September 30, 2008
(Mat 6:19-21) Lay
not up to yourselves treasures on earth: where the rust, and moth
consume, and where thieves break through, and steal. But lay up to
yourselves treasures in heaven: where neither the rust nor moth doth
consume, and where thieves do not break through, nor steal. For where
thy treasure is, there is thy heart also.
Now, with financial institutions
collapsing, credit markets imploding and the global economy teteering,
is it time to give Karl Marx a second chance? Not quite. But it may be
a good opportunity for Americans to examine their collective conscience
to see how easily they slipped into a faith-based way of thinking about
market-based economics, embracing this system as a kind of secular
religion no less doctrinaire than the communism that went before.
How did this new faith come to be?
Some like to trace it to the
Protestant Reformation and the birth of a free enterprise approach to
religion that coincided with, and bolstered, the rise of a capitalist
economic model. A century ago, the German sociologist Max Weber summed
up this view in "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," a
landmark work that for all its flaws gave a memorable label to the
undeniable impression of bustling Protestant worker bees laboring and
The individual was "called" to this
sanctification of work, the new theology went; the communal ethos of
the old Catholic ecclesial package, on the other hand, inhibited
incentive and frowned on the accumulation of wealth, which Protestants
saw as a sign of divine approval.
Debates over Weber's Protestant
ethic continue, but the current crisis shows that his thesis may be
beside the point; today, laissez- faire capitalism itself has become a
religion. This theory is best summarized in Robert Nelson's 2001 book,
"Economics as Religion: From Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond," in which
Nelson argues that market economics is not, as some would say, a
value-free enterprise. Rather, it has its own system of beliefs,
including the salvific power of abundance, a gospel of ef ficiency and
a priestly caste to preach this good news.
"Economists think of themselves as
scientists," Nelson writes, but "they are more like theologians." And
Americans say amen. (Nelson is hardly a neosocialist, as his critique
of "economic theology" encompasses Keynesian theories that argue for a
"mixed economy" allowing positive roles for both the public and private
Evidence for Nelson's thesis
abounds in these days of crisis. Government officials are delivering
sermons about the need to restore faith in the system, inspire
confidence in the markets and keep our eyes on the ultimate hope of an
economic rebound that will reward true believers. Others oppose the
bailout as an unwarranted violation of economic dogma -- and an
endorsement of relativism -- or as a plenary indulgence to grievous
"The idea of the all-powerful
market that must not be constrained by any rules, by any political
intervention, was mad. The idea that markets were always right was
mad," Mr Sarkozy said.
"The present crisis must incite us
to refound capitalism on the basis of ethics and work &
Self-regulation as a way of solving all problems is finished.
Laissez-faire is finished. The all-powerful market that always knows
best is finished," he added.
He accused "this system that allows
the ones responsible for a disaster to leave with a golden parachute"
of having "increased inequality, demoralised the middle classes and fed
[market] speculation."
LINK: Congressman Ron Paul Speaks Out on Wall St. Bailout
NOURIEL ROUBINI: The risk of a total systemic meltdown is now as high as ever
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
11. An angy person is a willing epileptic, who due to an involuntary tendency keeps convulsing and falling down.THE TRIB TIMES WILL RETURN NEXT WEEK, GOD WILLING (James 4:15).
(Mal 3:7) For from the days of your fathers you have departed from my ordinances, and have not kept them: Return to me, and I will return to you, saith the Lord of hosts. And you have said: Wherein shall we return?
FATHER CORAPI: Education, Faith & America
speaking with faithful Catholics all over the world for the past twenty
years there is a consensus among them that the average Catholic doesn't
know much about their faith. Likewise there is an overwhelming
consensus that if we did, the world would be a very different place. In
the United States of America we have over sixty million Catholics. If
these Catholic citizens knew their faith and then voted and lived their
faith, this country would be incalculably better off. In turn, so would
the entire world.
In the past few months leading up to what may
prove to be the most crucial presidential election in this country’s
history, it is outright frightening how many Catholics think they can
vote for a pro-abortion candidate. As many of our good bishops have
pointed out, under the current circumstances this is not possible. Abortion
is the overridingly most important moral issue of our times, all others
being important, but rendered irrelevant if the preeminent right—the
right to life—is destroyed.
As Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker,
Oregon recently pointed out, clarifying the teaching of the United
States Catholic Conference of Bishops in their excellent pastoral
letter “Faithful Citizenship,” a candidate or office holder is
disqualified from receiving the vote of a Catholic in good conscience
if they hold a pro-abortion position. In other words pro- choice
candidates under the current set of circumstances are disqualified
because of their pro-death political positions. We cannot vote for
them. As the Bishops of Kansas recently asserted in their excellent
voter’s guide, “Catholics would ‘commit moral evil’ by voting for a
candidate who supports abortion and other intrinsically evil things.
Voting is a moral act, and voting for pro-choice candidates is evil in
itself. One becomes a collaborator in evil by so doing. No amount of
rationalization can escape this logical and moral conclusion.
was some confusion over this based on a statement made some time ago by
Pope Benedict, who was speaking in general terms, saying that for a
“proportionate reason” it would be possible to vote for such
candidates. However, in the concrete situation we face, with a
candidate who is pro-life, this would not be possible. No amount of
“other reasons” would excuse voting for a pro-choice candidate. The
Church clearly teaches that life begins at conception. As Pope John
Paul II stated many times, “abortion is murder.” Following logically
from this, if a single abortion is murder, then 48,000,000 (the
approximate number of abortions in this country since Roe v. Wade) of
them is genocide. What would be the “proportionate reason” supporting
such an outrage? There is none.
Lack of understanding of what
the Catholic Church teaches is grossly harmful to the individual
Catholic and to society in general. It is for this reason that I have
always tried to promote and teach the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It
is a sure norm for teaching the faith, as Pope John Paul II asserted in
promulgating the Catechism. “Guarding the Deposit of Faith is the
mission which the Lord entrusted to His Church,” are the first words of
the Apostolic Constitution “Fidei Depositum.” These are the words the
Holy Father used to introduce us to the Catechism.
For this
reason we are making my series “The Teaching of Jesus Christ” more and
more available through television, radio, and the lowest prices ever
offered for DVD and CD versions. Ignorance of the Faith can prove
fatal—for individuals and for nations. Learning our faith is the best
investment we can make. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the
very best way to do this.
May God bless you, each one, and may God bless America in this time of national crisis.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
10. As a hard stone with sharp corners has ll its sharpness and hard formation dulled by knocking and rubbing against other stones, and is made round, so in the same way, a sharp and curt soul, by living in community and mixing with hard, hot-tempered men, undergoes one of two things: either it cures its wound by its patience, or by retiring it will certainly discover its weakness, its cowardly flight making this clear to it as in a mirror.September 24, 2008
(Mat 5:11-12) Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you.
Hindu zealots wage war on Catholic India
Doon shocked as Catholic priest, aide murdered
India: Catholic Cathedral damaged in arson attack
Italy's church asks EU to aid "hunted" Christians
INSPIRING: Nun Says Police Beating Helped Her Appreciate Her Faith
REVIEW: India and Religious Persecution
Ahmadinejad: American empire is nearing collapse
the U.N. General Assembly Tuesday, Iran's president accused "a few
bullying powers" of trying to thwart his country's nuclear program. A
program that he says is peaceful.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also declared that "the American empire" is nearing collapse.
U.S. and its allies allege Iran wants to develop its uranium enrichment
program to make nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear program is
purely peaceful and designed to produce electricity for civilian use.
The United States delegation left the room during Ahmadinejad's address.
accused the "bullying powers" of possessing and stockpiling their own
nuclear weapons which no international agency is monitoring, "and the
tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were perpetrated by one of them."
MORE: Iran's leader gives thumbs down during Bush speech
OF INTEREST: The speech Palin never gave: Ahmadinejad dreams of Final Solution
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
8. There is a quick movement of a millstone which, in one moment, grinds and does away with more spiritual grain and fruit than another crushes in a whole day. And so we must pay attention with understanding. It is possible to have such a blaze of flame, suddenly fanned by a strong wind, as will ruin the field of the heart more than a lingering flame.(Gal 6:17) From henceforth let no man be troublesome to me: for I bear the marks of the Lord Jesus in my body.
ZENIT.ORG: The Secret Story of Padre Pio's Stigmata
VIDEO: (St) Padre Pio Mass
ON THE WEB: Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
EWTN: Padre Pio: His Mass
VIA [email protected]: Padre Pio's Prayer After Holy Communion
Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You.
Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life and without You I am without fervor.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light and without You I am in darkness.
Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will.
Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.
Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much and alway be in Your company.
Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.
Stay with me, Lord, as poor as my soul is I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of Love.
with me, Jesus, for it is getting late and the day is coming to a close
and life passes, death, judgment and eternity approaches. It is
necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way
and for that, I need You. It is getting late and death approaches, I
fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the
sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile!
Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all its dangers, I need You.
me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of the bread, so
that the Eucharistic Communion be the Light which disperses the
darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart.
with me, Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united
to You, if not by Communion, at least by grace and love.
with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace,
Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other
reward but to love You more and more.
With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity. Amen.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
7. Some who are prone to anger are neglectful of the healing and cure of this passion. But these unhappy people do not give a thought to him who said: 'The moment of his anger is his fall.' (Eccl 1:22).EWTN.COM: A Guide to Catholic Teaching and Voting
Global Catholic Network's website – the most viewed Catholic website in
the world next to the Holy See – today unveiled "A Guide to Catholic
Teaching and Voting." The guide, which will be updated daily, can be
found at
mission is to advance truth and the teachings of the Catholic Church,"
said EWTN President Michael P. Warsaw. "EWTN continues to promote and
educate the public on all Church teachings, including those hot button
issues of intense public interest, such as abortion."
This site
contains information about election-related issues and includes
information about upcoming programs, video and audio clips from
programs and homilies, topical books and catechetical resources,
election-related prayers and novenas, audio promotions for "40 Days of
Prayer and Fasting for Life," statements by the Church hierarchy, and
more. Check it out, add it to your "favorites" – and please tell your
LINK: Fr. Stephen F. Torraco, PhD: A Brief Catechism for Catholic Voters
PADRE PIO: A Patron Saint for the Unborn
COMMENTARY: You can't be Catholic, pro-choice
VIDEO: Catholic Vote 2008
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
6. As with the appearance of light, darkness retreats; so at the fragrance of humility, all anger and bitterness vanishes.Commentary: 'The devil made me do it!' Moral reflections on sin and temptation by Rev. Richard Benson, C.M.
Reflection by Father Ted – – September 11, 2008
My dearest Lord Jesus, throughout my entire life You have striven to make me more aware of my giftedness. For You have always wanted me to be aware of how much You and Your Father and Your Holy Spirit love me.Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
5. Wrath is a reminder of hidden hatred, that is to say, remembrance of wrongs. Wrath is a desire for the injury of the one who has provoked you. Irascibility is the untimely blazing up of the heart. Bitterness is a movement of displeasure seated in the soul. Anger is an easily changeable movement of one's disposition and disfiguration of soul.HOOFBEATS OF THE BLACK HORSEMAN
AIG Is 'Ubiquitous,' May Shake World Markets If It Collapses
Wall Street's acid test
Greenspan Says Crisis May Be 'Once in Century' Event
VIA Darrell: The waters have risen and severe storms are upon us, but we do not fear drowning, for we stand firmly upon a rock. Let the sea rage, it cannot break the rock. Let the waves rise, they cannot sink the boat of Jesus. What are we to fear? Death? Life to me means Christ, and death is gain. Exile? The earth and its fullness belong to the Lord. The confiscation of our goods? We brought nothing into this world, and we shall surely take nothing from it… I concentrate therefore on the present situation, and I urge you, my friends, to have confidence. —St. John Chrysostom, Liturgy of the Hours, Vol IV, p. 1377
VIA LIST: Prayer "Heal Our Land" from Fr. Hampsch
Heavenly Father, the world seems to be collapsing around us. While families struggle to keep their homes and feed their children, floods and tornados ravage our land; abortion is accepted and same-sex marriage is legal.
Government and business leaders have chosen to walk in the ways of darkness; wars and fighting are tearing countries apart. Crime and violence dominate many towns and cities.
Fear and trepidation grip our hearts; we don't know where to turn. We have fallen from Your grace; we have drifted so far from Your protection. Many don't even know Your name. What must we do to find favor with You, O Lord, what must we do?
O Lord, we are weak and afraid. But You, O Lord, are our strength, You will defend us in battle; Your son Jesus died for our sins and transgressions; "by his stripes we are healed."
