VIA Fr. Jim Anderson, M.S.A.: God love you and bless your work for the Kingdom! Many thanks for your interest in heaven's messages to Sadie Jaramillo and in the Father's House of Victory through the Holy Family web-site, http://www.fathersvictory.org/, which publishes the messages and provides accurate information concerning Sadie and this apostolate!
Two years ago I visited the Auxiliary Bishop for the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Most Rev. Thomas J. Curry, D.D., for guidance concerning my desire to help Sadie establish the Father's House of Victory through the Holy Family in Santa Maria. At that time I was still on active duty in the U.S. Navy serving as Command Chaplain of the Naval Construction Battalion Center at Port Hueneme. Now I am retired from the Navy and completing a sabbatical year here in Santa Maria, helping Sadie and working on other projects. Bishop Curry told me then that he knew Sadie very well and that he was tolerant of her religious interests as well as those of many others in his pastoral region. His policy is that the Church is a big tent and there is room for all her children so long as they don't become a problem. He told me he would not object to my helping her but that I was on my own. Being a former attorney I can appreciate his attitude and I do appreciate his pastoral support. I visit him every several months and keep him informed of our activities.
A second volume of Sadie's messages, "The Great Sign, Volume II," is just out with a letter of recommendation from Bishop Roman Danylak, (Titular Bishop of Nyssa, Church of Ss. Sergius and Bacchus, Piazza Madonna dei Monti 3, 00184 Roma, Italia) which also mentions the approval of Bishop Basil Filevich of Saskatoon, Canada. Her publisher is Maureen Flynn, author of "Thunder of Justice" with her husband, Ted Flynn. A copy can be obtained by calling 703-327-2277. This inexpensive book will be a great help to God's people.
I share your concern for the activities of false visionaries, and I appreciate
your care to disseminate only credible information. I am edified by your
references to the messages Sadie has received. I do not make myself anyone's
judge, but I have accepted a grave moral responsibility to protect the
credibility of these messages given to Sadie, and to help in their dissemination
to God's people. Our policy is stated on the web-site. All the best to you
and to your readers!
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus