MUST READ EDITORIAL: Oh, Those Mischievous Muslims!
US Catholic bishops want
“specific measures” in favour of Iraqi Christians and other
religious minorities. Their “rapidly deteriorating
situation” is causing “deep concern and growing
alarm,” writes Mgr Thomas G. Wenski, chairman of the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International
Policy in a letter to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The letter stresses that the Christian community continues to decline
from a pre-war population of over 1.2 million to a current estimate of
about 600,000.
It points out that, according to the United Nations High Commission for
Refugees, approximately 44 per cent of Iraqi refugees are Christian,
even though they represent only about 4 per cent of the total
population of Iraq.
“The growing and deliberate targeting of Christians,” the
letter says, “is an ominous sign of the breakdown in Iraqi
society of civil order and inter-religious respect and represents a
grave violation of human rights and religious liberty.” The
recent beheading of a Syriac Orthodox priest in Mosul and the abduction
and rape of Christian women and teenage girls explain why Christians
are fleeing, Mgr Wenski said.
“The vulnerability of Christians and other religious minorities
is dramatic evidence of the serious and growing security challenges
facing the entire nation of Iraq.”
Iraq's Christian Minority Seeks Haven From Violence
15-year old Christian boy beheaded in Iraq
Beheading Nations: The Islamization of Europe’s Cities
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
80. A hermit said, 'All chatter is unnecessary. Nowadays everyone talks
but what is needed is action. That is what God wants, not useless
October 26, 2006
(John 20:22-23) When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.
LINK: The Journey to Freedom: Reconciliation
By the late Father Kilian McGowan, C.P.
Previously we treated of the necessity of having a right attitude
towards that tribunal of mercy we call Confession. Perhaps it might be
well to repeat here that if the Sacrament of Penance made God appear as
an exacting tyrant, it would be out of place in Christ's "Gospel of
Mercy." It appears as such only to the poorly instructed or the
unreasonably fearful.
Here, we consider some of the more common fears concerning this
sacrament. Some of them may seem rather insignificant to our readers,
but they loom large indeed in the minds of others. These fears may
plague the souls of even the more intelligent and well-instructed.
Many people are afraid of what the priest will think of them after they
have relieved their consciences of their burden of guilt. Let us remind
these that they have the freedom of going to any priest they select.
They go in secret and the confessional is dark. The priest rarely
recognizes them or their voices. All he really thinks is that another
sincere and humble penitent has come in contact with the merciful Heart
of our Blessed Savior.
Surprisingly, some stay away from confession because they feel they
have too little to confess, just as others do because they have too
much. These should know that the priest is neither shocked by grave
sins, nor disappointed when there are none to mention. Even though your
confession may sound like a broken record, you may avail
yourselves of the many graces of this sacrament.
There are those who are afraid that the priest will not understand
their particular problem -- especially if it involves some shameful
sin. This is complimentary neither to the priest's training nor
experience. The confessor is not only trained in theology and the laws
of God; he is also well aware of every weakness of the human heart. He
is trained to be kindly and understanding, and shortly becomes skilled
in handling every possible case.
Some are fearful for the simple reason that their last good confession
was much too long ago, and their sins are much too numerous. Let these
be reassured that every priest shares the joy of Christ who said that
there is more joy in heaven over one sinner doing penance than over
ninety-nine who have no need of it. Don't be afraid to challenge His
patience and compassion. He'll appreciate the opportunity to reconcile
you to your God.
Even if you hardly know where to start, just enter the confessional and
start talking. You should examine your conscience and stir up your
sorrow, of course. But if you get confused, don't let it scare you away
from this Sacrament of mercy and relief... just go into the
confessional and ask for help. That's what the priest is there for.
Occasionally, we find those who are afraid of taking too much time --
perhaps those in line will think that they are big sinners. Well, the
amount of time in the confessional is never a gauge of the amount of
sins confessed. Perhaps the confessor may be encouraging the penitent
to lead an even more generous life, or explaining means of growing in
the love of God.
What should be done for those who constantly worry about their
confessions? These must remember that confession was never intended to
be a straining, worrying affair. All theologians teach that only a
sincere effort is needed for a good confession, not a super-effort. God
doesn't want us to scour our consciences like an overwashed floor.
