained through the guarding
of the intellect; and I, in the Lord, will instruct you in yur task on
earth and the angelic life. For neither the angels nor the intellect rivalling
them in purity will ever be sated with praising the Creator. And just as
the angels, being immaterial, do not concern themselves with food, so neither
do material beings when once they have entered the heaven of the intellect's
stillness and have themselves become angelic.
October 6, 2000
(Mat 13:17) For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
Like many Catholics, I am tremendously excited about the events that are to take place in Rome this weekend. A weekend introduced on Thursday by the first celebration of the Memorial of Saint Faustina, the apostle of Divine Mercy. On Saturday a worldwide Rosary will be led by the Pope in the company of more than a thousand Bishops. Sister Lucia, the Fatima visionary, and her fellow Carmelite sisters will recite the final decade of the Glorious Mysteries. Finally the culminating event on Sunday will be the entrustment of the new millennium to Mary.
I humbly ask all who read this to join me in the following prayer petitions:
We pray that all Catholics worldwide will develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord and the Church as a result of the weekend celebrations.
Only in eternity will we come to realize the ferocity of the invisible battle in the heavens that will be waged this weekend. May the Lord of Hosts protect all, both seen and unseen, who wage a holy war on His behalf.
We pray for those who, through no fault of their own, are unable to reconcile the events of this weekend with the particular doctrines of their Christian faith. We pray especially for those who, despite good intentions, mislead other Christians by branding this weekend's events as "heresy". May the Catholic teachings of the Communion of Saints and our relationship with Mary, spouse of the Holy Spirit and Mother of God, be understood and shared by all non-Catholic Christians.
May the Lord bless our elder brothers the Jewish people as they celebrate Yom Kippur, the Feast of Atonement, on Sunday. May they, through the Grace of God, have their eyes opened to the atoning death of Jesus Christ, the Jewish and gentile Messiah.
We pray that the faithful are not disappointed if the spiritual fruit of this consecration is not immediately visible nor surprised if instead its effect is remarkably manifested. All will be according to the Divine plan. AMEN!!
(Mark 5:19) Jesus did not let him, but said, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
199. In the paragraphs up to this point- those
comprising the first and seond centuries- we have set down how to learn
the difficult art of stilling the intellect. These paragraphs are the fruit
not of the mind alone, but also of what the holy Fathers teach us about
purity of intellect. Now, after a few words indicating the value of guarding
the intellect, we shall draw to a close.
October 5, 2000
On Saturday, October 7, there will be the recitation of the rosary with the Holy Father before the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The procession will start at 5:45 p.m. inside St. Peter's Basilica, with the statue of Our Lady, accompanied by the Holy Father, and proceed to St. Peter's Square where, at 6 p.m., the Pope will lead the meditations on the mysteries of the rosary. Cardinals and bishops and five families from different continents will join him. The recitation of the fifth mystery will be led by Sr. Lucia and the Carmelite sisters of the monastery of Coimbra, Portugal. Sr. Lucia is the sole survivor of the three children to whom Our Lady appeared in Fatima in 1917.
On Sunday, October 8, at 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Pope John Paul will preside at a Eucharistic concelebration during which he will read the Act of Entrustment to Mary in front of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. All bishops present will join the Holy Father in the Act of Entrustment.
The first event is the Recitation of the Rosary and Torchlight Procession from St. Peter's Square in Rome, Italy, Saturday, October 7th
LIVE at 11:30am EDT
ENCORE at 8:00pm EDT
Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary, began Friday,
September 29th: http://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/novena/ol_rosary1.htm
The second event will be the Solemn Mass and Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 8th, the Jubilee of Bishops.
LIVE: from St. Peter's Square 3:30am EDT,
Sunday, October 8th
ENCORES: Sunday, October 8th at 7pmEDT Thursday,
Oct. 12th at 12pmEDT Friday, October 13th at 3am and 10pm EDT
For more information about these major Jubilee
events, and what you, your family and your parish can do to be part of
the entrustment of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, go to: http://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/novena/ol_rosary1.htm
WATCH THESE EVENTS LIVE OVER THE INTERNET: http://www.ewtn.com/audiovideo/index.htm
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
198. One of the saints has said: 'Let the rancorous
man vent his rancour on the demons, and let the belligerent man turn his
hostility once and for all against his own body. The flesh is a treacherous
friend, and the more it is coddled the more it fights back.' And again:
'Be hostile to your body, and fight against your stomach.
October 4, 2000
A Colorado couple used genetic tests to create a test-tube baby that would have the exact type of cells desperately needed to save their 6-year-old daughter, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday. The newspaper said it was the first time a couple was known to have screened their embryos before implanting one in the mother's womb for the purpose of saving the life of a sibling. The baby, named Adam, was born in Denver, Colorado, Aug. 29. Doctors collected cells from his umbilical cord, a painless procedure, and on Sept. 26 infused them into his sister Molly's circulatory system, according to the Post report.
The procedure is both a promising and worrisome harbinger of where scientific advances are taking human reproduction in the near future -- at least for those who can afford to take that path, the Post said, quoting doctors and ethicists. But the case also raises questions about parents' ability to choose the traits of their children, for whatever practical, or capricious reason they may have.
COMMENTARY VIA EMAIL SPUC: The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children has described pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and the subsequent rejection of embryos for whatever reason as "fatal discrimination which should not be tolerated in any civilised society".
The Supreme Court set aside a ruling that let public school students in a Florida county choose a class member to give a prayer or other message at high school graduations. The justices on Monday ordered a federal appeals court to restudy the case in light of their decision last June to bar student-led prayers at public high school football games. The justices said such prayers violated the constitutionally required separation of government and religion.
to host Arafat, Barak as guerrilla leader issues warning (***)
battles smash Israeli-Palestinian truce
Violence May Spur Peace
(Psa 122:6) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
197. When clouds are scattered the air is clear;
and when the fantasies of passion are scattered by Jesus Christ, the sun
of righteousness, bright and star-like intellections are born in the heart,
for the heart is then illumined by Jesus. Solomon says: 'They that trust
in the Lord shall understand truth, and the faithful in love shall abide
with Him' (Wisd. 3:9).
October 3, 2000
Pope John Paul II took personal responsibility Sunday for a controversial Vatican assertion of the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, saying it was wrong to see it as a belittling of other religions. John Paul specified Sunday the declaration had been "approved by me.''
"Our confession of Christ as the only son, the medium through which we see the face of God, isn't arrogance that deprecates other religions but an expression of joyous gratitude,'' John Paul said, saying that dialogue had to start with making one's position clear. "The document clarifies the essential Christian elements, which serve as the basis for dialogue rather than as obstacles, because a dialogue without foundation would be destined to degenerate into empty verbosity,'' he said.
"If the document, with Vatican II, declares `the only Church of Christ is the Catholic Church,' it doesn't intend to express lack of consideration for the churches and ecclesiastic communities,'' the pope said. "This conviction is accompanied by the knowledge that it comes not through human merit, but as a sign of the faith of God that is stronger than any human weakness and sin,'' he said.
MORE FROM ROME: Pope apologizes to China over missionary errors
Four men have been charged with robbing a Roman Catholic priest who had opened the door to his parsonage to answer a false cry for help.
Rev. Thom Crandall was robbed Sept. 23 when he opened the door at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church to assist a man claiming to need help. The man put a gun to his face and ordered him to hand over the night's collection from the church and some collectible coins and Civil War-era money from a safe.
MORE: Filipino evangelists held hostage by Muslim rebels are rescued
(Phil 3:18-21) For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
196. Truly blessed is the man whose mind and heart
are as closely attached to the Jesus Prayer and to the ceaseless invocation
of His name as air to the body or flame to the wax. The sun rising over
the earth creates the daylight; and the venerable and holy name of the
Lord Jesus, shining continually in the mind, gives birth to countless intellections
radiant as the sun.
October 2, 2000
(Zec 12:2-3) "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.
MIDEAST CLASHES GROW- 12 Palestinians are killed in 'battle for Jerusalem'
Proclaiming the start of a religious war, thousands of Palestinians clashed with Israeli forces in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza on Saturday in a third day of violence that left at least 12 Palestinians dead and hundreds more injured.
