My dearest Lord Jesus, again this
weekend and also today You have reminded me as well as others of the
importance of praying – and also of the power of prayer.
Both today and last Saturday You allowed many of us to experience of
the importance of praying and the power of prayer through the presence
of Padre Pio – saint Pio of Pietrelcina.
You reminded us through one of his confreres, who was with us both on
Saturday and today, of his call to holiness, of his call to be a man of
prayer, of the effects of his prayers in the lives of others.
You allowed us to be blessed with his relics – especially with one of his gloves.
Throughout his life he reminded us of the need to pray.
Yesterday, on World Mission Sunday, in each of the readings You
emphasized the need of praying and of the effectiveness of praying.
In the Gospel, You told the parable about the importance of persevering
in our prayers – and that the Father does respond to this
perseverance in prayer.
In the excerpt from the letter of Saint Paul to his younger brother
bishop, Saint Timothy, You implied through the exhortation of Saint
Paul to Saint Timothy that he be, first of all, a man of prayer. And
then You had Saint Paul remind him of the value of Sacred Scripture
“for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training
in righteousness”.
This is just what our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, declared to 100
bishops, who had been ordained during the past year – that they
were to be, first of all, men of prayer. Of course, that would enable
them effectively to proclaim the Gospel.
In the very first reading, from the Book of Exodus, You reminded us
that because Moses was praying – during the battle, Joshua and
the Israelites were successful in their conflict with the Amalekites.
Last week, on the 90th anniversary of the final apparition of Your
Mother at Fatima, You also reminded us of how she had exhorted the
three children to pray daily the Rosary and that they were to exhort
others to do likewise.
You also indicated through her powerful messages and mystical
experiences of the need for such prayer for the conversion of many
– even for their eternal salvation.
You want us today, in this early part of the twenty first century, to
become men, women, boys and girls of prayer. You want us to pray like
the children of Fatima. You want us to pray like Padre Pio.
Our world needs our prayers today. Lord, through the intercession of
Saint Pio, of Blessed Francisco, of Blessed Jacinta, and of Sister
Lucia, may we become those men, women, boys and girls that You and Your
Mother desire.
May Your Will be done by us, on earth, as it is in heaven by all the Saints and Angels.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
24. A hermit said, 'I never wanted work to be useful to me while
causing loss to my brother, for I have this hope that what helps my
brother will bring fruit to me.'
October 25, 2007
(Act 11:29) And the disciples, every man according to his ability, purposed to send relief to the brethren who dwelt in Judea.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
23. A brother said to a hermit, 'If I see a monk about whom I have
heard that he is guilty of a sin, I cannot make myself invite him into
my cell. But if I see a good monk, I bring him in gladly.' The
hermit said, 'If you do good to a good brother it is nothing to him,
but to the other give double charity, for he is sick.'
October 24, 2007
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
18. A brother asked a hermit, 'Suppose there are two monks: one stays
quietly in his cell, fasting for six days at a time, laying many
hardships on himself: and the other ministers to the sick. Which
of them is more pleasing to God?' He replied, 'Even if the
brother who fasts six days hung himself up by his nose, he wouldn't be the equal of him who ministers to the sick.'
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
15. One of the fathers said, 'If anyone asks you for something, and you
give it to him, even if you are forced to give it, let your heart go
with the gift, as it is written, "If a man forces you to go with him
one mile, go with him two" (Matt. 5:41). This means that if you are
asked for anything, give it with a willing heart.'
October 19, 2007
(2Co 6:2) For
he saith: In an accepted time have I heard thee and in the day of
salvation have I helped thee. Behold, now is the acceptable time:
behold, now is the day of salvation.
EXCERPT: What's So Great about Christianity:
This is not a time for Christians to turn the other cheek. Rather, it
is a time to drive the money-changers out of the temple. The atheists
no longer want to be tolerated. They want to monopolize the public
square and to expel Christians from it. They want political questions
like abortion to be divorced from religious and moral claims. They want
to control the school curricula, so that they can promote a secular
ideology and undermine Christianity. They want to discredit the factual
claims of religion, and they want to convince the rest of society that
Christianity is not only mistaken but also evil. They blame religion
for the crimes of history and for the ongoing conflicts in the world
today. In short, they want to make religion—and especially the
Christian religion—disappear from the face of the earth.
The Bible in Matthew 5:13-14 calls Christians to be the "salt of the
earth" and the "light of the world." Christians are called to make the
world a better place. Today that means confronting the challenge of
modern atheism and secularism.