Our Lord considers it very uncomplimentary to His Mercy to put any human limits upon a mercy that knows no limits.
Probably the most common complaint is that many feel as though they
haven't made a good confession. They say that they don't experience any
perceptible feeling of relief. We remind these that this is a question
of faith, and not of feeling. We go to confession to have our sins
forgiven, to expose ourselves to the mercy of Christ, to receive the
sacramental graces, and not to feel good! If you have done your best,
you have received all of these spiritual benefits, regardless of your
Once again, Confession is an encounter with the merciful and
compassionate Savior, through His representative, the priest. Let us be
careful not to make a bugbear of what He intends to be a balm!
RELATED: Speakers encourage men to reflect, react, repent
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
78. Hyperichius said, 'He who teaches others by his life and not his speech is truly wise.'
October 25, 2006
(1Th 5:19-21) Extinguish not the spirit. Despise not prophecies. But prove all things: hold fast that which is good.
REMINDER: The Church and Medjugorje by EWTN
In Medjugorje, 'people are turning to God' by Archbishop Harry J. Flynn
Statue of Medjugorje Madonna in Italy weeping again
VIA Loretta: October 7, 2006 English Homily in St. James Church, Medjugorje Priest from Ireland
I am here with a group of pilgrims
from many different parts of Ireland, but we are all pilgrims. We are
all brothers and sisters here. We are all Mary’s children, and
thank God for that. I’ve jotted down a few thoughts that were
coming to me during the week.
There is an old custom and an effort is being made to revive it in this
present time and it’s the custom of saying the Three Hail
Mary’s. And if you go back in Ireland and I’m sure other
countries, maybe 20 years ago, when you went to confession, unless you
had something very bad to tell, the priest would usually let you get
away with three Hail Mary’s for penance. At home when we were
maybe in need or trying to do something, our parents or somebody else
would say to us, say three Hail Mary’s. And there is an effort
being made now to revive that. I feel that it’s something worth
considering and its not to replace our regular prayer, it’s to
increase the prayer that’s already there and to enhance it.
Simply before or during the day when you find things difficult, stop
for a moment and say the three Hail Mary’s, and that will lead
you into more prayer. You might say, well three Hail Mary’s, what
can that do? Very early here, Our Lady reminded us that even one Hail
Mary is a great consolation to Her. We will never know how much good
Our Blessed Mother can do with one Hail Mary that we would say, one
prayer, well said. It can be the start of a great grace or great
blessing. It’s like the young man who had the few loaves and
fishes. He was keeping them for himself, for his own use, but when he
gave them to the Lord, the Lord blessed them and multiplied them and it
became the great miracle of the loaves and fishes. The little we have
when we give it to the Almighty can become something very special, very
great indeed.
It reminds me of a lovely, little humorous story of St. John Vianney,
the Cure of Ars, who was once asked why he became a priest. So he said,
“I was reading the Scripture, in the Bible, where God through
Samson, that Samson, with God’s hand, slew several thousand
Philistines with a jawbone of an ass. So I thought to myself if God can
do that with a jawbone of an ass, how much more would he be able to do
with a whole ass.” So, he decided to become a priest and a very
good priest he was. He was put away into a small place, in Ars in
France and he transformed it with very little, simple efforts of
prayer, kindness and devotion to the Mass and the Sacraments. And maybe
it’s something that we can do as well.
What’s happening here in this Church of St. James is something
out of this world. And we all are feeling uplifted during the Mass, the
Adoration is an experience not to be missed.
The confessions outside are another great blessing. And we all think,
“Oh, if we could only take this home, wouldn’t it be great.
If there was something like this in our own churches on Saturday
evenings or Sunday mornings wouldn’t we uplift people?” How
do we do it we wonder? I feel that the way we might be able to do it is
just to move out from here. What I feel is happening here is because of
what is happening outside around the village in the fields. People like
ourselves unashamedly praying, carrying their Rosary beads.