"All of us are ready to die for al-Aqsa,'' Adam Jadeh said of the sacred mosque that sits on the Jerusalem hilltop where Jews believe Solomon's ancient Temple stood. Israel and the Palestinians are battling for control of the site, where Muslims believe their prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven to receive the tenets of their faith. Jadeh's brother was killed on Friday in what some Palestinians have dubbed the "battle for Jerusalem'' and the "al-Aqsa uprising.''
day of Mideast clashes kills 3, injures 60
warns of uncontrollable violence
commends Palestinians for clashes with Israel
groups blast Israel, militants urge vengeance
says clashes could derail Middle East peace
Palestinians agree to end violence
Pope John Paul, in one of the most politically delicate acts of his pontificate, canonised 120 Chinese martyrs on Sunday over Beijing"s angry accusations that the move was an insulting glorification of imperialism. Beijing called the new saints "evil-doing sinners" and said the canonisations would severely hamper normalisation of relations with the Holy See. The 80-year-old Pope, attempting to reassure Beijing, said the decision to make the martyrs saints should not be seen as a defence of colonialism but a desire to honour all Chinese. But in words that could further upset Beijing, which does not recognise his authority, the Pope said he hoped the martyrs would "comfort and sustain" Chinese Catholics. Like the martyrs, today"s Chinese Catholics "bravely and generously bear witness both to your fidelity to Jesus Christ and to your genuine love of your people," he said.
RELATED: Pope names Philadelphia heiress as second U.S.-born saint
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
195. The high priest's emblems in the Old Testament
are models for purity of heart. They teach us so to give attention to the
gold disc of the heart (cf. Exod. 28:22. LXX) that, should we tarnish it
through sin, we should cleanse it with tears, repentance and prayer. For
the intellect is very receptive and hard to hold back form illicit thoughts.
It pursues with equal readiness both good and evil images.
October 1, 2000
The statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be in the Vatican for three days during the October 6 to 8 Jubilee of Bishops. On Sunday, October 8, at the concluding Mass, there will be the Act of Entrustment to Mary, "almost a coronation of the Great Jubilee," according to a communique from the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.
VIA John P Giglio: (Copied with permission from Caritas of Birmingham)
The world will change for the next 1000 years on OCTOBER 8, 2000.
Because their nation was in grave peril, the Filipino Bishops declared 1985 as a Marian year. Within months, their nation was saved. John Paul II, inspired by these events, named and consecrated 1987 a Marian year for the whole world. Within months, the Berlin Wall crumbled. The communist regimes of Russia, Rumania, Czechoslavokia, Hungary, and others, literally nation after nation, fell.
John Paul II was very suprised at the vastness and at the speed of which these events occurred. In turn, it inspired him to name '97, '98, and 99' for Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father. The Pope now calls all the Bishops of the world to Rome, he is now crowning the three years on October 8, 2000, consecrating the next 1000 years into the hands of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.
What can we expect of the three years to the Trinity and this solemn act of entrustment, consecrating the next 1000 years to Mary? The fruit of one nation's Marian year and the world's Marian year brought about swift radical change. What of October 8, 2000? Its fruit is a guaranteed result, for Jesus said to Peter, "What ever you shall declare bound on earth is bound in heaven." October 8, 2000, the Pope, with the world's Bishops, will bind 1000 years to Our Lady.
Revelation 20:1-3 states: "And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he cast him into the abyss, and closed and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years should be finished. And after that he must be let loose for a little while."
You are encouraged to be a part of this event, which is beyond historic. Every Mass, every prayer, every sacrifice will only increase the grace attached to October 8, 2000. Ask your priests to offer Mass in consecration in union with the entrustment on October8. On that day join with friends; gather in prayer groups; do whatever you are inspired to do to inform all to be a part of an act of consecration affecting you, your family, generations of your family yet to be born; a consecration affecting a host of other souls into the next 10 centuries.
The Philokalia excerpt: St. Hesychios "On Watchfulness and Holiness"
194. If with God's help and for His sake alone
we manage to guard the intellect for some time, it acquires a certain good
sense in pursuing the spiritual battle. This good sense in its turn gives
us, in no small measure, the ability to arrange our work and regulate our
words with a judgment that accords with God's will.
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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