Christians in Barbados need to stand up and be counted, a leading Roman Catholic priest proclaimed yesterday.
Reverend Harcourt Blackett made the call during a special memorial
service to mark the 31st anniversary of the bombing of a Cubana
Airlines flight off Barbados' shores.
"People in Barbados are tired of the lot of long talk. They want
action," Blackett told a congregation at the St Patrick's Roman
Catholic Church. "Everyone in Barbados can quote from the Bible. People
are tired of Christians coming around doing just that. It has become
boring," he added.
One of the country's most outspoken clerics, Blackett said it was time
Christians stopped sacrementalising people, and started evangelising
"The Word of God is more than just talk from the Bible. We as
Christians must transform, challenge and engage every institution in
society. We can't be afraid of offending people when it comes to
proclaiming the Word of God, otherwise we are doing a disservice to the
Word of God," Blackett said.
The priest noted that now, more than ever, Barbadians need to be
evangelised. "If there ever was a time in the history of Barbados for
the proclamation of the Word of God, that time is now. Now is the hour."
Saying that Barbadians were oppressed with fear from the recent
happenings around them, Blackett urged Christians to renew their
efforts in teaching God's Word. "The good news is that proclamation of
the Word has a powerful effect on the conscience of man."
Blackett said that to have a powerful effect, proclamation, however,
should come from persons who live an authentic Christian life given
totally to God and in communion with Jesus Christ.
"The fact that people are tired of the lot of long talk has become a
challenge for those who proclaim the Word of God. We live in a world
where people are not listening," Blackett warned. "We need to get
Barbadians to live a life of commitment and dedication to Jesus Christ.
He said because of that, the Word of God must be proclaimed powerfully, so those who do listen may be transformed.
RELATED: Nebraska Priest brings enthusiasm for Word to parishioners
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
9. Poemen said, 'Try, so far as you can, to wrong no man, and keep your heart pure towards everyone.'
6. Agatho said, "I tried never to go
to sleep while I kept a grievance against anyone. Nor did I let anyone
go to sleep while he had a grievance against me.'
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
5. Mark said to Arsenius, 'Why do you go away from us?' He replied,
'God knows I love you. But I cannot be with God and with men. The
countless hosts of angels have only a single will, while men have many
wills. So I cannot leave God, and be with men.'
October 13, 2007
REVIEW: Fatima 2007- 90 Years After the Sun Danced
Reflection by Father Ted October 8, 2007
My dearest Lord Jesus, help us to be the holy men that You desire us to be.
You want us to be the leaders of Your people. You want us to show them by our example how to become holy.
For You want all of us to be holy.
That is why ninety years ago You sent Your Mother to the 3 children at
Fatima. You wanted to teach them further how to become holy.
You had prepared them for her visitation by sending Your Archangel
Michael to them the previous year. He taught them how to pray. He
taught them two basic prayers.
During his third visit to them he brought You to them – in order
to nourish them through Your Most Precious Body and Blood.
He prepared them to be the prayerful children that they needed to be so
that they would respond to Your Mother’s call to them to become
more prayerful and more self-sacrificing.
When she first appeared she exhorted them to pray the Most Holy Rosary
each day. In fact, every time she appeared to them, she exhorted them
to pray the Rosary.
She urged them to add a very special prayer at the end of each mystery
- asking You to forgive us our sins; to save us from the fires of hell
– especially those in most need.
During her third visit with them she took them to view hell – for
she and You wanted these little ones to pray for others who would
choose to go to hell without the benefit of their loving prayers.
On her last visit to these precious little ones, while the on-lookers
witness the incredible miracle of the sun, You, Saint Joseph and Your
Mother appeared to them.
You want us all to become like these three – like Lucia, like Jacinta, like Francisco.
You want us who are Your priests and Your bishops to inspire all Your children to become like these three.
Through the intercession of Your Mother, our Lady of the Rosary,
through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, through the
intercession of Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco, and through the
intercession of Sister Lucia, may we become the men, the women, the
boys and girls of prayer that You desire us to be.
Through their intercession may we become the saints that You desire us to be.
Through Your love may we inspire others to become the saints that You desire them to be.
Holy Mary, pray for us. Saint Michel, pray for us. Blessed Francisco
and Blessed Jacinta pray for us. Holy Sister Lucia, pray for us.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
3. Amoun of Nitria came to Antony, and said to him, 'I see that I have
more to suffer than you; how is it that your reputation among men is
greater than mine?' Antony said, 'It is because I love God more than
you do.'