There’s nothing different in what is happening here (in St. James
Church) and outside of here (in the village streets and fields). Of
course when we go back to our parishes there is the church. We have our
churches, we have our faith but when we leave our churches we seem to
leave everything else as well, including God. And we’ve drifted a
way a little bit in our prayer and as we fall off in prayer, we fall
away from God. We have distanced ourselves from God. Our problems have
become big because our God has become small. So we need to once again
to begin to take the Mass and what is happening in our churches, out
into our daily life.
I’m very impressed by people moving among the streets and fields
praying in groups. I’m particularly impressed with our young
people, turning their Rosary beads and unashamedly being part of all of
the spiritual exercises. I’d like to say to all of us when we go
back home, let’s not be ashamed of carrying the Rosary beads and
let them be seen. There’s nothing wrong going inside a church to
visit the Blessed Sacrament, to light a candle, to say a prayer.
Pope Paul VI said people will be more impressed by witness than
anything else. And take the late great Pope John Paul II. Was there
anyone in the last 50 years that stood out more than he did? Why?
Because first of all he was a man of prayer with a deep devotion to Our
Blessed Mother. Remember the last time he was in Lourdes, down at the
grotto, crippled with pain. When the prayers were finished he asked his
helpers, his aides, to take him out of his wheelchair and he was
stooped over to one side. They said, “Your Holiness, you
won’t be able to do it.” He said, no I want to do it. And
they placed him on the kneeler and he spent a considerable amount of
time in prayer to the Blessed Mother. What prayer he said, we will
never know. He knew that this would be his last time. When he got up he
turned to the people who were in wheelchairs, and to people who were
suffering a great deal. He said, “I’m here as one of you.
Walk with Mary.” And that’s the point of being here in
Medjugorje. We’re walking with Mary and we need to do it
when we go back home also. Our own Rosary priest from Ireland, Fr.
Peyton, coined the phrase, “the family that prays together, stays
together.” Who could not be impressed by Vicka yesterday morning
in particular her prayer, her deep prayer, her reverence in prayer, her
life in prayer. And this morning we got another beautiful message from
Jakov. And one of the very first things he said was the graces of
Medjugorje are not just for Medjugorje. They’re for all of us and
all our parishes and that should help us go home feeling we’re
not alone in trying to bring this message of Our Blessed Mother to a
hungry world.
This should be a very precious item for all of us. Have your Rosary
beads in your possession. It will protect us. But it’s no good
just having it on us. We need to be using it. And when we start using
our Rosary beads, in our hands it is the Blessed Mother’s hand in
our hand. And just try to remember that as we pray. As we pray the
Rosary, Our Lady is praying with us. She is holding our hands as we
hold the Rosary beads. When we start to pray like that we will then be
led into Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and Mass. We won’t just
be bumping into Jesus, we will be letting him touch us and when we let
Jesus touch us, our lives will be transformed and then people will
begin to see Jesus living in us and our faith will come alive in church
and out of church.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
77. Sarah also said, 'If I asked God that everyone should see good in
me, I should be doing penance at the door of each one. I pray rather
that my heart should be pure in all things.'
October 24, 2006
The scientists of today ought to pay
close attention to "the lessons learned from a much deeper vision".
Otherwise, according to Benedict XVI, "they could easily fall into the
tragedy of the ancient Greek myth. Here, the young Icarus, overwhelmed
by the joy of flying towards absolute liberty and paying no attention
to warnings from the elderly father, Dedalus, got ever closer to the
sun, forgetting that the wings that were taking him so high in the sky
were made of wax. His tragic fall and death are the price he paid for
this illusion. The antique myth has an everlasting value as its main
lesson. In life there are other illusions in which we cannot place our
trust, without risking disastrous consequences for our own and other
people's existence".
RELATED: Embryonic stem cells may cause tumours: US study
REVIEW: A statement from the Australian Catholic Bishops on human embryo cloning and destructive embryo experimentation
there has been resistance (from the Church) — and if there still
is — it was and is to those forms of research that provide for
the planned suppression of human beings who already exist, even if they
have not yet been born. Research, in such cases, irrespective of
efficacious therapeutic results is not truly at the service of humanity.
"In fact, this research advances through the suppression of human lives
that are equal in dignity to the lives of other human individuals and
the lives of the researchers themselves," the pope told the scientists
at the recent meeting.