We place our trust in You and You alone, we cast out fear, we bind the enemy in Your precious Name. We seek Your face and we turn away from our sins, we are not afraid.
For You have said: "If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chron 7:14).
claim Your solemn promise, Lord. May Your Holy Spirit help us to
fulfill the conditions that You require for its fulfillment, in Jesus'
precious name. Amen.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
4. The begining of freedom from anger is silence of the lips when the heart is agitated; the middle is silence of thoughts when there is disturbance of the soul; and the end is an imperturbable calm under the breath of unclean winds.THE TRIB TIMES WILL RETURN NEXT WEEK, GOD WILLING (James 4:15).
(Gal 6:14) But
God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ: by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.
LINK: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
LINK: Mary, Mother of Sorrows: The Mystery of Comfort and Hope
LINK: The Seven Sorrows Devotion Prayer Card
Mary's Aggies Prayer Request (Hurricane Ike)- O Virgin, Star of the Sea,
Our Beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son in our behalf, so
that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a
spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son
to reach heavenly Jerusalem where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen.
VIA Dawn Self: Today, I celebrate not going to Chemo! It has been 3 weeks since my 6th and last cycle/infusion. They were 3 weeks apart!
Our God is so awesome! He strengthens me.
course, I have offered all of this up, in reparation and for the
conversion of sinners everywhere, especially those in my family, and
for the Holy and Suffering Souls in Purgatory.
I begin 35
Radiation treatments tomorrow. Every day, M-F, with weekends off. This
will be a walk in the park compared to Chemo, I understand. I will
finish around the 28th of October.
Everyone on your list-and their intentions are also in my prayers. God Bless you.
VIA Dave:
Thanks for the articles on Medjugorje. Whether Medjugorje is true
or not, will be determined if and when, the great sign appears there.
My own opinion is that Medjugorje is the real thing. Human weakness and
our sin nature has darkened things a bit as commercialism and scandal
have tended to obscure the basic message of repentance and a return to
Having been there nine times, I have noticed the village changing from
a simple village of people of faith to a modern day commercial
I wonder if people would say the same thing of Lourdes?
Nevertheless, we must be vigilant in these times and let Medjugorje prove itself on its own merits as Fatima has done.
In the meantime, let us work for the Kingdom of God. He's the only Employer Who won't cut our post-retirement benefits!
VIA Kathryn:
What marvels the Lord gives us to speak His Word to us. The
miracles of Medj. give Truth to it. Daily to many, just unbelievable
that Our Lady would be so close.
The many have come and are filled with a believing enthusiasm. But
there are those who forget and that is too bad. We pray for those
priests who become weak in their ministry.
Today, we in our small joining towns of Coos Bay and North Bend will
meet at 7:30 AM at North Bend's High School Flag to remember today's
tragedy and pray for those 3000 families and their loved ones who died
in the horror of 9-11, 2001 and our Country's situation. Thank God for
small town 'grass roots' freedoms.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
3. Meekness is an immovable state of the soul which remains unaffected, whether in evil report or in good report, in dishonour or in praise.September 11, 2008
(Rev 12:17) And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Vatican suspends priest linked to Medjugorje apparitions
priest who has acted as spiritual director to the visionaries at
Medjugorje has been suspended from ministry pending the outcome of a
Vatican investigation, writes Patsy McGarry , Religious Affairs
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
has said charges against Fr Tomislav Vlasic include "the diffusion of
dubious doctrine, manipulation of consciences, suspicious mysticism,
disobedience toward legitimately issued orders" and charges that he
violated the sixth commandment ("Thou shalt not commit adultery").
Vlasic is the second spiritual adviser to the visionaries to be
suspended from ministry. Similar action was taken against Fr Jozo
Zovko in 2004.
MEDJUGORJE.NET COMMENTS: The facts that are true are:
Fr. Tomislav Vlasic was one of the franciscan friars that
operated in the parish in the beginning of the apparitions.
Fr. Tomislav Vlasic is not involved with Medjugroje since
1984. That means that he is not involved with the activities and
the pastoral care of the parish of Medjugorje. He does have a
house in Medjugorje behind the hill of Crnica and between the village
of Surmanc and Bijakovici.