October 11, 2007
2:15) Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions,
which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.
COMMENTARY: The Reemergence of Global Catholic identity! by Hugh McNichol
In a recent interview, Cardinal Avery
Dulles alluded to what he considered the greatest difficulty the
Catholic Church will face in the 21st century…that is the
growing trend towards the lack of Catholic identity within our own
Catholic Church. Perhaps the reason for this malaise is the fact that
over the past four decades Catholic popular trends moved towards making
all of our external signs and symbols…quite frankly generically
Catholic neutral. What I mean by this is that in the 1960’s and
the 1970’s there was a large movement to replace traditional
Catholic modes of worship and celebration with somewhat
“ecumenical” expressions of universal faith and global
brotherhood, as opposed to Catholic Sacraments of richly imbued moments
of theological signs and symbols of the Catholic Church’s
anciently rooted ceremonies. It seemed that no matter where one went to
Mass, there was an attempt to subtly “neutralize” Catholic
ritual and traditions in not only the Sacraments, but also in Catholic
art and architecture as well. The result was often a bland cornucopia
of ritual symbolism that often one had a hard time comprehending the
sacredness of the actions, let alone the Catholicity of the
celebration. Perhaps, the worst fear of the Catholic Church had been
realized, even after great strides to avoid it…Modernism in its
most revolutionary sense invaded and permeated our Catholic Sacraments
and Liturgies. The modernization of the Roman Church as foreseen by the
Fathers of the Second Vatican Council was compromised with
institutional and sacramental barbarism that equaled the
“sacking” of Rome centuries before. Catholic institutional
strength and universal conformity since the Council of Trent was
compromised and all of the forces of the liberal left took equal
opportunities to dismantle the visible manifestations of Catholic
traditional signs and symbols, actions and responses that made our
faith uniquely independent from the generic celebrations of other
faiths and denominations.
The fascination with liturgical space and its “renewal”
according to the norms of the Second Vatican Council was
instant…within a few years after the Council; parishes replaced
their Altars, removed their Communion rails, silenced great organs and
replaced them with strumming guitars and tambourines. Gregorian chant
was replaced with refrains from Peter, Paul and Mary’s latest
hits, the priest celebrant became the “presider,” and the
Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass became commonly referred to as a
“communal meal!” No wonder the threat of loosing our
Catholic identity is so large a problem in the 21st century, we spent
over 40 years dismantling our historically rooted notion of Church,
only to replace it with Modernist examples of generic art and
architecture that reflected the generic chaos of the contempory period
and neglected to appreciate the transcendent nature of all of our
Catholic signs and symbols.
The growing awakening and awareness of our Catholic history and ritual
traditions is in this authors mind a great rebirth of the Catholic
Church’s awareness of it’s need to uniquely herald the
Gospel message through our sacred and transcendent signs and symbols,
our eschatological mission to sanctify a temporal world that deeply
needs and desires the inclusion of sacred rituals into global daily
life. The modern Catholic in my estimation needs to boldly proclaim in
sacramental words and ritual actions the presence of Jesus Christ in
the world…and be visibly identified through our visibly Catholic
sacraments and actions. One of the greatest dilemmas for the modern
world is the conflict that is rising between Catholics and Moslems.
This conflict is nothing new, but rather the resurgence of Islamic
desire for theological dominance in the Western world. The Reconquest
of the Iberian Peninsula from 711-1492, the rise of the Spanish
Inquisition and the spread of European colonialism all stem from the
perpetual struggle that exists between the theological nuances of East
versus West. Islamic radicalism that threatens to engulf Europe, the
Middle East and even the Western hemisphere now more than ever requires
a strong Catholic restoration of it’s sacramental identity and
social purposes. Our Catholic Church is awakening from a slumber
imposed by Modernism in the 20th century, and the need for Catholic
resurgence of identity is perhaps the best cure for our global Catholic
Church in the 21st century. The need to restore Catholic identity goes
far beyond just the institutional signs and symbols of our ancient
faith, there is a need for a rekindling of internal evangelization
within Catholicism that hopefully will result in not only a global
reevangelization of the non-Catholic world, but will provide an
apologetical platform from which Catholic sacramental, social and
ethical moral teachings will prevail in an increasing world of
secularism and cultural homogeneity. Benedict XVI it seems understands
the need for internal evangelization within the Catholic Church. His
outreaching messages to youth in the Church make it plainly clear that
the future of theological conversion within Catholicism is rooted
deeply in a historically rooted appreciation of the radical call that
the Gospel message and Catholic sacraments signify for the global
development of the Western world.