"History itself has condemned such a science in the past and will
condemn it in the future, not only because it lacks the light of God
but also because it lacks humanity," the pope said.
"Here there is a problem that we cannot get around; no one can dispose
of human life. An insurmountable limit to our possibilities of doing
and of experimenting must be established. The human being is not a
disposable object, but every single individual represents God’s
presence in the world."
MORE: Pope endorses adult stem-cell research
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
73. She said, '"Let not the sun go down upon your wrath" (Eph. 4:26).
Likewise, if you wait until the sun is going down on your life, you
will not know how to say, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil therof"
(Matt. 6:34). Why do you hate the man who has harmed you? It is not he
who has harmed you but the devil. You ought to hate the sickness, not
the sick man.'
October 20, 2006
(Mat 11:28-30) Come to me all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: And you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.LINK: "Jesus": The Shortest, Simplest, and Most Powerful Prayer in the World
VIA Nadine: Request For Transfer
TO: Commander-in-Chief Spiritual Armed Forces, Jesus Christ
Dear Lord:
I am writing this to You to request a transfer to a desk job. I
herewith present my reasons: I began my career as a private, but
because of the intensity of the battle You have quickly moved me up in
the ranks. You have made me an officer and given me a tremendous amount
of responsibility. There are many soldiers and recruits under my
charge. I am constantly being called upon to dispense wisdom, make
judgments, and find solutions to complex problems. You have placed me
in a position to function as an officer, when in my heart I know I have
only the skills of a private.
I realize that You have promised to supply all I would need for the
battle. But Sir, I must present You a realistic picture of my situation.
My uniform, once so crisp and starched, is now stained with tears and
blood of those I have tried to assist. The soles of my boots are
cracked and worn from the miles I have walked trying to enlist,
encourage, and instruct the troops. My weapons are marred, tarnished
and chipped from constant battle against the enemy. Even the Book of
Regulations I was issued has been torn and tattered from endless use.
The words are now smeared.
You have promised You would be with me throughout, but when the noise
of the battle is so loud and the confusion is so great, I can neither
see nor hear You. I feel so alone. I'm tired. I'm discouraged. I have
Battle Fatigue.
I would never ask You for a discharge. I love being in Your service.
But I humbly request a demotion and transfer. I'll file papers or clean
Just get me out of the battle -- please, Sir.
Your Faithful, but tired, Warrior.
TO: Faithful, but tired, Soldier, Spiritual Armed Forces
LOCATION: The Battlefield
SUBJECT: Transfer
Dear Soldier:
Your request for transfer has been denied. I herewith present My
reasons: You are needed in this battle. I have selected you, and I will
keep My Word to supply your needs. You do not need a demotion and
transfer. Besides, you'd never cut it on latrine duty anyway. You need
a period of "R & R" (Renewal and Rekindling). I am setting aside a
place on the battlefield that is insulated and fully protected from the
enemy. I will meet you there and I will give you rest. I will remove
your old equipment and "make all things new."
You have been wounded in the battle, My soldier. Your wounds are not
visible, but you have received grave internal injuries. You need to be
healed. I will heal you. Also, you have been weakened in the battle.
You need to be strengthened. I will strengthen you and be your
strength. I will instill in you confidence and ability. My Words will
be rekindled within you, giving you renewed love, zeal and enthusiasm.
Report to Me tattered and empty. I will replenish you.
Compassionately, Your Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
72. She also said, 'It is good not to be angry. If it happens, do not give way to it for as much as one day.'
October 19, 2006
(Dan 12:10) Many
shall be chosen, and made white, and shall be tried as fire: and the
wicked shall deal wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand,
but the learned shall understand.
Priest on trial for sex abuse takes plea deal
Sexual abuse survivors demand church defrock convicted priests
Davenport Diocese files for bankruptcy
Miami Archdiocese: Sex-abuse claim 'credible'
Foley will release name of priest who allegedly abused him
FOOD FOR THOUGHT AND PRAYERFUL CONSIDERATION: 'Diabolic Disorientation' in the Church
EDITOR'S NOTE: One must be reminded when reading the New
Oxford Review article that Blessed Pope John XXIII has been beatified by the
church and is one of only three popes who are in glass coffins for
public viewing in the Vatican (
On Tuesday night, October 17th, 2006, St. Michael the Archangel came
and woke me up and instructed me to pray. He began by saying:
“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has
charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as
never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that
time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be
found written in the book.” (’Daniel 12: 1)
God’s love for His people demands that He chastise the word in
these “End Times”. Every nation is about to be purged
accordingly. All God’s faithful must pray regardless of how
serious these ‘end times’ become. You’ve been told
through the warnings of the Blessed Virgin that prayer, penance and
fasting can lessen the severity of these upcoming chastisements. Many
shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but
the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand:
but those who are wise shall understand,” (Dan. 12:10)
Offer up to God all that you can. Pray and sacrifice all that you can.
Avail yourself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as often as necessary
and receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist as often as possible. Do not
be content with attending the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass only on
Sundays; but strive to attend daily Mass. Refresh your soul before
Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Detach yourself of worldly things that
may prevent you from focusing on the Lord, your God. Remember that
it’s not important how you die; but how you live! Live the
Gospels. Love God above all things, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Listen to and obey the spiritual direction and guidance of the Holy
Spirit. Put your trust in God only, never in man. Keep God’s
Commandments. In all that you do, glorify God the Father through His
Son, Jesus. Behold your Mother; stay very close to your Heavenly Queen.
Allow Her to lead you to Her Son, Jesus. The world needs Her more now
than ever. Make time to pray a twenty decade Rosary daily. Pray the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy asking God’s mercy for the world. Pray
through Me, I am the Prince of the Heavenly Host; I will come to your
aid whenever you call on me. I leave you on your knees, and in the
peace of Christ, Jesus. Pray, Pray, Pray!!!
EDITOR'S NOTE: I have no idea who Juanito is, whether he
is a false visionary, or whether the preceding message is from Saint
Michael or from Juanito's imagination. Regardless, the message is
a timely exhortation for these trying days.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
71. She also said, 'There is a useful sorrow, and a destructive sorrow.
Sorrow is useful when we weep for our sins, and for our neighbour's
ignorance, and so that we may not relax our purpose to attain to true
goodness, these are the real kinds of sorrow. Our enemy adds something
to this. For he sends sorrow without reason, which is something called
lethargy. We ought always to drive out a sadness like that with prayers
and psalms.'
Among those present were the Capuchin
Fathers of the Shrine of St. Mary of Grace and of the new church
dedicated to St. Pio, located in San Giovanni Rotondo in southern
Italy, as well as directors, doctors and nurses of the hospital, and
members of various prayer groups.
In his address to them, the Pope called on the Capuchin Fathers,
"spurred on and supported by the example of Padre Pio and by his
intercession," to make every effort "to imitate him and help everyone
to live a profound spiritual experience focussed on the contemplation
of the Crucified Christ, Who reveals and mediates the merciful love of
the heavenly Father.
"From the heart of Padre Pio, which burned with charity, arose the
House for Relief of Suffering," he added. The saint "chose to call it
'house' so that sick people, especially the poor, might feel at ease
there, ... and might find 'relief' from their suffering ... thanks to
two converging forces: prayer and science. ... Faith in God and
scientific research work together towards the same aim, that can best
be expressed in Jesus' own words: 'that they may have life, and have it
abundantly.' Yes, God is life, and wants man to be healed from all of
the evils of the body and of the spirit."
The Holy Father then went on to recall how the prayer groups came into being following a call to pray for peace made by Pope Pius XII in 1942 during World War II. "Padre Pio," he said, "encouraged his spiritual children to give a prompt response to the appeal of the Vicar of Christ."
"The prayer groups have spread to
parishes, convents and hospitals, and today number more than 3,000 with
a presence on all the continents. ... Your prayer, as it says in your
Statutes, is 'with the Church, through the Church and in the Church,'
to be experienced always in full accordance with the Magisterium, with
ready obedience to the Pope and the bishops, under the guidance of a
priest appointed by the bishop. The Statues also prescribe another
vital commitment of the prayer groups: 'effective and assiduous charity
to bring relief to the suffering and the needy as a practical
demonstration of charity towards God.' Here again is the combination
prayer and charity, God and our fellow man."