3. He is not a member of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina.
4. The six visionaries of Medjugroje have no contact with Fr. Tomislav Vlasis what so ever since the 80's.
5. Fr. Tomislav Vlasic has been living in Italy for the past 15 years.
POINT: The message of Medjugorje by Max Farrugia
COUNTERPOINT: More about Medjugorje by Kevin Symonds
Matt C. Abbott: Do letters indicate John Paul II believed in Medjugorje?
TESTIMONY: Father Keller says 1989 conversion led him back to traditions
days the 75-year-old diocesan priest employs strict adherence to all
the Church's teachings with particular emphasis on life issues.
Currently he is pastor of St. Rose of Lima in Carlisle and Holy
Trinity in England.
He credits his "coming back to my senses" in
large part to his return to Mary. He experienced a conversion in
1989 while visiting Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the place where a
group of people have reported regular Marian apparitions since 1981.
MEDJUGORJE HEADLINE 9-8-2008: Monster Fire Threatens Medjugorje Apparition Site
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
2. Freedom from anger is an insatiable appetite for dishonour, just as in the vainglorious there is an unbounded desire for praise. Freedom from anger is victory over nature and insensibility to insults, acquired by struggles and sweat.BREAKING: Largest particle collider conducts successful test
HEADLINE: LHC To Startup Wednesday. Will It Crush Reality Or Just Bandwidth?
10th marks the first test-run for CERN's Large Hadron Collider in
Geneva. Doomsayers maintain it will cause the earth to be
swallowed in a black hole and are making desperate legal efforts to
stop it. Scientists say the worst likely outcome is a slow day on
the Internet.
The largest acceleratometer complex in the world,
capable of accelerating protons to energy levels of 7 TeV, will get its
first test "fire" on Wednesday; although it is only being powered to
450 GeV, which is a tenth of its capacity, and protons are being fired
only one way, not to be collided at all, there are those like former
nuclear safety officer Walter Wagner and his Citizens Against the Large Hadron Collider,
who claim it will cause the end of the world. Scientists have
faced everything from lawsuits to death threats, all geared towards
stopping the experiment. But what is really going to happen?
say there's nothing to worry about, as the safety of the project, 20
years in the making, has been thoroughly considered. Given, it's
hard to explain the exact operation of the massive accelerator to
someone without a degree in particle physics, but scientists say that
what it does simply cannot generate a black hole, strangelets, or other
phenomena capable of rending the space-time continuum.
This has
not stopped such fears emerging in the past however, as Fermilab's
other particle accelerator, Tevatron, which has been around since the
'80s, has faced similar protests. So has the Relativistic Heavy
Ion Collider in Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York.
fact that these similar devices have not destroyed the Earth does
little to reassure those who think that scientists are playing God, by
pushing the limits of science and building such ever more complex and
powerful machines.
However, even if the LHC does not destroy the
Earth, it may ruin your bandwidth on Wednesday. Given the 15
petabytes or so of data that will be generated by the LHC's test run,
the massive amount of data will be processed by a global grid computing
system composed of 60,000 computers placed worldwide. This
network will test and push the limits of the Internet, and in and of
itself may constitute the basis of a significant advance in information
technology, as the massive processor arrays dedicated to analyzing LHC
data redefine the meaning of looking for a needle in a haystack.
Atom-smasher may prove 'God particle'
Hadron Collider: Big Bang and Earth is bye-bye or a slow day online?
Hawking bets CERN mega-machine won't find 'God's Particle'
REVIEW: Mysteries of universe to be probed in giant project
OF INTEREST: Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning: How Terror, Error, and Environmental Disaster Threaten Humankind's Future In This Century
premise of the book, written by British Astronomer Royal Sir Martin
Rees, is that the Earth and human survival are in far greater
danger from the potential effects of modern technology than is commonly
realised, and that the 21st century may be a critical moment in history
when humanity's fate is decided. Rees discusses a range of existential
risks confronting humanity, and controversially estimates that the
probability of extinction before 2100 AD is around 50 per cent, based
on the possibility of malign or accidental release of destructive
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 8- "On Freedom from Anger and on Meekness"
1. As the gradual pouring of water on a fire completely extinguishes the flame, so the tears of true mourning are able to quench every flame of anger and irritability. Therefore, we place this next in order.The
main concern is now in Haiti , where four storms in three weeks have
killed at least 600 people and left hundreds of thousands in desperate
need of food, clean water and shelter.