I agree whole heartedly with the diagnosis that the constant thread of
loosing our Catholic identity is perhaps the greatest difficulty that
the Church of the 21st century will encounter. Thankfully, the
direction we are taking as an institution now permits Catholics
worldwide to experience Catholicism for not only it’s
historically significant contributions to the life and education of the
world in the past, but the continuing contemporary message of Catholic
moral, social and ethical teachings that will guide an ever needing
society towards strong Catholic principles of moral certitude in a
world that increasingly needs a strong Catholic expression of identity
in an increasingly nihilistic world and society.
RELATED: US Bishops to consider revisions for regulating liturgical music
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
2. He also said, 'Our life and our death are with our neighbour. If we
do good to our neighbour, we do good to God; if we cause our neighbour
to stumble, we sin against Christ.'
October 10, 2007
(Lk. 1.42) "Blessed is the fruit of your womb"
VIA Dawn:
"When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome
moment, the final judgment, I've often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote,
that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you
are there alone standing before God -- and a terror will rip your soul
like nothing you can imagine.
But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be
alone. I think there'll be a chorus of voices that have never been
heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next
world -- and they will plead for everyone who has been in this
movement. They will say to God, 'Spare him, because he loved us!'"
Congressman Henry Hyde
MUST READ COMMENTARY: A Prayer For Parents On Respect Life Sunday
EXCERPT: This month, every month, we are called to be pro-life
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said
it well, "America needs no words from me to see how your decision in
Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to
abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against
men. It has shown violence and discord at the heart of the most
intimate human relationships."
Since its inception 35 years ago, people have come to think of Respect
Life Month as a 31-day anti-abortion campaign. However we now know that
Respect Life Month means something more. It is about preserving and
valuing life at all its stages. Unfortunately as time has gone on,
America it seems, has sometimes forgotten the fundamentals. Society as
a whole appears to have a blasé attitude about protecting the
lives of the unborn, the sickly, the elderly and the imprisoned.
It is true that given the chance, we would all choose to be born
healthy and wanted, live a long fruitful life, maintain all our mental
capabilities and then quietly pass away at a ripe old age. However,
life and death are seldom that easy. Tragedies, senility and terminal
illness happen - disrupting our best-laid plans.
When we as Catholics have trouble sorting through the rubble of
complicated moral issues, we can always look to our religious leaders
for help. We can listen to our current pope, we can consult with our
priests and bishops, and we can read the writings of people like
Blessed Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II.
RELATED: Marriage, family life are under attack, says Vatican official
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Charity
1. Antony said, 'Now I no longer fear God, I love him, for love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).'
October 9, 2007
LINK: Pope: the Rosary and the mission for peace in the family and in the world
LINK: Month of the Rosary
LINK: The Rosary, Brown Scapular and The Sabbatine Privilege
VIA Dave: Report on Youth's Holy Hour led by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal for which rosaries were requested (see Archives, Sept.26):
The Friars gave a beautiful gift to
the children, families, the world and to our Lady that evening! We are
still taking it all in. I have a photolink I am going to send to you
soon that has all the pictures of the event that were taken so anyone
can access them (I pray if I can do it right).
We all appreciate all the help,
support, and prayers that were poured out on the event and the children
that evening. The amount of food, rosaries and support was incredible!
We are now trying to come back together to assess and finish up what we
need to do and to make notes for next year (God willing). We ask
every"one" who attended the event to please send Bishop Kevin Vann a
"thank you" for allowing us to have this event in our Diocese. We have
heard so much about how much the event meant to everyone, and while we
love to hear of the blessings received that we can pass on to the
Friars, our Bishop needs to know as well so he will allow it to be a
yearly blessing.
His address is:
Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann
800 West Loop 820
South Fort Worth, Texas 76108-2919
We believe it will continue to grow as our Lady works hard for the souls of the children and families in our Diocese.
Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Patience
11. Someone who saw a religious person carrying a corpse on a bed, said, 'Are you carrying dead men? Go and carry the living.'
October 5, 2007
(Joel 1:14) Sanctify ye a fast, call an assembly, gather together the ancients, all the inhabitants of the land into the house of your God: and cry ye to the Lord:
LINK: 15th Annual International Week of Prayer and Fasting
God often turns to unlikely human instruments to convey his divine
will. In St. Maria Faustina he chose a quiet young woman
who spent most of her 33 years working at behind-the-scenes tasks that
many might view as unimportant.