VIA Frank Rega: You are
cordially invited to listen to and also call in to a radio show about
Padre Pio and my book "Padre Pio and America." The show will be
broadcast on internet radio everywhere, and also on WTMR 800 AM, in the
greater Philly area. The time is from 5 to 6 pm Eastern Time, on
Wednesday October 18. I will be interviewed by Dominic Lettieri on his
show "Putting it on the Line."
Call-in phone numbers are 1-888-343-2484, and 1-610-527-2906. The show can be heard on the internet at (you can still call in).
Share your devotion to Padre Pio....let's light up the phone banks!
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
70. Syncletica said, 'Merchants toil in search of riches and are in
danger of their lives from shipwreck; the more wealth they win, the
more they want; and they think what they have already is of no worth
but bend their whole mind to what they have not yet got. But we have
nothing, not even that which we ought to seek; we do not even want to
possess what we need, because we fear God.'
"May the Eternal One, our Father in heaven, bless every effort to
eliminate from our world any misuse of religion as an excuse for hatred
or violence."
The powerful spectacle of
Iran’s be-turbaned supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei clutching
an automatic rifle, displayed exclusively by DEBKAfile, drew on the
belligerent imagery of Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein. The Iranian
media suppressed this particular shot in its coverage of his sermon at
Tehran University Oct. 13, the third Friday of Ramadan. But the AK 47
toted by the ruler of the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism
was not missed by the political and military leaders in his audience
and accentuated his war message.
DEBKAfile’s Tehran sources
reveal that the Iran’s leaders took three fateful steps ahead of
Khamenei’s performance:
1. They pointed up the tradition
initiated by the father of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini of marking the last Friday of Ramadan as International al Qods
Day - “Jerusalem Liberation Day.”
2. Khamenei’s aides leaked
word that his decision to hold the sermon of Oct. 13 was prompted by
his discovery that the USS Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group was heading
for the Persian Gulf and would be deployed in operational mode opposite
Iran’s shores by Oct. 21.
3. In Beirut, Iran’s
surrogate Hizballah announced the cancellation of its annual military
parade on al Qods day, i.e. Oct. 20.
Military circles in the United
States and Israel interpret these steps as meaning that Iran will be
standing by in battle positions the day before the Eisenhower reaches
its destination.
The Iranian ruler laid great stress
on "International Qods Day” as the day of
“resistance” for the entire Islamic Umma against “the
oppression and injustice observed by the Zionists and their supporters."
DEBKAfile’s Iran and Islamic
sources note that the Kalashnikov in the supreme ruler’s hand
spoke louder than his bellicose rhetoric.
2nd warning for Muslims to leave U.S. before attack
Orthodox Priest Beheaded In Iraq
86 Iraqis Die in 2-Day Spree of Violence
ON RAMADAN: Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which in 2006 occurs on Oct. 24.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
68. A brother said to Sisois, 'Why do my passions not leave me?' He
said to him, 'Because the vessels that fill those passions are within
you. Empty them and the passions they cause will go away.'
October 13, 2006
(1Pe 1:14-16) As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."LINK: The Children of Fatima
Forged through hardship
The life of Venerable Mother Margarita de Maturana
A prelude to a miracle
Pope defends traditional family values
Reflection by Father Ted – for October 09, 2006
My dearest Lord Jesus, thank You once again for reminding me today of what is most important in life – how to enter into heaven.The
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
67. Palladius said, 'The soul which is being trained according to the
will of Christ should either be earnest in learning what it does not
know, or should publicly teach what it does know. If it wants to do
neither, though it could, it is mad. The first step on the road away
from God is contempt for teaching, that is not to want to give food to
the soul that truly wants it.'
October 11, 2006
EXCERPT POPE BENEDICT XVI (09/2000)- On the traditional celebration of the sacred liturgy facing liturgical East ("ad orientem"):
"A common turning to the East during the Eucharistic Prayer remains
essential. This is not a case of something accidental, but of what is
essential. Looking at the priest has no importance. What matters is
looking together at the Lord. It is not now a question of dialogue, but
of common worship, of setting off towards the One who is to come. What
corresponds with the reality of what is happening is not the closed
circle, but the common movement forward expressed in a common direction
for prayer."