Officials continued aid
operations in the flood-stricken town of Gonaives, devastated by
flooding from Tropical Storm Hanna. Another 47 people perished in
the village of Cabaret, near Port-au-Prince, in flooding caused by Ike,
officials said.
"Many homes were destroyed in Cabaret, and we
have seen some bodies of children in the water," a journalist for UN
radio who spent the night on the roof of his house told AFP.
of bodies were found in Gonaives, a town of 350,000 in northwestern
Haiti, after a five-meter (16-foot) wall of water and mud engulfed much
of the town.
UN peacekeepers on Saturday evacuated several
thousand residents from Gonaives, a local official said, but thousands
more are still awaiting relief.
Some 650,000 Haitians have been
affected by the flooding, including 300,000 children, and the task of
delivering crucial aid has been complicated by dismal transport
conditions, according to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Officials said 200,000 people were without food and clean water, many
for four days.
"What has happened here is unimaginable," member
of parliament Pierre-Gerome Valcine told AFP from Cabaret, 35
kilometers (22 miles) north of the capital.
Massive flooding
over the past week in the poorest country in the Americas has triggered
a humanitarian crisis that was worsening by the day.
MORE: Haiti Is Struck By Hanna, Drenched By Ike
CARITAS RESPONDS: Caritas Haiti sends help following storm
CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES: CRS Aids Storm-Ravaged Haiti after Hanna and Gustav; Steps Up Relief to South Asia Monsoon Floods
How to help Haiti
Agencies request cash to help Hurricane Ike victims in the Caribbean
Humanitarian/Relief Projects: Cuba and Haiti
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 7- "On Joy-Making Mourning"
35. Do not trust your fountains of tears before your soul has been perfectly purified. For wine cannot be trusted when it is drawn straight from the vats.September 8, 2008
1:23) Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, and
they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with
FEAST DAY: Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, Patroness of Cuba
Our Lady of Charity is a revered symbol in Cuba. A small statue of the
Virgin Mary is revered in Cuba as Our Lady of Charity, a symbol of
faith and national identity.
Lady of Charity has been entwined with the island's history for nearly
400 years, ever since the statue was found floating in the Bay of Nipe
off the island's northeast coast.
The discovery is chronicled in an account set down decades after the events happened.
1606 and 1612, two Indian brothers -- Juan and Rodrigo de Hoyos -- set
out with the 10-year-old African slave Juan Moreno to collect sea salt
for the Spanish colony's booming copper-mining settlement of El
Cobre. Crossing the bay in a small craft, the three spied an
object -- ``a white thing floating on the foam.'' When they drew near,
they found it was a statue of the Virgin Mary, about a foot high,
carrying the infant Jesus on her left arm and a gold crucifix in her
right hand. The statue was attached to a plank inscribed: `Yo soy
la Virgen de la Caridad [I am the Virgin of Charity].'' They carried
the statue to El Cobre, where it became an object of veneration whose
image spread throughout the island, often shown rising above a stormy
sea before the gaze of three awestruck voyagers in a tiny boat.
Our Lady of Charity was declared Cuba's patron saint by Pope Benedict XV in 1916.
CUBAN NEWS HEADLINE: Deadly Ike rakes Cuba, could hit Havana head-on
WEATHER BLOG: As promised, here is why the passage of Hurricane Ike just north of the Bay of Nipe in eastern Cuba is so significant:
documentation exists of the experiences of three very young sea salt
gatherers who went into the bay to gather salt in the early 1600's.
They ran into a storm and prayed for help. They saw and recovered from
the water a statue of the Virgen Mary, floating on a board, whose
clothing was completely dry. They carried her ashore and after more
miraculous happenings, a shrine was built in her honor on Copper
Mountain (El Cobre) in eastern Cuba. She has become known as Our Lady
of Charity and has inspired love and devotion and a spirit of
nationhood under her Queenship throughout Cuba during the last four
Her feast day is SEPTEMBER 8TH (the same day in which
the Church celebrates the Blessed Mother Mary's Birthday). Many a lost
rafter in the Florida Straits have begged for her help and protection.