Born into a large, poor Polish family, she had only three years of
formal schooling. By her teens she was working as a housekeeper
but she knew there was more she wanted to do with her life. At
age 20 she entered the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, taking the name
For the next 13 years she worked quietly as a cook, gardener and
porter. It appeared her days were routine, even monotonous.
But as Faustina went about her ordinary tasks she was developing a rich
interior life. Like the other sisters, she spent hours in prayer
and contemplation. But God singled her out—appearing to her
and urging her to convey his plan of mercy for the world.
The God who revealed himself to Sister Faustina was not the strict
judge so many had come to know, but a God of mercy and
forgiveness. Many of the words of hope and comfort he spoke to
her are contained in her diary, later translated into many
languages. Among the words of Jesus she recorded in her own hand:
"I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it,
pressing it to my merciful heart."
Sister Faustina died of tuberculosis in 1938 at the age of 33.
Pope John Paul II canonized her on April 30, 2000, calling Poland's
first female saint "a gift of God to our time" and "to the whole
Church." Since then, the Second Sunday of Easter is celebrated as
Divine Mercy Sunday. St. Faustina's feast day is October
Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska
The Diary of Sister M. Faustina Kowalska
Five Devotions Given to Saint Faustina
The 'Hour of Great Mercy'
October 4, 2007
(Eph 6:12) For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.
MUST READ: The Signs of our Times — and What they Require from Priests by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
ANOTHER: Christianity 'banished' from Canadian public life
Skulking in the dead of night in the remote and overgrown Las Pavas
section of the Southern Municipal Cemetery, robbers armed with crowbars
and sledgehammers shattered the tomb's concrete vault and the granite
marker that read, "To our dear wife and mother in heaven, Maria de la
Cruz Aguero."
Then they lifted the coffin lid and stole leg bones and the skull of
the woman who had died Sept. 9, 1993. They sold the bones
for $20 each, the skull for as much as $300, said Father Atilio
Gonzalez, the cemetery's resident Roman Catholic priest.
Sometimes entire skeletons, particularly those of children, are stolen
from crypts in this final resting place of hundreds of thousands of
Venezuelans, including three former presidents.
"These unscrupulous people are insulting God and committing a mortal
sin," said Gonzalez, who says that graves in the city's largest
cemetery are robbed every night, and it's getting worse. "They
have perfect liberty to desecrate the tombs because the government does
nothing to stop it."
The desecration of the woman's tomb was part of a ghoulish crime wave,
including assaults, rapes and dope deals, that has made the cemetery so
dangerous that funeral home workers say they carry weapons whenever
they have to go there. Parts of the cemetery, particularly the
remote hillside sections reserved for the poor, are in ruins and choked
with weeds, providing perfect cover for thugs and the homeless.
In the past when graves were robbed, the primary objective was to steal
personal effects such as jewelry or gold dental fillings, said Odalys
Caldera, an investigator in the city's judicial police. Today,
thieves are pillaging the graves for darker reasons.
The buyers of the bones are paleros, the practitioners of a black magic
cult related to Santeria whose rise in popularity here is fueled by a
brew of faith and politics.
"Santeria, witchcraft and black magic are much more out in the open
now. That's the reason," Caldera said. "Of course the state
is aware of the robberies but hasn't taken the necessary steps to
impede them."
Father Manuel Diaz is a parish priest in the El Hatillo suburb of
Caracas where three Santeria babalaos, or shamans, recently have opened
centers. He says the government of leftist President Hugo Chavez
is encouraging the rise of Santeria to counter the authority of the
Catholic Church, which Chavez has viewed as his enemy.
In a pastoral letter to his parishioners in August, Diaz said the
government has a "concrete objective, to undermine the authority of the
church and align its faithful with certain ideologies." In the letter,
he wrote that leaders of the movement to discredit the church were
coming from an unnamed "Caribbean country," presumably Cuba.
LINK: The Church must speak about the devil By Cardinal Georges Cottier, O.P.
October 3, 2007
(Rev 2:4-5) But I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first charity. Be mindful therefore from whence thou art fallen: and do penance and do the first works. Or else I come to thee and will move thy candlestick out of its place, except thou do penance.
David A. Zubik said that every journey he takes, whether by
plane, car or on foot, begins with a recitation of the rosary.