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
66. A brother asked Pambo, 'Why does the enemy prevent me doing good to
my neighbour?' He said, 'Do not talk like that, or you will make God a
liar. Say, "I is I myself do not want to be kind to others." For God
came down to us and said, "I have given you the power of treading upon
scorpions and snakes" (Luke 10:19), and so you are beyond the power of
the enemy. Why then do you not tread down these evil spirits?'
October 10, 2006
12:12) Rejoice then, O heaven and you that dwell therein! But woe to
you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great
wrath, because he knows that his time is short!"
After North Korea announced it had
conducted a nuclear test, religious leaders in South Korea expressed
their deep concern but recommended that economic and military sanctions
would not be a good response.
Father Paul Han Jung-kwan, executive secretary of the Committee for the
Reconciliation of Korean People of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of
Korea, told UCA News on Oct. 10 that the nuclear test had shocked him.
He called it "an act that destroys world peace and order, and is
against the Gospel."
Noting that anti-North Korea sentiment may spread within the Church,
Father Han said he believes the Church in South Korea will face
difficulties in its humanitarian work for North Koreans. He also said
he expects North Koreans to become more isolated from the international
community and suffer from a lack of food and basic goods. For this
reason, he added, the Church needs to establish a long-term plan to
help the North Koreans.
Father Simon Chun Jong-hun, president of the Catholic Priests'
Association for Justice, considers the test a "big mistake." He told
UCA News on Oct. 10 he is deeply concerned that North Korea has broken
an agreement on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. In 1991,
North and South Korea agreed on a joint declaration on denuclearization
of the Korean peninsula.
Even so, Father Chun said the United States should not take military
action against North Korea but instead try to dialogue directly with
the communist country, with the help of neighbors such as China and
"Direct dialogue is the only way to solve the nuclear problem this
time," Father Chun explained. "This nuclear test is a crisis for sure,
but we should take this chance to make progress in the peace effort."
RELATED: Seoul- South Korean bishops meet to discuss aid for North after atomic test
Iran's hardline leaders said Tuesday their country would not retreat from its controversial nuclear program — a day after North Korea said it conducted a nuclear weapons test.
"Our policy is clear: Progress,
offering transparent logic and insisting on the rights of the nation
without retreat," Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, according
to state-run television.
Khamenei said Iran would continue to pursue its program and not bow to international demands that it suspend uranium enrichment.
supreme leader said because Iran previously had voluntarily suspended
enrichment, it would not consider doing so again. "If we had not
experienced that path perhaps we would have criticized ourselves today.
But now, we will pursue with a strong heart," Khamenei said.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also
affirmed that Iran would continue its nuclear program, which it says is
for peaceful purposes. "The Iranian nation will continue its path of
dignity based on resistance, wisdom and without fear," Ahmadinejad was
quoted as saying.
MORE: Will Iran follow N. Korea's lead?
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
62. Abraham, who was a disciple of Agatho, once asked Poemen, 'Why do
the demons attack me?' Poemen said to him, 'Is it the demons who attack
you? It is not the demons who attack me. When we follow our self-will
then our wills seem like demons and it is they who urge us to obey
them. If you want to know the kind of people with whom the demons
fight, it is Moses and those like him.'
October 9, 2006
North Korea's claim that it has
successfully tested a nuclear weapon has sparked international
condemnation. The White House called for a swift response from the UN
Security Council, calling Pyongyang's move "provocative". Japan and
South Korea also condemned the test and even Pyongyang's closest ally
China expressed its "resolute opposition", calling the move "brazen".
North Korean state media said the underground test had brought
"happiness to our people". When it announced the test, the North's KCNA
media agency described it as an "historic event that brought happiness
to our military and people". It said the test would maintain "peace and
stability" in the region and was "a great leap forward in the building
of a great prosperous, powerful socialist nation". There was no
radiation leak, it said.
The development comes three days after the UN Security Council agreed
on a formal statement urging North Korea to cancel any planned nuclear
test and return to disarmament talks. Pyongyang pulled out of the
nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003 and has refused for a year to
attend talks aimed at ending its nuclear ambitions.