EWTN: Prayer to Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, Patroness of Cuba
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 7- "On Joy-Making Mourning"
34. It is not surprising if mourning begins with good tears and ends with bad. But it is praiseworthy if reprehensible and natural tears are goaded on to spiritual tears. People inclined to vainglory understand this problem clearly.September 4, 2008
(Eph 1:15-17) Wherefore,
I also, hearing of your faith that is in the Lord Jesus and of your
love towards all the saints, Cease not to give thanks for you, making
commemoration of you in my prayers, That the God of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and
of revelation, in the knowledge of him.
LINK: The Nativity of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Reflection by Father Ted – August 29, 2008 From Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
My dearest Lord Jesus, how often do we forget that You have created us to live with You and the Father forever in Your home?Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 7- "On Joy-Making Mourning"
33. Stripped by the fear of God, let us train ourselves in all these ways, and acquire for ourselves pure and guileless tears over our dissolution. For their is no dissimulation or self-esteem in them, but on the contrary there is purification, progress in love for God, washing away of sin, and dispassion.September 3, 2008
SARAH PALIN IN THE HEADLINESLadder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 7- "On Joy-Making Mourning"
32. Many of the Fathers say that the question of tears, especially in the case of beginners, is an obscure matter and hard to ascertain, as tears are born in many different ways. For instance, there are tears from nature, from God, from adverse suffering, from praiseworthy suffering, from vainglory, from licentiousness, from love, from the remembrance of death, and from many other causes.September 2, 2008
HOMILY: What Ardent Practicing Catholics Do
EXCERPT: Don't Blame the Bishops- Catholic means pro-life by Father Thomas D. Williams
people think that when Catholics compare abortion to slavery or to Nazi
anti-Semitism they are engaging in hyperbole. They couldn't be more
wrong. Abortion is not only the greatest social injustice of our
century; it is arguably the greatest social injustice of all time.
Abortion circumscribes an entire class of human beings (the unborn) as
non-citizens, excluded from the basic rights and protections accorded
to all other human beings. In this way abortion mimics the great moral
tragedies of all time, which always began with the denigration of an
entire class of people as unworthy of life or freedom.
The evil
of abortion is compounded by the magnitude of the problem. Though
completely reliable statistics are unavailable, conservative estimates
place the number of legal abortions performed worldwide each year at
25-30 million, a figure that alone makes abortion a social problem of
staggering proportions. "Humanity today offers us a truly alarming
spectacle," wrote Pope John Paul in his 1995 encyclical letter
Evangelium Vitae, "if we consider not only how extensively attacks on
life are spreading but also their unheard of numerical proportion." The
legal, systematic elimination of the most vulnerable members of society
is the most heinous crime known to man. To fail to oppose it is to make
oneself complicit in it.
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 7- "On Joy-Making Mourning"
31. Just as fire is destructive of straw, so are pure tears destructive of all material and spiritual impurity.As Hurricane Gutav batters the Gulf Coast, Catholic Charities USA stands ready to respond with humanitarian relief.
the storm, local Catholic Charities throughout the region plan to open
community resource sites. The bulk distribution sites will offer water,
basic food essentials, cleanup supplies, personal care kits, and other
items to meet the communities' recovery needs.
In addition,
teams will be deployed into the affected areas to make damage
assessments and identify unmet needs in the communities. These
assessments will help Catholic Charities determine how best to tailor
their response efforts in the days, weeks, and months to come.
our experience from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, we stand ready to
respond to Gustav with speed, reliability, and a long-term commitment
to helping the impacted region recover," said Kim Burgo, senior
director of disaster response for Catholic Charities USA.
To contribute to Catholic Charities USA's response efforts: Call (800) 919-9338
Send checks to
Catholic Charities USA
2008 Hurricanes
PO Box 17066
Baltimore, MD 21297-1066
which has been commissioned by the U.S. Catholic Bishops to represent
the Catholic community in times of domestic disaster, responds with
emergency and long-term assistance as needed. Its Disaster Response
Office connects the Church's social service agencies and disaster
planning offices across the nation.
RELATED: Communities and churches act over Hurricane Gustav
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 7- "On Joy-Making Mourning"
30. The fruit of spurious compunction is self-esteem, and the fruit of praiseworthy compunction is consolation.Jubilee
2000: Bringing the World to Jesus
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