On one plane trip, a fellow passenger looked at Zubik as he held his rosaries, and asked, "Don't fly much?"
Zubik explained that he wasn't fearful of flying, but had the rosaries "Because I love God."
The traveler went on to explain that he no longer considered himself a
Catholic, Zubik said, not because he disagreed with Jesus or his
teachings, but that he couldn't find anyone "who was excited in their
faith and connection with Jesus."
Zubik said that led to some self-reflection, where he pondered, "How
excited are you, how excited am I, how excited are we about God?"
Zubik, with forceful gestures, urged parishioners to "be excited about
our faith and to be very proud of our faith, how we live it for
ourselves and our Holy Father."
Zubik challenged parishioners not to hesitate to worship, whether it be
in the privacy of their homes, or before others, to "stand up for the
absolute sacredness of life at the first moment of conception," and to
"never turn a deaf ear to the poorest of the poor."
"I dare you to join me in being excited about our faith, not only tomorrow, but today," Zubik said.
Zubik deftly wove humor into his homily as well, mentioning a Monday
newspaper article that talked about "sanctified scalping," describing
the fact that tickets to Zubik's installation were so hard to come by,
they were being scalped.
The thought of that pleased Zubik, saying, "Wow. If people are
scalping tickets to come to church, how much must they be in love with
VIDEO: New bishop challenges Catholics to live their faith
A top Roman Catholic prelate in Cuba said during a visit to Miami's
Cuban exile community that religious practice is slowly spreading in
the Communist country despite rigid restrictions.
Archbishop Dionisio Guillermo Garcia Ibanez, named earlier this year to
lead Catholics in Santiago, Cuba's second-largest city, said the church
has been able to expand its reach, though it will be years before it
achieves goals of even more openness.
"The faith of our community has manifested, it has been reborn," he
said in a recent interview while in Miami. "The Catholic faith in
our community has resurrected."
Garcia would not pin the loosened restrictions on President Fidel
Castro's decision to temporarily hand over the government last year to
his brother Raul. He said he has witnessed piecemeal improvements
since his ordination in 1985.
Catholics once hoped simply to knock on doors and spread the Gospel,
Garcia said, a dream that has since been realized. They prayed
they could hold religious processions in the streets; he says there
have now been more than 90. They pushed for Catholic radio
broadcasts, which are now allowed once or twice a year.
RELATED: China Catholics throng to church
October 2, 2007
(Mat 5:43-44) You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thy enemy. But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you:
The Vatican on Friday urged a "culture of peace and solidarity" in a
greeting addressed to Muslims ahead of the Eid holiday at the end of
the holy fasting month of Ramadan in two weeks' time.
"In the troubled times we are passing through, religious believers
have...a duty above all to work in favor of peace," Cardinal Jean-Louis
Tauran said in a message.
"A culture of peace and solidarity between men can be built ...
doing everything one can to reject, denounce and refuse every recourse
to violence which can never be motivated by religion, since it wounds
the very image of God in man," he wrote.
"Dialogue is the tool which can help us to escape from the endless
spiral of conflict and multiple tensions which mark our societies, so
that all peoples can live in serenity and peace and with mutual respect
and harmony," said Tauran, who heads the Vatican's Council for
Interreligious Dialogue.
Nabil Comanny and his family endured the dead bodies left to decompose along the road in their southern Dora neighborhood.
They accepted the criminal gangs that roamed the area, searching for targets to kidnap.
And neither the utility failures nor the mountains of trash in the street could drive them away.
As Christians, the Comannys had learned to keep a low profile.
They even stayed in their house after many Muslim neighbors fled the
daily chaos when sectarian bloodshed between Shiite and Sunni militants
broke out in 2006, making this one of Baghdad's most embattled
But the hand-scrawled note at their door was the final straw. The
message commanded the family to select one of these options:
1. Convert to Islam.
2. Pay a fee of nearly $300 monthly for "protection."
3. Leave the area.
Failure to comply with one of the three would result in death.
"We don't have weapons, and the government doesn't protect us.
What else can we do?" said Comanny, a 37-year-old journalist whose
family abandoned its modest home of 11 years.
Extreme Islamic militants increasingly are targeting Christians in
Iraq, especially here in the capital. As a result, Iraq's
Christian community — long the minority in a largely Muslim
country — continues to dwindle.
RELATED REVIEW: Muslims persecute Christians; World Looks the Other Way
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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