RELATED: Earthquake Hazards Program link- Magnitude 4.2 - NORTH KOREA
North Korea test a sign of weakness
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Vatican Urges North Korea to Sign up to Nuclear Treaty
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
60. He also said, 'The will of man is a wall of brass, and a stone
barrier between himself and God. If he puts it aside, he can say the
words of the psalm, "By the help of my God I shall leap over the wall"
and, "as for my God his way is undefiled" (Ps. 18:29-30). If good
conduct helps the will, then a man will do good.'
October 6, 2006
EXCERPT: Benedict’s LepantoThe
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
59. Poemen related a saying of Ammon, 'One man kept an axe with him all
his life but did not know how to cut down a tree; another knew how to
use an axe, and could cut down a tree with a few strokes. 'He used to
say that the axe was discretion.'
October 5, 2006
1:16-18) Wash yourselves, be clean, take away the evil of your devices
from my eyes, cease to do perversely, Learn to do well: seek judgment,
relieve the oppressed, judge for the fatherless, defend the widow. And
then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson,
they shall be white as wool.
LINK: Examination of conscience is healthy for the body and soul
Reflection by Father Ted – for October 02, 2006
My dearest Lord Jesus, once again You
surprise me by the wisdom of others. I did not expect to be so well
taught this afternoon by You and by one of Your priests.
Again You have reminded me of the incredible love that You have for me – as You do for each person.
On this feast day of the Guardian Angels You have reemphasized that it
was because of Your love that You entrusted me at the moment of my
conception to one of Your angelic beings.
You gave to him the awesome responsibility to watch over me – to protect me – to enlighten me – to correct me.
That he has done for the past 73 years since I was conceived sometime in November of 1933.
He has helped me to become the man that You created me to be.
He has guided me – enlightening my conscience and sometimes even warning me what to avoid.
When I listened to him, I was protected from many harms. When I did
not, I suffered the consequences – and hopefully learned from my
stubbornness of heart.
He has told me many times what I needed to do. When I listened to him, I was blessed – and others were too.
Thank You, Jesus, for this companion.
May he continue to watch over me and to guide me and to enlighten and correct me.
This afternoon You also taught me to know myself better.
You have been teaching me to accept myself as Your beloved child and to
know myself as a sinner – one who has not done everything that
You have wanted me to do.
I have given into my sinful inclinations.
I have not avoided occasions of sin.
I have resisted Your graces.
I have needed Your forgiveness – which You have so generously
offered to me through Your sacramental gift of Penance. And through a
brother priest I have been forgiven my sins.
You have also been teaching me not to be so serious. Just as You were playful as You were growing up, so do I need to be.
And I thank You for this ability to be as playful as I am.
Jesus, may I always focus on You – doing what You want me to do. May I love You and others as You do.
Thank You Jesus for giving me life. Thank You for loving me to life. Thank You for enabling me to love others as You do.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion
58. A brother said to Poemen, 'If I see something wrong do you want me
to tell you about it? 'He said to him, 'It is written, "If a man
answers before he has heard, it is foolishness to him and discredit"
(Ecclesiasticus 11:8). If you are asked, speak; if not, say nothing.'
October 4, 2006
24:11-12) Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back
those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, "Behold, we did
not know this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not
he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not requite man
according to his work?
OPINION: Abortion is ultimate form of child abuse but no law protects unborn
Poemen also said, 'If a thought about your bodily needs comes to you,
and you put it aside; and then it comes again, and you put it aside,
what will happen? If it comes a third time, you will not notice it, and
it will do you no harm.'
October 3, 2006
(Mat 19:14) but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."
October 1 - October 10 An Invitation to Prayer and Fasting
This year the Week (actually 10 days) takes place from Sunday, October
1 through Monday, October 10, 2006. The goals of the International Week
of Prayer and Fasting are the conversion of nations, an end to
abortion, and to build a culture of Life . We ask people to participate
by doing the following:
Priests for Life: Observing Respect Life Sunday New Website Details Thousands of Violent Crimes by Abortion Supporters
See also: Life Chain 2006
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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